Street Marketing: A Content Marketing Solution

Street Marketing as a Content Marketing Solution

What does street marketing look like today in the era of all things digital? It turns out that the same basic principles of physical flyers, in-person events, and networking apply just as much to today’s digital marketing.

On this Midwest Mindset (The Omaha Podcast) episode, we are joined by Mike Tyler from the Todd n’ Tyler Radio Empire to discuss the power of Street Marketing as an effective and affordable tool to grow your business and stay relevant in the Omaha and US marketing communities.

Street Marketing  An Affordable Content Marketing Solution

What is street marketing?

Read the full transcript

So, what exactly is street marketing, and how does it fit into my content strategy? Street marketing is a type of advertising that utilizes unconventional tactics to engage with consumers in public spaces. 

It usually involves street activations to capture the attention of passersby and create memorable experiences that they will remember long term. Street marketing campaigns can include things like offering free samples and flyers in fun costumes to setting up interactive activities and rallies.

Although street marketing is an excellent way for businesses to get their name out in the community, it requires a complete understanding of the local culture, customs, and values.

Content Marketing and street Marketing

Benefits of Street Marketing: Connecting with customers 

For Todd and Tyler, being out in the Omaha community was a critical factor in gaining the authority and relevance in Nebraska they have today; they quickly discovered that people like to see and interact with them in the street, which made it more personal. 

As Matt said: “Marketing is just human nature.” It is about how people perceive you and how their emotions connect with your brand. 

In that way, Street Marketing is an efficient way to connect with customers more personally because it builds trust from human interaction. By engaging directly with potential customers in their environment, brands can create a unique experience that resonates with them and develops meaningful relationships.

Street Marketing with Tyler and Matt

The Affordable Way to Marketing

As discussed in the episode, there are many ways to market your business that don’t cost anything, but street marketing is definitely one of the more affordable and effective options to bond with your community. 

Street Marketing is about understanding your customer and what they hope for in their community and targeting that desire. In Omaha, Todd saw that people liked fun and reckless activities; people wanted to laugh, so he went into the street and began to do stunts for citizen entertainment. 

If your business isn’t about funny stunts, jokes, or wild presentations, seek other opportunities. Participate in community events and fairs or collaborate with local talents, associations, and other businesses. 

Another way to do Street Marketing is to sponsor community events, like sports activities. Intervene in small events like this that aren’t as costly as big spectaculars or TV commercials can be even more effective and profitable. 

Street Marketing for An Affordable Solution

Confidence: The Secret to Street Marketing

As someone who has been doing street marketing strategies for 30 years, Tyler gives us his best advice on how to succeed at it and produce the best results, and you’ll be surprised to learn that his tips are super accessible and simple.  

Finding and owning your unique qualities is the number one secret to street marketing success. This will make your business stand out from the rest. Customers love to be part of something different that adds value. 

Making people remember you is the way to get relevant, and this can only be achieved with confidence and your unique content and solutions.

If we never pushed, we could’ve faded away easily…

Mike Tyler

He took that leap of faith and got involved in the street community, making him and his business a relevant figure in Omaha.

Most of the time, people are afraid to do something unique and different; because, honestly, being different is scary, but if you are just copying another business, you are never going to stand out.

the content Box Street Marketing_ An Affordable Content Marketing Solution

Own Your Brand And Make People Part Of It

Imagine feeling trapped in a position or business voice that you don’t even like… Make sure you love what you are doing and the way you are marketing yourself or your business. This will show in your street marketing strategy. 

Additionally, make people feel they are part of your business. Customers like that feeling of proximity. Make a connection with the brand. 

And remember, you can’t reach everybody, so focus on targeting the persons that can benefit from your service and appreciate your content. 

Having confidence in yourself and your business, looking for opportunities, and standing out for yourself are the secrets to a thriving street marketing strategy. 

Two Brothers Creative Street Marketing_ An Affordable Content Marketing Solution

Content is Everything. We Make it Easy.

Most business owners struggle with marketing because they don’t have the time, budget, or expertise to manage it all themselves. If you need help with your marketing, we are here for you, and you can get started for free with a free marketing audit report that we will review with you. 

From free weekly marketing resources on our podcast, Midwest Mindset for Marketing, to professional coaching and consulting to having us do all the work for you at Two Brothers Creative, we believe every business deserves affordable and effective marketing. 

Download our free Daily Planner PDF and stay on top of all your daliy goals. Contact us to get started for free today.

Podcast Marketing strategy for small business

Podcast Marketing Strategy: How To Grow Your Audience

Podcast Marketing: How To Grow Your Audience

Are you looking for ways to get more people to listen to your show? Then you probably need a Podcast Marketing Strategy.

After I first started my podcast journey, I realized that growing an audience wasn’t as easy as I thought. I made countless mistakes, and it took me a while to learn the ropes.

That’s why I decided to write this blog post, to share my knowledge and experience with fellow podcasters and help you avoid the same pitfalls I encountered.

Let’s take a look at some powerful podcast marketing strategies that will help level up your listenership game.

The Foundation: Know Your Target Audience

Before diving into any marketing strategies, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your target audience.

Who are they? What are their interests? Why would they listen to your podcast?

To better understand your audience, consider creating listener personas.

Listener personas are fictional representations of your ideal listeners, including demographics, interests, and preferences. By focusing on these personas, you’ll be able to tailor your podcast and marketing efforts to their needs, increasing the chances of attracting and retaining loyal listeners.

Two Brothers Creative: know your target audience

Your Podcast’s Home: Create a Website for Your Podcast

Having a website for your podcast is crucial for several reasons.

First, it gives your podcast a central hub where listeners can find all your episodes, show notes, and additional resources.

Second, it helps with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), making it easier for potential listeners to discover your podcast when they search for relevant topics online.

When creating your website, make sure it is user-friendly and visually appealing. Include an easy-to-use media player for streaming your episodes, and make sure your show notes are well-organized and easily accessible.

Additionally, integrate an email signup form to collect subscribers for future updates and marketing campaigns.


Optimizing Your Podcast Marketing: SEO and Episode Titles

One of the most overlooked aspects of podcast marketing is optimizing your podcast for search engines.

To improve your podcast SEO, start by crafting descriptive and engaging episode titles. This will not only help listeners understand what your episodes are about, but it will also make it more likely for your podcast to appear in relevant search results.

In addition to optimizing your episode titles, include relevant keywords in your show notes and website content. Be careful not to overdo it, as search engines may penalize you for keyword stuffing.

Focus on naturally integrating keywords into your content to improve discoverability without sacrificing readability.

Promote Your Podcast on Social Media Platforms

Social media is a great way to connect with your target audience and promote your podcast.

Share your episodes across various social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Tailor your promotional content to each platform’s specific audience and format to maximize engagement.

Promote your podcast  on social media

When sharing your podcast on social media, don’t just post a link and call it a day. Instead, include captivating captions, images, and teasers that entice people to click and listen. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and questions, and encourage them to share your content with their networks.

Remember that consistency is key. Develop a social media posting schedule and stick to it to keep your audience engaged and informed about your latest episodes.

The Power of Collaboration for Podcast Marketing: Guest Appearances

Collaborating with other podcasters or influencers in your niche can significantly expand your reach and grow your audience.

Guest appearances on other podcasts and inviting guests on your show can introduce you to new listeners who might be interested in your content.

When reaching out to potential guests or hosts, be genuine and explain how your collaboration can benefit both parties. Make sure to research and select guests who are relevant to your target audience and bring value to your listeners.

Once the episode goes live, promote it across your social media channels and encourage your guest to do the same. This cross-promotion exposes your podcast to a new listener segment.

Guest Appearances and Interviews

Get Your Podcast Listed on Podcast Apps

To make it easy for potential listeners to find your podcast, ensure it’s listed on popular podcast apps, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher. Each app has its submission process and requirements, so make sure to follow their guidelines for a smooth listing experience.

Being listed on these platforms increases your podcast’s visibility and accessibility, as many podcast listeners rely on these apps for content discovery. Regularly check your podcast listings and update them as needed to keep your information accurate and up to date.

Leverage Your Show Notes for Promotion and Engagement

Show notes are a valuable resource for both listeners and search engines. Well-crafted show notes can improve your podcast’s SEO, help listeners easily navigate your content, and provide additional value by sharing links, resources, and key takeaways.

To make the most of your show notes, follow these best practices:

  • Write a brief summary of the episode that highlights the main points.
  • Include timestamps for key moments or topics discussed in the episode.
  • Add relevant links to resources, tools, or references mentioned in the episode.
  • Use bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs to make your show notes easy to skim and read.
  • Integrate your target keywords naturally within the show notes.

By providing informative and well-structured show notes, you’ll offer your listeners added value and improve your podcast’s online discoverability.

Promote your show on podcast plataforms

Engage Your Listeners and Encourage Reviews

Building a loyal and engaged audience is essential for growing your podcast.

Encourage your listeners to leave reviews on podcast platforms, as this helps boost your podcast’s rankings and increases the chances of new listeners discovering your content.

In addition to asking for reviews, create opportunities for listener engagement by encouraging them to submit questions, share feedback, or participate in discussions on your social media channels or podcast website. By fostering a sense of community, you’ll strengthen your relationship with your audience and keep them coming back for more.

My Personal Success Story: Building My Podcast Marketing Strategy

I remember when my podcast (Midwest Mindset) was struggling to gain traction. The hours of creative work, the bursting ideas, and the conversations—it felt like it was going nowhere because I didn´t have an effective marketing strategy in place.

But by implementing these podcast marketing strategies steps, I was able to steadily grow my audience and turn my passion project into a thriving community.

One particular success story stands out:

I collaborated with a well-known influencer in my niche, and our combined promotional efforts resulted in a significant spike in my listener base.

So, fellow podcasters, take it from someone who’s been there: with a little patience and persistence, you can grow your podcast audience and make your mark in the podcasting world.

Podcast Marketing strategy for small business

Monitor Your Progress: Analyze and Optimize Your Podcast Marketing

As you implement these podcast marketing strategies, it’s essential to track your progress and analyze the results. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics, podcast hosting platform insights, and social media analytics to monitor your podcast’s growth and engagement.

Keep an eye on key metrics such as:

  • Number of listens and downloads
  • Listener demographics and geographic data
  • Website traffic and visitor behavior
  • Social media engagement and growth
  • Listener reviews and ratings

By evaluating these metrics, you can identify what’s working and what needs improvement.

Continuously optimize your marketing efforts based on this data to ensure that you’re making the most of your resources and effectively growing your podcast.

Experiment with Different Marketing Channels

While the strategies outlined in this blog post are tried and true, it’s essential to stay open to new marketing opportunities and channels. As the podcasting landscape evolves, new platforms and promotional techniques may emerge that can help you reach a broader audience.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different marketing channels and tactics, such as:

  • Paid advertising on social media platforms or podcast directories
  • Content marketing through guest blogging, video content, or infographics
  • Networking at podcast conferences or industry events
  • Collaborating with non-profit organizations or brands that align with your podcast’s values

By staying curious and adaptable, you’ll be better equipped to capitalize on new opportunities and maintain your podcast’s growth momentum.

Final Thoughts: Start Your Own Podcast Marketing Strategy

Growing a podcast audience requires patience, dedication, and strategic marketing efforts. As someone who has walked this path before, I can attest that the journey is filled with challenges and learning experiences. But with the right mindset and the strategies outlined in this blog post, you’ll be well on your way to podcast success.

Remember to always stay true to your passion and your audience. Focus on creating valuable, engaging content and promoting it effectively using the tactics discussed here. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help, learn from your mistakes, and grow along the way.

So, fellow podcasters, it’s time to take your show to the next level with a Podcast Marketing Strategy. Need some help? We are here to answer all of your podcast-related questions.

top omaha podcasts to listen to omaha podcast

Podcast: Why Your Marketing Company Needs One Now

Why Your Marketing Company Needs a Podcast Now

As a marketing professional, you want to cultivate an audience that’s engaged with your brand and loves your content. And one of the smartest ways to do that is by creating a podcast.

By embracing podcasting as part of your marketing strategy, you can connect directly with listeners in a deep conversation.

Whether you’re looking to drive lead generation or build relationships with potential customers, there are endless possibilities for using podcasts as part of your personalized approach to marketing.


Build Brand Awareness with Podcasts

When I first discovered podcasts, I was hooked. I mean, HOOKED. I listened to them on my daily commute, during workouts, and even while cooking dinner.

As a marketing dude, it didn’t take long for me to put one and one together and realize the massive potential of podcasting for marketing companies and for our clients; for example, podcasts are a great way to build brand awareness.

When you create high-quality, engaging content, it reaches a wide range of podcast listeners. These listeners can become potential customers, helping your marketing efforts hit the target audience.

I remember when I first started our marketing podcast, the Midwest Mindset, I was amazed at how quickly I gained a loyal following. It felt incredible knowing that people were excited to tune in and learn from my experiences.

Podcast for marketing

The Benefits of Podcasting

Podcasts offer all sorts of unique benefits. For one, they allow for deeper connections with their audience. Listening to someone’s voice creates a sense of intimacy that’s hard to replicate in other media.

Moreover, podcasts are easily consumed on the go, making them accessible to busy people. I’ve had listeners tell me they look forward to their commute just to catch the latest podcast episode. This accessibility helps you reach a wider audience and increase conversion rates.

Getting Started with Podcast Hosting

Starting a marketing podcast may seem daunting, but it’s easier than you think. All you need is a good idea, some basic recording equipment, and a podcast hosting platform.

The podcast hosting service will store your episodes and make them available to listeners through various platforms, like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

blog for podcast an marketing two brothers

In my early days of podcasting, I was nervous about getting everything right. But once I got the hang of it, I saw how valuable it was for my marketing efforts.

Create Content that Resonates

To create content that truly resonates with your audience, focus on providing valuable information and engaging storytelling. Share personal anecdotes and insights to humanize your brand and strengthen connections with your listeners.

A memorable moment for me was when I shared the story of my first marketing campaign failure. I was amazed at the feedback I received – listeners appreciated my honesty and vulnerability, which made them feel more connected to me and my brand.

why you need a podcast

The Power of Podcast Ads

Podcast ads are an effective marketing tool that can boost conversion rates. Since podcasts offer a captive audience, ads within a podcast episode can generate high engagement. Plus, listeners are more likely to trust ads from a host they admire.

In my own podcast, I’ve found that including ads for products or services, I genuinely believe in creates an authentic experience for my audience and leads to better results.

Leveraging Social Media Channels

Don’t forget to promote your podcast through your social media channels. Share episode snippets, quotes, and behind-the-scenes content to pique your audience’s interest and encourage them to tune in. This can help you reach a larger audience and create more potential customers.

I’ve used social media to build anticipation for upcoming episodes and found it to be a powerful marketing tool.

podcast recording

Start Your Podcast Now

Podcasts are here to stay, and if you position yourself correctly now, you can witness long-term success for your business by reaching a whole new level of marketing potential.

So, take it from someone who’s been there, dive into the world of podcasting, and watch your marketing success soar.

As a marketing guy, I can’t stress enough the importance of podcasting for marketing companies. Today, podcasts are an essential part of any digital marketing strategy.

There’s still so much potential to be explored, and with the right talent, technology, data, and creative flair, you could take podcasting to heights never seen before.

So why wait any longer? Get started today on your podcast journey, and make sure that your business is at the forefront of the industry.

Midwest Mindset podcast episode featuring Matt Tompkins and Chad Dodd in Omaha, NE

How to Use Emotional Marketing: Why People Buy

Emotional Marketing: Facts vs Feelings

Today we will learn how to use emotional marketing because feelings are what consumers base decisions on – not facts. The Midwest Mindset will help you understands why people buy and ensure that your product and services are the ones that customers purchase. 

The answer to these questions might be much more straightforward than you think: human emotions.

Midwest Mindset podcast episode featuring Matt Tompkins and Chad Dodd in Omaha, NE

Emotional Marketing: Why Do Your Customers Buy From You?

Read The Full Transcript

If you learn to use human emotion to your advantage, you’ve already won because this is the fuel that drives our decision making

In this episode of Midwest Mindset (The Omaha Podcast), we delve into the intricate world of consumer psychology to help you understand why people buy and how to craft the perfect marketing message that appeals to human emotions.

But first things first: We’ll explore the three main problems and pillars you should tackle when marketing your product or services: the external, internal, and philosophical problems that customers face when deciding on a purchase and how you can connect with their feelings. 

two brothers creative video podcast marketing blog article about why people buy featuring a woman shopping

The External Problem

First comes the external problem: the facts. This problem refers to the need or issues a customer faces that your product or service will solve.

For example, your ideal customer needs a car as a necessary form of transportation to get from place to place.  His external need is transportation. If you are a car dealership, you need to solve this external problem, but you must appeal to more than just the external problem to influence his purchasing decision.

Even if you have the perfect car for this client and the facts are right before him, you must understand that the external problem is what the customer needs to be solved, but it is not what they base their purchasing decisions on.  To understand why people buy, you must solve the external problem but focus your marketing efforts on the internal problem.

The Internal Problem

This problem concerns how something makes a person feel or what they desire. In our car dealership example, the customer knows that the car will fix the problem, but he may want to feel more comfortable, more luxurious, or have some extra space when needed.

In the end, he won’t make the purchase that satisfies his needs, but the one that will meet his desires and his internal problems will ultimately make him feel better.

It is only when a product, service, or brand truly understands and connects with the customer’s emotions that it can create a strong, lasting emotional connection with its target audience. This connection will propel buyers toward making a purchase. 

Why people buy podcast episode midwest mindset

Emotional Marketing: Facts V.S. Feelings

Before jumping into the last problem, we want to focus on the difference between external and internal problems and why both are necessary to do great marketing.

Ever wonder why we often buy things we don’t need or why certain brands resonate with us even though their products might not be the best on the market? The answer lies in the delicate balance between facts and feelings

There are psychological aspects that drive consumer behavior; this is known as emotional marketing. Customers will buy what they need, but also what connects with their emotions and makes them feel something. That is why we need to understand our customer’s wants and desires to craft a compelling marketing message.

The Philosophical Problem

This is the idea of being part of something bigger than oneself and how a purchase contributes to the greater good.

In this day and age, consumers are leaning more toward socially responsible and ethical companies. Think of the Starbucks Foundation and how they invested in programs that strengthen coffee communities or how Toms gave an extra pair for each of your purchases to people in need.

Customers will make choices that reflect their values. By showing how your product or service contributes to the greater good, such as being environmentally friendly or supporting a social cause, you position your brand as an extension of your customer’s values, making it easy for your product to be purchased.

By mastering these three problems and giving each a solution, you have the perfect marketing foundation to start selling your product or service. Use this solution to tailor to your customer’s desires, emotions, and needs.

By doing this, you will make them feel like they are part of something better, that they are building a community. And that will not only generate revenue but will ensure loyal customers in the long run.

Do You Feel Like Your Marketing Isn’t Working?

You have the basics of your marketing strategy, you have mastered the answer of the 3 basic questions, what’s the next step? How do you resonate deeply and connect with your customers?

Podcasts are the new way to reach your marketing goals. With the one on one shows, people feel more connected and closer to the brands. This is the perfect space for business owners to create a bond with potential leads.

Book a FREE Strategy Call With Two Brothers Creative today!

How to Make a Podcast Trailer

How to Make a Podcast Trailer: A Step By Step Guide

What is a podcast trailer and why do I need to have one? This is a common question that podcasters ask and in this article we will dive into the advantages of a great podcast trailer and the simple tips to make your own!

We know this might sound like more work after recording your podcast episode, why not just listen to the real deal? But the thing is, a podcast trailer is essential for the promotion of your episode, so the answer is YES, you need a podcast trailer.

Cameras ready to record a Podcast Trailer

What Is A Podcast Trailer And Why Do You Need One

A podcast trailer is a short audio and video clip that previews the overall content of a podcast show or episode. It’s an introduction and tells what listeners can expect from a specific episode. 

A trailer can be done in many ways, like a promotional teaser, a coming soon, or just by showing a super exciting section of your podcast. But no matter the format, they all have one thing in common: build anticipation. 

If you really want to create a sense of excitement for your show, then yes, you need one. A trailer is the most effective way to get your audience eager to tune in when the show goes live. Also, it’s a great and easy tool for your existing listener to share and reel in a potential new audience. 

Two Brothers Creative Podcast Strategy

The Importance Of Your Origin Story

Before jumping right into it, we recommend that you take a pause and review your origin story if you already have one, and If you don’t, take the time to analyze your journey and point down all the important and key moments that brought you to where you are now. 

By figuring out the critical moment of your career and your life, you’re creating an origin story; This gives you a chance to introduce yourself and explain why you started podcasting in the first place.

This information will make it easier for your podcast trailer to be captivating since it will help create a connection with listeners by sharing something intimate about yourself that can’t be found anywhere else on the internet.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to craft a great origin story: 

How are you?

This is where you explain how your character or situation came to be. It can provide insight into the motivations and decisions that made you who you are. Here you will paint the picture of where you were, usually at the same point your listener is right now.

By mentioning your desire, and your external and internal struggles, you will create an emotional connection with your listener.

Why Should We Trust You?

Your listener must trust your expertise and knowledge, making them feel like you are the right person to lead the journey. You can do this by sharing your experience, the moments where you solved your conflicts, and how you did it; This will allow the listeners to have faith in your knowledge.

What Was Your Great Transformation?

Your story must have that moment of realization when you notice that you could achieve your grand vision for yourself.

If you did it, why can’t your listener too? Here you explain the transformation you underwent to achieve your vision, the same transformation your ideal listener needs to go through with the help of your podcast. 

What Can We Expect?

Now that you have your origin story that will inspire your audience, tell them how you are going to share it with them. It’s important that your listener knows how your show will develop. 

Try to make a list of topics you can use in your podcast trailer; by mentioning the topics and themes you’re going to go through, your audience will know what to expect from you and will want to listen. 

Here it’s a great example of an origin story that has great trailer potential: 

Create An Effective Podcast Trailer.

Be Brief And Specific.

Trailers are meant to be short; it’s just a preview to hook your listener in. The ideal trailer should be between 40-60 seconds and no more than 80.

Since you have a minimal amount of time to display your podcast, be SPECIFIC, go straight to the point, and use your seconds wisely to leave your audience eager to listen. 

Define The Tone

say you have a podcast about true crime, then your trailer might have a more mysterious and serious tone than one for an outdoor exercise, which will probably be more upbeat and fast-paced.

Define the voice and tone you want to use. You can always change and experiment with different tones, but it’s also important to be consistent, so use the same tone throughout your trailer.

How To Make A One-Sentence Mission Statement for your podcast trailer

Every podcast should have a one-sentence mission statement, a sweet and specific description that describes ONLY your podcast and that makes it stand out from the rest. This sentence will help potential listeners quickly understand the essence and target audience; this is also how people identify your show, so use it.

Using your mission statement in all social media and trailers will not only make the listener know what your show is about but will also help them identify your content from the rest. 

A great example of one one-sentence mission statement

-All about local SEO for small business owners

– Become an expert on Red wine and cheese

 -True crime stories in haunted houses at midnight 

Don’t Create An Unrealistic Expectation

We all have fallen for those deceiving movie trailers, where we think we will see something and end up watching a completely different movie. 

Think of how a trailer can have a very mysterious and scary tone, with a clip of two women telling what seems to be a horror story, but when you listen to the podcast, it is just a storytime on past relationships; this is not what you tuned it for. 

So don’t create unrealistic expectations for your trailer; try to generate excitement and hook your audience without deceiving them. Don’t go too far from your topics; try to use a tone that suits your themes. 

how to create a podcast trailer a step by step guide

Call To Action (CTA)

Make sure to add a CTA at the end of your trailer. You can do this by inviting your audience to subscribe to your channel or newsletter, checking your social media, and leaving a like or sharing your trailer.

This doesn’t mean they will actually do it, but It encourages people. A successful call to action should be clear and concise; it should tell listeners what they will get in retirement to motivate them to complete the task without confusion.

You can say something like: 

  • Subscribe to the newsletter by clicking the green button to get a notification when the show goes live
  • check out social media for a sneak peek at the next episode

Promote Your Podcast Trailer 

It’s time to get your trailer out there. The easiest way is to promote it on social media; This way, people can share it with other potential listeners.

Try to post it on all channels, you might think that your target audience might be in just one channel, like Linked or Facebook, but in reality, you just never know how you might come across your trailer just scrolling through Twitter or Tik Tok.

Two Brothers Creative is a content marketing company in Omaha, Nebraska, that specializes in leveraging a podcast with video to meet all of the marketing needs of any small business. We believe that every business deserves affordable and effective marketing.

The best podcast launch strategy: 7 pro tips

The best podcast launch strategy: 7 pro tips

Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular and competitive, that’s why starting your own can be intimidating without the right podcast launch strategy and proper steps.

But where does one even start? Here are 7 of our essential tips to start podcasting the right way

A perfect place to developing a good podcast launch strategy

1 Get Painfully Specific

Defining a very specific and niche audience is the first step to a successful podcast. It’s crucial to be as specific as possible when searching for who you are trying to reach, as this will help you create content that actually resonates with a particular group of people.

You may think that the more people you can reach with your podcast, the better, but in reality, It’s more challenging to gain a faithful audience if you don’t have a specific profile in mind. When you try to appeal to the masses, you have to water your content down, and let’s be honest, why would someone listen to a water-down podcast that doesn’t really get deep into anything?

Without knowing who exactly you are trying to reach, it’s easy for your content to get lost in the sea of podcasts that are competing to appeal to a vague demographic. So remember: be as specific as you can.

how to launch a podcast

2 Define Your Listener Profile

Once you have been super specific and really know who you are targeting with your podcast, you can create content that resonates with that group more effectively. You will have an understanding of what topics they find interesting, as well as their needs, desires, and motivations. 

With this information, you can create a powerful profile list with the characteristics of your target audience.

Let’s say you have a podcast about yoga and motherhood; your ideal listener profile probably be something like: a pregnant woman with kids between the ages of 29 and 40 seeking an effective exercise routine that fits into their busy lifestyle. Then, when she finds your podcast, she will feel that the show was made for her.

3 Create Your One-Sentence Mission Statement

Now that you have figured out your ideal listener and profile, the goal is for them to actually find and want to listen to your show. How do we do that? Well, there are a few essential things to consider when making a great podcast description.

Describe Your Show In 10 Words

Just 10 words are enough, no more. 

Pitch your show in one short sentence that just describes what your podcast it’s about. This will be in all your episodes and in your social media, so try to make it something easy to remember to help your audience spread the word.

podcast launch strategy

Your Podcast Launch must ONLY describe your show

If your one-sentence statement can match another podcast, then it’s not specific enough. Again: make sure your description REALLY tells the listener what your show it’s about, this will also help you stand out from the crowd among the other podcasts.

No Vague Language

Remember: there are millions of shows on the internet that are probably talking about something related to your topics, so don’t use vague language; this will only allow your podcast to get lost. Don’t use adjectives like “awesome,” “amazing,” or “wonderful,” or features like “interview,” “stories,” or “news.” Instead, make every word meaningful.

Call Your Target Audience

Ask yourself what makes your audience different and what inspires them, and use that to your advantage to really attract and invite them to listen.

By putting into practice these few tips, you can go from something like this

  •  “An In-depth podcast about all the tips and strategies about marketing “

to something like this 

  • ” All about local SEO for small business owners.”
podcast tips for beginers

4 Convince Your Audience That You Are The Expert

Ok, this might sound intimidating at first, but really ask yourself: why am I the perfect person to host this podcast? What is my expertise and why should people listen to me? Remember: before you convince your audience you have to convince yourself.

We believe that the best way to convince your audience is to inspire them. You can do this by telling your origin story, telling your listeners your journey, what you have learned along the way, your conflicts, and how you solve them. Tell about the moment when you realized you could achieve your grand vision especially; make sure to tell them about the transformation you underwent and that you’ll help them undergo it with your podcast.

In summary: 

  • Origin story, 
  • Your grand vision 
  • The transformation you will help them achieve.

Feeling confident and trusting in your work will also make your listener trust you. But above all, you will inspire an audience that will stay tuned to learn about your expertise and history. 

5 An Easy Name And a Flexible Format: Podcast Launch Basics

A good name should be easy to remember, appeal to your audience, and immediately convey what your show is about. Your podcast’s name will become its identity, so it’s essential that you take the time to come up with one that resonates with potential listeners.

Your audience will first tune in because of a catchy name and a specific one-sentence statement and later decide to stay because of the value of your content. So the last thing you want to do is waste space from your title with unhelpful information, like your own name or the word “podcast” or “show”. Make every word count. 

video podcast production in Omaha

it’s probable that the person already knows they are listening to a podcast and don’t really care (at first) for the host’s name, so put your efforts into targeting your preferred audience instead. 

Avoid names like: 

  • Julia´s weekly podcast: everything tip you need to know about business

Instead use names like:

  •  Easy SEO for small business owners

Once you have your name ready it’s time to define a format for your podcast, the best way to do this is by trial and error, by experimenting with all the formats until you find the one that works the best with your topics and audience. 

Here are some formats you could try:


the classic question-and-answer conversation with at least two people


A captivating way to tell a story, with special attention to detail, almost like reading from a novel.

Talk Show

Like the ones on TV, with a charismatic host that guides the conversation to the most interesting life aspects of the guest


a classic solo show, usually the host is the one doing the talking

Call-in/Ask Me Anything (AMA)

The host receives questions from his audience, either previously selected or from the live comments, to answer during the show.

Just remember: what worked one day might not work another, so don’t trap yourself in one format, it’s ok to continuously experiment to find ways that fit your content.

6 Bring It All Together: Your Show’s Premise

You are almost ready to start your podcast: you have your target audience, name, format, origin story, and everything, so now what?

We encourage you to look at these questions; they will help you define your show’s premise, understand where you are, and what direction is best for your podcast to go.

  • WHO is the show for? (Target Audience)
  • WHY are YOU leading the journey? (Origin Story)
  • WHERE are you taking them? (Destination, Grand Vision)
  • WHAT transformation will they undergo? (Transformation)
  • How are we getting there? (Format)
  • When is this happening? (Release cadence)

You can reel in new ideas from each of these questions that your niche audience will enjoy; it’s a matter of making them into topics and developing each one.

7 Invest In The Right Equipment

You have all the layouts for your show ready. Now comes the fun part: record the podcast.

It’s important to mention that the value of your content is the most important thing for a successful podcast; however, having the right equipment can also make a huge difference in how well-received your podcast is. Investing in quality equipment will ensure that your audience gets the best of the best and stays longer.

video-podcast production Omaha Nebraska

This is the list of our recommended equipment for a high-quality podcast:

Microphone: Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic

Microphone stand: Podcast Pro Mic Boom Package

Audio Interface: Focusrite SCARLETT SOLO 3rd Gen

Cámara: insta360 Link

Headphones: Audio Technica ATH-M20X

Ring Light: LED Ring Light 10

This is what has worked for us and what we swear by, but the best way to find out what equipment is best for your podcast is to do thorough research on all the equipment characteristics until you find the ones that fit the most with your space and setup.

Launch Your Podcast

Congratulations! You are now ready to start a successful podcast with a niche audience and compelling stories that inspire your listeners.

We encourage you to be up to date with the latest trends and changes, so you can keep improving your podcast strategy moving forward.

Need more help? Contact us today to get your podcast started.