Influencer And Micro-Influencer Marketing

Building Succes With a Micro-Influencer Marketing Strategy

In today’s digital market, traditional methods are losing their luster, and influencer and micro-influencer marketing is gaining momentum. 

Billboards and newspaper ads might have worked in the past, but today’s consumers are turning to social media and online communities for information and recommendations. 

This shift has opened up a world of opportunity for entrepreneurs willing to embrace these strategies. This is how you can leverage influencer marketing to reach a new level of success. 

Midwest Mindset_ The Importance of micro influencer marketing


On this recent episode of the Midwest Mindset podcast, serial entrepreneur Tim Rexius, the brains behind Rexius Business Consulting, shared his secrets to success with this powerful marketing strategy.

Micro-influencer marketing leverages the influence of individuals with a smaller yet highly engaged audience on social media platforms. 

By partnering with micro-influencers who align with your brand’s values and resonate with your target audience, you can drive engagement, build trust, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals.

What is Micro-Influencer Marketing?

Micro-influencers are individuals who have a smaller but highly engaged following on social media platforms. Unlike mega-influencers with millions of followers, micro-influencers typically have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers.

The real power of micro-influencer marketing lies in their authenticity and strong connection with their audience. These influencers are seen as trusted friends and advisors, making their recommendations more influential than those of celebrities or macro-influencers.

In recent years, micro-influencer marketing has shifted from a pay-for-popularity model to a pay-for-performance model. 

This means that brands are now more focused on results and ROI, rather than simply the number of followers an influencer has.

Finding the Right Micro-Influencers for Your Brand

The first step to successful micro-influencer marketing is identifying the right influencers for your brand. Start by understanding your target audience.

This is because the influencer you choose should align with your audience’s interests, values, and demographics. This will help ensure that your influencer marketing campaign is effective and reaches the right people. 

  • Who are your ideal clients?
  • What are their interests and demographics?
  • Which social media platforms do they frequent?

Once you have a clear picture of your target audience, you can begin searching for micro-influencers who align with your brand values and appeal to your ideal clients. Look for influencers who create high-quality content, have a strong engagement rate, and share your passion for real estate.

Remember, the goal is to find influencers who genuinely believe in your brand and can authentically promote your services to their followers.

Building Relationships with Micro-Influencers

Building strong relationships with micro-influencers is crucial for long-term success. Here are a few tips for fostering mutually beneficial partnerships:

Be Authentic and Engaging 

Approach influencers with genuine interest and respect. Engage with their content, leave thoughtful comments, and show appreciation for their work. 

Building a genuine connection with influencers will make them more likely to collaborate with you and promote your brand.

Offer something of value in return, such as free access to your services or products, exclusive content, or discounts for their followers. 

Offer Fair Compensation

While some micro-influencers may be willing to work for free products or services, most expect to be compensated for their time and effort. Consider offering a combination of monetary payment and other incentives, such as exclusive access to events or early access to new listings.

Collaborate and Co-Create

Work together with micro-influencers to develop content that aligns with both your brand messaging and their unique voice. This will ensure that your message resonates with their audience and feels authentic.

influencer marketing

Marketing with Local Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers can be valuable for any company looking to connect with potential clients and build their brand. Especially when we are talking on a local level. 

Partner with local micro-influencers who have a deep understanding of your market and can share valuable insights about neighborhoods, schools, and amenities.

Micro-influencers often have a loyal and engaged following who trust their opinions and recommendations. This credibility allows them to serve as effective brand ambassadors, advocating for products or services in a genuine and authentic manner.


Influencer Marketing Services: A Helping Hand for Busy Professionals

Navigating the world of micro-influencer marketing can be a daunting task, especially for busy real estate professionals. That’s where influencer marketing services come in. These specialized agencies can help you streamline your efforts and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

What Do Influencer Marketing Services Offer?

Influencer marketing services can range from simple consultation to full-fledged campaign management. Common services include:

  • Influencer Identification: Agencies can help you find the right micro-influencers for your brand, based on your target audience, budget, and goals.
  • Campaign Strategy Development: Experts can develop a comprehensive influencer marketing strategy tailored to your specific needs.
  • Content Creation and Management: Agencies can create and manage engaging content for your micro-influencer campaigns, ensuring a cohesive brand message.
  • Performance Tracking and Analysis: Services often include tracking and analyzing campaign performance data to measure ROI and optimize future efforts.
influencer marketing (2)

Benefits of Outsourcing Your Influencer Marketing

Partnering with an influencer marketing service can offer several advantages. Outsourcing frees up your valuable time to focus on your core business activities, such as building client relationships and closing deals.

Agencies have specialized knowledge and experience in influencer marketing, ensuring that your campaigns are effective and efficient.

Maximize ROI

By leveraging data-driven insights and proven strategies, agencies can help you achieve a higher return on your influencer marketing investment.

Choosing the Right Influencer Marketing Partner

When selecting an influencer marketing service, consider the following factors:

Experience in Your Industry: Look for agencies that have a proven track record of working with real estate brands or similar industries.

Transparent Pricing: Ensure that the agency’s pricing structure is clear and upfront, with no hidden fees.

Data-Driven Approach: Choose an agency that uses data and analytics to inform their strategies and measure results.

Strong Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration are essential for a successful partnership. Look for an agency that is responsive and open to feedback.

influencer marketing Two Brothers Creative

The Role of an Influencer Marketing Manager

For larger real estate firms or those with extensive marketing budgets, hiring an influencer marketing manager can be a valuable investment. This dedicated professional will oversee your influencer marketing strategy, manage relationships with influencers, and track campaign performance.

The ideal influencer marketing manager will possess:

  • Strong Communication and Negotiation Skills: They should be able to build rapport with influencers and negotiate mutually beneficial partnerships.
  • Data Analysis Skills: They should be able to track and analyze campaign performance data to optimize future efforts.
  • Creativity and Strategic Thinking: They should be able to develop innovative influencer marketing campaigns that align with your brand goals.

An influencer marketing manager can be a valuable asset, ensuring that your influencer marketing efforts are aligned with your overall marketing strategy and deliver measurable results.

Tim Rexius’s Micro-Influencers Strategy

Tim Rexius’s experience with both macro and micro-influencers highlights the importance of testing and experimentation. 

He found that while some macro-influencers with millions of followers may not deliver significant results, micro-influencers with smaller but highly engaged audiences can often drive more meaningful engagement and conversions.

This underscores the importance of testing different types of influencers and tracking the results to determine which partnerships are most effective for your brand.

The 20% Rule: Finding the Right Fit

Rexius also observed a “20% rule” in influencer marketing, where roughly 20% of influencers generate a profitable ROI. This means that finding the right influencers for your brand is crucial. 

It’s not just about the number of followers, but also about their audience demographics, engagement levels, and alignment with your brand values.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and try different approaches. By testing various influencers and tracking the results, you can identify the partnerships that deliver the best results for your real estate business.

Midwest Mindset influencer marketing

Platforms for Finding Micro-Influencers

There are several platforms that can help you connect with potential micro-influencers.

  • Join Brands: This platform allows you to post influencer campaigns and receive applications from interested influencers.
  • Collabstr: This platform simplifies the process of finding and collaborating with micro-influencers.

By utilizing these platforms and tools, you can streamline your search for the perfect micro-influencers to represent your brand and reach your target audience

Start Growing Your Digital Reach with Influencer Marketing

Boos a Free strategy call with Two Brothers Creative to learn more about our marketing services.

We’ll work with you to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your ideal clients and sets you apart from the competition.

Contact us today to learn how we can tailor a marketing strategy that speaks directly to your male audience.

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.

Real Estate Storytelling For Agents

The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing

The real estate market is a crowded place. With so many agents vying for attention, how do you make yourself stand out? The answer might surprise you: it’s not about flashy ads or aggressive sales tactics. It’s about the power of real estate storytelling.

On this recent episode of the Midwest Mindset podcast, serial entrepreneur and real estate expert Jay Miralles shared his insights on how storytelling can revolutionize your real estate marketing.  

The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing

Meet Jay Miralles: Passion for Real Estate and Helping Others

Our guest on this episode of Midwest Mindset is not your average real estate agent. Jay Miralles is a serial entrepreneur, a military veteran, and a community leader who’s passionate about helping others achieve their dreams.

With his hands in multiple businesses and organizations, including a non-profit dedicated to helping veterans, Jay understands the challenges and opportunities that come with building a successful brand and marketing it effectively.

Jay Expertise

As a real estate pro, Jay has a wealth of experience helping clients navigate the ever-changing real estate landscape. 

He understands the struggles that agents face in today’s market, from the pressure to stand out in a crowded field to the confusion of choosing the right marketing strategies.

Jay’s approach to real estate marketing is rooted in authenticity, expertise, and a genuine desire to help others. 

He believes that by sharing his knowledge and experience, he can empower real estate agents to build successful businesses and make a real difference in their communities.

The Challenge: Standing Out in a Crowded Market

The real estate industry is saturated with agents all competing for the same clients. Traditional marketing tactics, like billboards and direct mail, often get lost in the shuffle, leaving potential clients feeling overwhelmed and confused.

So, how do you cut through the noise and make a lasting impression? 

It’s quite simple: by being yourself and highlighting your unique strengths and expertise.

In a world of cookie-cutter marketing approaches, authenticity is what sets you apart. By embracing your personality and values, you can establish a personal connection with potential clients and stand out in their minds.

Two Brothers team on authenticity meeting. 


Miralles believes that authenticity is the secret ingredient to any effective marketing strategy.  As he puts it, “The key in any marketing strategy or messaging is conveying knowledge and expertise…with authenticity.”

In essence, being authentic means being genuine to yourself. It’s about sharing your unique experiences and perspectives in a way that resonates with your audience. 

When you’re real, people will feel it, and they’ll be more likely to trust you and want to work with you.

True Real Estate Marketing

Consumers are increasingly savvy and can spot a fake from a mile away. That’s why businesses need to be authentic in their marketing

When you’re real, people will feel it, and they’ll be more likely to trust you and want to work with you. When you’re real, you’ll be able to build stronger relationships with your customers and create a lasting connection.

The Importance Of Storytelling In Marketing

Storytelling is a time-tested method for building trust and rapport with potential clients. By sharing your personal experiences – your challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned – you become more than just a real estate agent. You become a human being with a story that others can relate to.

Miralles encourages agents to embrace their unique stories and use them to connect with clients. 

Whether it’s a tale of overcoming adversity, a passion for helping first-time homebuyers, or a humorous anecdote from your career, your story can help you differentiate yourself and create lasting connections

The Message: Helping Your Marketing for Real Estate

The Message: Helping Your Marketing for Real Estate

Miralles’ approach to real estate marketing is deeply rooted in the “Midwest Mindset” – a philosophy of helping others without expecting anything in return. 

This genuine desire to serve others creates an undeniable positive energy that attracts clients and fosters lasting success.

When you prioritize providing value and building relationships, the business will naturally follow. As Matt Tompkins, the host of the Midwest Mindset podcast, wisely states, 

“I think the key in any marketing strategy or messaging is conveying knowledge and expertise…with authenticity.”

Delivering the Message

The need for alignment between a business’s marketing message and its true identity and values.

Rejecting artificial or inauthentic marketing tactics in favor of genuine connection.

Emphasizing the power of personal stories and experiences in building trust and rapport with clients.

Avoiding Predatory Marketing Tactics

These are the things to avoid as a real estate agent who wants to do effective, true marketing that connects with people. 

  • Making false or misleading statements about properties.
  • Using deceptive advertising techniques, such as bait-and-switch tactics or failing to disclose important information about properties.
  • Exaggerating the potential value or benefits of a property.
  • Promising guaranteed returns on investment.
  • Engaging in unethical or illegal practices, such as bribery or collusion with other agents.
  • Failing to respect the privacy of clients or sharing their personal information without their consent.
  • Engaging in deceptive or misleading advertising practices, such as using fake reviews or testimonials.
  • Failing to disclose material facts about properties, such as known defects or environmental hazards.
  • Making promises that cannot be kept, such as guaranteeing a certain sale price or closing date.
The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing (2)

The Power of Simplicity and Consistency

In marketing, it’s often better to keep things simple and focus on a few key tactics rather than spreading resources too thin. 

By choosing a few channels and tactics that align with business goals and target audiences, real estate agents can achieve better results.

  • Consistency is key: Regularly creating and publishing high-quality content, engaging with customers on social media, and staying in touch with leads through email marketing is crucial for building brand awareness and trust.

The Value of Investing in Expertise

Encouraging real estate agents to seek guidance from marketing experts is paramount in the ever-changing world of the industry. 

In a time when information is readily available, it can be tempting to rely on outdated advice or generic strategies. However, partnering with marketing experts offers a multitude of benefits.

The Power of Mentorship and Community

Beyond formal mentorship programs and organizations, entrepreneurs need to cultivate a supportive network of peers, advisors, and industry experts. 

Building relationships with individuals who are knowledgeable in different areas of business can provide valuable perspectives, fresh ideas, and potential collaborations. 

This interconnected community serves as a source of inspiration, motivation, and accountability, enabling entrepreneurs to push boundaries and achieve their goals.

Continuous learning and growth are fundamental to personal and professional success. In the rapidly evolving business landscape, entrepreneurs must stay ahead of industry trends, embrace new technologies, and adapt to changing market conditions. 

Real estate marketing is about more than just listing properties and posting on social media. It’s about telling a story – your story – and connecting with clients on a deeper level. 

Midwest Mindset_ The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing

So, What’s Your Story?

Ready to harness the power of storytelling in your real estate marketing? Our team at Two Brothers Creative can help. 

We’ll work with you to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your ideal clients and sets you apart from the competition.

Contact us today to learn how we can tailor a marketing strategy that speaks directly to your male audience.

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.

Marketing to Men: Strategy For a Male Audience

Marketing to Men: What Really Works For a Male Audience

Ever feel like your marketing messages are falling flat with the guys? You’re not alone! Many businesses today struggle with marketing to man, and for good reason.

We explored the unique challenges and untapped opportunities that come with reaching this often misunderstood audience, especially in the healthcare industry.

 Male Audience in Healthcare Marketing

Is Marketing a Male-Dominated Field?

On the latest episode of the Midwest Mindset podcast, our guest, Jess Goldoni, Marketing director of Limitless Male, dove headfirst into the fascinating world of marketing to men. 

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t marketing a male-dominated field?” Think Don Draper, slicked-back hair, and three-martini lunches. Well, it’s time to shatter that myth. While the “Mad Men” era may have painted a picture of a testosterone-fueled industry, today’s marketing landscape is far more diverse.

But even with this shift, understanding the male perspective remains crucial for any business looking to connect with modern guys. So, let’s ditch the stereotypes and dive into what really works when it comes to marketing to men.

Marketing to Men: It’s Not Just About Beer and Sports 

Forget the clichés. Marketing to men isn’t just about slapping a football player on a billboard or cracking a beer joke. 

Men are not a monolithic group with a single set of interests and motivations. We’re talking about a diverse bunch with varying ages, backgrounds, and preferences.

Some guys are fitness fanatics, while others are passionate about cooking or gaming. Some are family men, while others are focused on their careers. The key is to understand these different segments and tailor your messages accordingly.

Think about it: would you use the same marketing approach to reach a 25-year-old gamer as you would a 50-year-old father of three? Probably not. 

Myth vs. Reality: Dispelling the stereotype of the “Mad Men” era.

Today, women hold leadership positions in major marketing firms and agencies, and they’re creating innovative campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences. The industry is becoming more inclusive, with professionals from all backgrounds bringing their unique perspectives to the table.

But here’s the thing: regardless of who’s creating the marketing messages, understanding the male perspective is still essential. 

Men and women often have different communication styles, preferences, and motivations. To truly connect with men, marketers need to speak their language and address their specific needs

It's Not Just About Beer and Sports

Meeting Men Where They Hang Out Online

Reaching men means meeting them where they hang out online. And no, it’s not just about sports forums and Reddit threads.

Men are active on a variety of platforms, from Facebook and Instagram to YouTube and LinkedIn. They’re consuming content, engaging with brands, and even making purchasing decisions online. The key is to create content that speaks to their interests and values.

In a world where technology has transformed the way we interact and form connections, the internet has become a vast digital landscape for men seeking companionship and like-minded individuals. 

So, where are men hanging out, and what are their online habits?

Social Media

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are prime spots to engage men. While Facebook and Instagram are great for visual content and personal connection, LinkedIn caters to professional interests. 

Tailor your content and approach to the specific platform and audience.

Marketing to Men and male audiences

Online Forums and Communities

Reddit, niche forums (think gaming, tech, or hobbies), and even Facebook groups can be goldmines for reaching men with shared interests. Participate in discussions, offer valuable insights, and build relationships with the community to establish your brand.

Video Platforms

YouTube and Twitch are popular among men for entertainment and education. Consider creating video content that aligns with your brand and resonates with male viewers.

Crafting Digital Content That Clicks with Guys

Once you know where to find your male audience, it’s time to create content that grabs their attention.

  • Visuals are essential: Men are often drawn to strong visuals. Use high-quality images, infographics, and videos to convey your message quickly and effectively.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet: Attention spans can be fleeting. Craft concise messages that get to the point without unnecessary fluff.
  • Humor is Your Friend: A touch of humor can make your brand more approachable and memorable. Just be sure it aligns with your overall tone and doesn’t alienate any potential customers.
  • Speak Their Language: Use relatable language and avoid excessive jargon. Talk to men like you would a friend, not a textbook.

Remember, the key to connecting with men online is understanding their interests, preferences, and communication styles

authentic content marketing Nebraska

Male Audience in Healthcare Marketing

When it comes to healthcare, marketing to men presents its own unique set of challenges. Let’s face it, guys aren’t exactly known for their eagerness to visit the doctor.

We tend to be reluctant to seek help, even when we know something’s wrong. Plus, we’re often skeptical of traditional advertising, especially when it comes to health issues.

So, how do you overcome these challenges and connect with men on a deeper level? Here are a few strategies that have proven to be effective

Prevention and wellness

Focus on the benefits of staying healthy rather than just treating illness. By focusing on maintaining good health, we can reduce the likelihood of developing illnesses in the first place. 

Social Proof

Leverage testimonials from other men to build trust and credibility. Hearing from real people who have had positive experiences can help overcome skepticism and encourage men to take action.

Male audience target

Why Women Play a Key Role in Men’s Health Decisions

While men are the end-users of many healthcare services, their partners often play a pivotal role in their decision-making process

Women are frequently the ones researching options, scheduling appointments, and encouraging their partners to prioritize their well-being.

This dynamic presents a unique opportunity for healthcare marketers. By recognizing and addressing the influence of women in men’s health decisions, you can significantly increase your reach and impact.

Women and Men’s Health

  • Information Gatekeepers: Women often act as the primary information gatherers for their families. They research healthcare providers, treatments, and preventative measures, filtering options before presenting them to their partners.
  • Health Advocates: Women are more likely to encourage their partners to seek medical attention, schedule checkups, and follow through with treatment plans.
  • Shared Decision-Makers: Couples often make healthcare decisions together. Women’s opinions and concerns carry significant weight in these discussions.
Men's Audience Challenges in Healthcare Marketing

To effectively market to both men and women, consider craft marketing campaigns that address both men’s specific concerns and women’s desire to see their partners healthy and well.

Develop content that resonates with women’s role as caregivers and health advocates. This could include blog posts, social media campaigns, or targeted ads.

By understanding the dynamics of men’s health decision-making, you can create marketing campaigns that speak to both men and the women who care about them, ultimately driving better health outcomes for everyone.

Men’s Audience Challenges in Healthcare Marketing

It is important to understand the specific challenges men face when it comes to seeking healthcare.

Men are less likely to seek preventive care, often neglecting their health until issues become severe. This can lead to delayed diagnoses and poorer health outcomes. Healthcare marketers need to address these challenges to effectively target male audiences.

Cultural and Societal Factors:

Gender norms and stereotypes discourage men from seeking help for health concerns, as it may be perceived as a sign of weakness.

Traditional masculine ideals emphasize stoicism and independence, leading men to prioritize work and family over their health.

There is also a lack of awareness about health risks and services tailored to men.To effectively address these challenges, healthcare marketers can implement strategies such as:

  • Developing targeted marketing campaigns that address men’s specific health concerns and needs.
  • Creating gender-sensitive healthcare content and resources that use accessible language and visuals.
  • Partnering with male influencers or healthcare professionals to deliver credible and relatable health information.
  • Advocating for more male-friendly healthcare policies and initiatives.
  • Providing flexible appointment times and convenient locations to accommodate men’s busy schedules.
  • Offering financial assistance or insurance coverage options to reduce cost barriers.

By understanding and addressing the unique challenges men face in seeking healthcare, healthcare marketers can create more effective and inclusive marketing strategies that lead to improved health outcomes for men.

A Marketing to Men Approach

A Marketing to Men Approach

Marketing to men isn’t rocket science, but it does require a thoughtful and strategic approach. By understanding their unique needs, preferences, and motivations, you can create campaigns that truly resonate and drive results. 

Take Your Market to The Next Level

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? The experts at Two Brothers Creative are here to help. 

Contact us today to learn how we can tailor a marketing strategy that speaks directly to your male audience.

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.

Grow Your Business with AI: The Do’s and Don’ts

Grow Your Business with AI in the Right Way

Navigating the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business can be a bit of a balancing act. You’re excited to explore the benefits of AI for content creation, yet cautious about the risks, particularly in protecting your business’s sensitive information.

In this Midwest Mindset podcast episode, we are joined by Shawn Quintero, chief AI officer at Elite Real Estate Systems to discuss how to use AI the right way to propel your business forward. 

His insights are particularly helpful for those new to AI. The focus is on harnessing AI’s potential while ensuring the safety of your business’s data and maintaining high-quality content output.

Shawn’s approachable yet professional guidance makes AI less intimidating and more accessible, providing you with actionable tips to incorporate AI into your business practices confidently. Whether you’re just starting with AI or looking to refine your current strategy, his advice is a great resource.

Grow Your Business with AI

AI to Grow Your Business: Learning from the Past

The journey of AI in business is a story of evolution, innovation, and learning. From its inception in the 1950s to the creation of the first chatbots in the 1960s, AI has been shaping the way we do business.

The 1990s brought us advanced AI robots, like Kismet, capable of emotional expression.

Then came the game-changing moment in 2009, when Facebook revolutionized content curation with AI-driven algorithms, shifting from recent posts to engagement-based feeds.

Read Full Transcript

This history teaches us how AI evolved from a novel concept to a crucial tool in business growth, underlining the importance of adapting and innovating.

Each era in AI’s history offers lessons on leveraging technology to enhance business strategies, emphasizing the need to evolve with technology to stay ahead.

How Facebook Changed it All

Facebook’s 2009 shift to an AI-driven algorithm marked a turning point in digital interaction. Moving from displaying recent posts to prioritizing content based on user engagement, Facebook transformed how content reaches audiences.

This pivotal change not only kept users more engaged on the platform but also revolutionized online marketing and content distribution.

Businesses now had to rethink their strategies to harness the power of AI for visibility and engagement.

Facebook’s move underscored the growing influence of AI in shaping user experiences and set a new standard for content curation, making it a critical tool for businesses in the digital era.

The AI Algorithm Based Powerhouse

The advent of Facebook’s algorithm-driven approach marked the dawn of the algorithm-based era, fundamentally changing user engagement.

This shift was rapidly embraced by Netflix, tailoring recommendations to individual tastes, and soon became a norm among industry giants. This era necessitated the evolution of AI, leading to the development of smarter, self-learning technologies.

It wasn’t just about new technology; it was about personalization at scale.

While AI itself wasn’t new, this surge in algorithmic innovation made it more accessible and relevant, opening doors for entrepreneurs and small businesses to leverage AI for personalized customer experiences and efficient business operations.

Grow Your Business with AI with Shawn Quintero and Two Brothers Creative

The Rise of Chat GPT and Open AI

The emergence of algorithm-based technology sparked a surge in AI development, with platforms like Chat GPT, Jasper, and Bard stepping into the spotlight.

These companies recognized a significant market opportunity and worked to make AI technology widely accessible. Their growth hinged on enhancing AI’s capabilities, requiring an expansion in the use and sharing of user-provided data globally.

This sharing of information is a cornerstone of open AI, enabling these systems to learn from extensive data pools and continually refine their performance.

This evolution marks a pivotal moment in AI, democratizing its use and bringing advanced technology into the hands of many.

The Implications of Business Growth with AI

AI holds the potential to significantly boost business growth, offering a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced market.

However, it’s crucial to tread carefully and understand the nuances of using Open AI.

When incorporating AI into daily operations, businesses must consider several key implications. This includes understanding how AI processes and utilizes user data, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations, and recognizing the limitations of AI in decision-making.

It’s about balancing the benefits of AI-driven efficiency and innovation with ethical considerations and data security. Thoughtful integration of AI can be transformative, but it requires a strategic and informed approach.

Data Privacy Concerns

Data privacy is a critical concern of AI, especially as it often involves handling sensitive business and customer information.

AI systems require access to vast amounts of data, including potentially personal details about customers, their purchasing habits, preferences, and demographics.

While this data is incredibly useful for tailoring customer experiences and boosting sales, it also brings forth significant privacy issues.

Businesses employing AI must prioritize responsible usage, adhere to data protection laws, and rigorously protect their customers’ information.

Balancing the advantages of AI with ethical data management is essential for maintaining trust and integrity in the digital age.

Authenticity in Marketing being creative

Inauthentic Interactions: Don’t Sound Like a Robot

AI might be great at mimicking human conversations, but let’s face it, it’s still a robot.

It’s continuously learning, but it’s not uncommon for AI interactions to lack authenticity, which can turn off customers. This inauthentic vibe can erode trust and weaken the connection with your brand.

It’s vital to find the right mix of AI automation and human touch. Ensuring your customers feel a real, human connection in their interactions with your business is key.

It’s about using AI smartly to enhance the customer experience, not replace the personal, genuine engagement that customers value.

Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution

AI comes with a host of advantages, but it’s not the magic solution for every business challenge.

It’s important to remember that AI is a tool.

It excels at streamlining processes, offering insights, and generating content, but it’s not a substitute for strategic human decision-making or creative thinking.

Some businesses might think AI can replace certain roles, but it’s important to recognize its limits.

Relying solely on AI for every facet of your business can be a misstep. Understanding where AI fits and where human expertise is irreplaceable is key to leveraging it effectively in your business strategy.

How to Grow Your Business with AI

So, keeping this in mind, how can you use AI the right way, ensure you sound real and credible, and connect with your audience while keeping their privacy safe?

These are Shawn’s pro tips to leverage AI in a smart, functional way. 

Maximizing Results with Quality Input

The effectiveness of your AI-generated content directly depends on the quality of the information you feed into it.

If you provide AI with unclear or inaccurate details, the output will likely miss the mark.

To get the best results, give clear, detailed instructions to ensure the AI understands your specific needs.

Crafting the Right Business Tone

In business communications, authenticity is key.

Your tone should mirror your brand’s values and personality.

Strive for sincerity in your messages and avoid relying too much on AI-generated content that may come across as robotic.

Genuine communication is noticeable and helps build trust with your audience.

Understand Your Audience

Getting your tone right starts with knowing your audience.

Different groups have varied expectations and preferences, so tailoring your tone to suit your audience is essential for effective communication.

AI Dos and Dont's

Get Your Facts Right

Credibility in communication hinges on accuracy.

Whether it’s a blog, social media post, or business proposal, make sure your information is correct and current.

Always double-check facts and be skeptical of any data or statistics provided by AI.

Becoming AI-Savvy

To effectively use AI, familiarize yourself with the type of AI you’re using, including its terms, conditions, and capabilities.

You don’t need to be a tech expert, as many resources are available to help you understand these concepts in simple terms.

Stay Informed and Up-to-Date

AI is a rapidly changing field. Keeping up with the latest trends and advancements is crucial to maintaining relevance.

This might mean attending industry events, joining online forums, or subscribing to newsletters and publications in the field.

Practice Ethical AI Use

When employing AI, especially Open AI, respect privacy laws, ensure data security, and be mindful of biases.

Ethical AI use not only safeguards you legally but also supports responsible technology use.

Leveraging AI as a Time-Saving Tool

Remember, AI is a tool designed to streamline your work and free up time for other business-enhancing activities.

It’s about working smarter, not harder, and making the most of the efficiencies AI offers.

Grow Your Business with AI: Where to Start?

So, where do you even start? One of the most critical steps in using AI for your business is defining your needs and objectives.

 What do you hope to achieve with AI? Are you looking to improve customer service, carry out market research, or boost efficiency? 

Having clear goals will guide your AI strategy and ensure that the technology is aligned with your business objectives.

Choosing the Right AI Solution

There are numerous AI solutions available in the market today, and there will be more soon, each with its strengths and weaknesses. 

Choose a solution that fits your business needs and objectives. 

For beginners, free platforms like Chat GPT bots can be a great starting point. They’re user-friendly and can enhance customer interactions by providing quick, personalized responses.

Developing a Strategy

AI systems rely on data to function effectively. Therefore, to streamline operations and have positive outcomes, having a robust data strategy is helpful.

This involves collecting high-quality data, ensuring data security, and using the data responsibly.

Training Your AI Model

Once you’ve chosen your AI solution and assembled your team, the next step is to train your AI model. 

This involves feeding the model data and refining it until it can make accurate predictions or decisions.

Shawn recommends Magi AI for businesses looking for a comprehensive and holistic use of AI across all the branches of a company.  However, there are some other platforms that could be helpful.

Omaha Business Success

Magi AI

Magi AI stands at the forefront of AI innovation. Its suite of solutions is designed to transform how businesses operate and interact with customers.

Focusing on internal business aspects, Magi AI helps streamline processes, ensuring a more organized approach to deliver superior service.

Chat GPT

Chat GPT excels in various applications such as drafting emails, coding, content creation, and tutoring.

Its real strength lies in understanding context, enabling it to generate responses that are relevant and engaging, perfect for dynamic conversations.


Jasper is built for creativity. Whether it’s social media updates, blog posts, or even short stories, Jasper’s got it covered.

With its ability to search the internet for fresh data and insights, it stands out as a versatile tool for diverse content needs.


Bard is your go-to for content writing that demands a creative touch.

Using advanced language models, it effortlessly creates captivating narratives from any given prompt.

Ideal for crafting stories, novel excerpts, or screenplays, Bard turns your ideas into engaging written pieces.

Jupyter AI

Jupyter AI is a boon for those working with data. This powerful tool is excellent for coding and data analysis, integrating seamlessly with various data visualization libraries.

It offers a platform to document and reproduce data analysis processes efficiently, making it invaluable for data-driven projects.

Each of these AI tools offers unique capabilities, catering to different aspects of business and creativity, ensuring there’s something for every need in the dynamic world of AI.


Grow Your Business with AI: Use it as a Tool

AI is an incredible tool, no doubt. It’s great at automating those tedious tasks, writing with a tone that sounds like you, and crunching numbers. But, let’s not forget, it’s not a replacement for human skills and insight.

Think of AI as a time-saver. It takes care of the routine stuff, freeing up your team to dive into the more challenging, value-added tasks. This shift can really amp up your company’s decision-making and spark innovation.

But here’s the catch: AI isn’t perfect. There are things it just can’t do as well as a human. Tasks needing a dash of creativity, a touch of empathy, or a hefty dose of critical thinking? That’s where we humans shine.

Take a report, for example. AI can draft one using data, but it can’t mimic the human knack for out-of-the-box thinking or adding a unique twist.

So, remember, AI is a fantastic assistant – a tool to make life easier and save time, but it’s not there to replace the human effort in your business.

Grow Your Business with AI and Two Brothers Creative

Are you eager to see your business flourish but unsure about the first steps? We’ve got your back at Two Brothers Creative!

Our ethos is all about making effective, affordable marketing accessible to everyone, and we’re big fans of how AI can streamline your business operations.

Our skilled team is excited to steer you towards success. We’re here to demystify AI for you, showing you how it can be a game-changer in your business strategy.

Got questions about what AI can do for you? Reach out to Shawn Quintero today. He’s our go-to expert, ready to clear up any doubts and help you unlock the full potential of AI in your business.

Let’s make your business growth journey an exciting and successful one with AI!

The Easy Box

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.


How to Start a Podcast for Your Business 

How to Start a Podcast for Your Business with Kevin Chemidlin

Wondering how to start a podcast for your business to bring in more customers and spread your message further?

Podcasts are getting more and more popular. They’re a great way for businesses to connect with people and share something valuable.

They help show off your unique style and honesty, and if you do it well, they can make your brand stand out as a top player in your field.

In this episode of The Midwest Mindset Podcast, host Matt Tompkins teams up with Kevin Chemidlin from Grow the Show. Together, they reveal effective podcast strategies to achieve business success.

Midwest Mindset_ Business podcast

Monetize your Podcast

First off, remember this: a podcast is like any business. Do it right, and you can make money from it.

The big question is: how do you turn your podcast into a source of income and grow your business at the same time?

Take Kevin’s example. He started with a podcast about his city, Philadelphia. People loved what he shared, and he saw a chance to earn from his podcast.

Think of your listeners as your customers. Their interest in your podcast is what makes it profitable.

The more they interact with your podcast, the more opportunities you have to make money.

So, how do you keep your listeners hooked? Offer them content that they find valuable and relevant.

When your audience sees the value in your podcast, they’ll likely support it.

A Winning Podcast Strategy 

To both make money from your podcast and attract customers, you need a smart strategy.

Kevin, with his years of podcasting experience, figured out that it’s not just about being consistent. While regularity matters, having a solid plan for your podcast is crucial.

So, what’s the trick to making your podcast profitable? What’s the winning formula?

Why Every business should have a podcast

Starting a Podcast for Your Business 

If you’re thinking about launching a podcast for your business, here’s the strategy you need to get going:

Be Unique

Don’t just be another podcast. Make yours unique. Offer something different that matches your brand and connects with your target audience. Being different sets you apart from other podcasts in your field.

Be Specific

Instead of trying to please everyone, concentrate on a specific topic or group of people. This makes your content more relevant and interesting to your audience. Talking directly to them personalizes your show and makes it more attractive.

Just Start

Simply start.

The beginning is often the toughest part, but don’t let fear or hesitation stop you. Remember, all successful podcasters started as beginners. It’s about taking that initial step and being willing to learn as you go.

why your business needs a podcast Two Brothers Creative

Repurpose Your Content

Podcasts aren’t just about audio anymore. With the rise of video podcasting, listeners can now choose to watch their favorite shows. Adding video to your podcast isn’t just keeping up with trends; it’s staying ahead.

But don’t just stop at a video podcast. The real power of podcasts is their adaptability.

Turn your video episodes into various formats to reach more people on different platforms, making the most out of your content.

For example, convert your video podcast episodes into YouTube videos. It’s a great way to reach people who primarily use YouTube.

You can also edit your episodes into shorter clips for social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. This makes your content easy to consume and share, helping your podcast reach a wider audience.

The Power of Blogs

A great method to reuse your content is by creating a blog post from your episode. This not only adds extra value for your listeners but also appeals to those who prefer reading, enhancing your website’s SEO in the process.

Keep in mind, different people enjoy content in different ways. While video is impactful, there’s always a group that prefers audio-only.

So, if you can only provide audio versions of your episodes right now, go for it. It’s about reaching your audience in the way they like best.

SEO for small businesses in Omaha

The Power of Solo Episodes

Solo episodes are becoming popular in the podcast world, traditionally dominated by interviews and conversations. They offer a special opportunity for the host to directly connect with the audience, creating a more personal bond.

Efficiency Benefits

Solo episodes are time, money, and resource savers. You don’t need to align schedules with guests, simplifying the production process.

Focused Content

These episodes often deliver concise, targeted information. This is perfect for listeners who have limited time and prefer to get to the point quickly.

Demonstrating Your Knowledge

As a host, you have a lot of knowledge and insights. Solo episodes are an excellent way to display your expertise and position yourself as an authority in your field.

Engaging Your Audience

Solo episodes also offer a platform for deeper audience engagement, as listeners feel they are having a one-on-one conversation with the host.

How to Start a Podcast for Your Business with Clear Metrics

Using metrics is crucial for tracking your podcast’s performance and understanding your listeners’ interests and habits.

Actively seek feedback by conducting surveys or running polls on social media. Pay attention to which episodes are most downloaded or shared – these are topics that really connect with your audience.

Launching a podcast for your business is more than just recording talks. It’s about adopting a strategic method, underpinned by specific, measurable metrics.

How to Start a Podcast for Your Business with Two Brothers Creative

Ready to achieve business success with video marketing? We are here to help you craft the perfect business visibility and success strategy.

Download our free  6-step Marketing Plan pdf. 

The Easy Box

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.

Keys To Video Marketing for Small Business Success

The Power of Video Marketing for Small Business

How can you implement a video marketing strategy that actually works for your company?

While the internet is full of information about tips and tricks to make your content go “viral”, is that really what your business needs?

Your goal shouldn’t be to go viral, but rather to reach the right people in the right way. 

In this Midwest Mindset podcast episode, the Two Brothers Creative team will give you the keys to making engaging content and the best video marketing tools and techniques to reach business success and visibility.  

Keys To Video Marketing for Small Business

Video-Based Content

If you are not doing video marketing, then you are not doing marketing as well as you could. 

We are living in a ‘video-based’ society, where every media platform is, in fact, a video platform. 

Just think about it: today, people are more likely to purchase a product if they’ve watched a video about it. 

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If there’s no video, chances are, they’ll scroll past your product without giving it a second glance.

That’s why crafting a successful marketing strategy today necessitates the integration of video content. 

How to Craft a Good Video Marketing Strategy

Now, all this being said, video content is not just about making videos for the sake of it without a reason. 

The content you produce for your brand should resonate with your audience and provide them with value. 

How can you deliver true value through your video-based content?

Midwest Mindset_ Keys To Video Marketing for Small Business

Quality Comes First in Video Marketing

With the internet filled with content of all types, people create value and substance. As consumers, we are all tired of empty and unreliable content.

That’s why quality should always take precedence. While jumping onto trends can be important, creating a high-quality video content is a process that requires intent, effort, and attention to detail. 

Your content should reflect your brand, be aesthetically pleasing, but also resonate deeply with your audience and bring them value.

So take your time and make something that really looks good.  

Choose The Right Kind of Video Marketing

The video format that you use and the platform you choose to upload it to will be the vehicle for your content to reach the desired audience

Understanding your audience is the first step to choosing the right vehicle for your content. What kind of videos do they enjoy? Are they fans of short, snappy clips, or do they prefer longer, more detailed content? 

Which platforms do they frequent? Are they on Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok?

Also, it’s essential to understand their interests and preferences to make content that satisfies these needs. Are they looking for educational content, product reviews, behind-the-scenes peeks, or entertaining skits? 

Keys To Video Marketing for Small Business Nebraska

Video Marketing and SEO

While written content continues to play a crucial role in digital marketing, it’s increasingly becoming essential to couple it with a robust video strategy. 

Video SEO (search engine optimization) is all about optimizing your video content to be indexed and ranked on search engine results pages for relevant keyword searches. 

Make sure to implement your keywords into your content the same way you would for blogs and website copy. 

Create True Value

How can you create an engaging story that makes your audience stick around and actually watch or listen to it?

The Hook – Captivating Your Audience

The first few seconds of any interaction can make or break the audience’s interest. Start with a powerful statement, an intriguing question, or a compelling visual that grabs their attention instantly. 

Create an opening that piques their curiosity, urging them to pay attention for what you have to offer.

Easy box_ Midwest Mindset video marketing Omaha

The Story – Engaging Their Interest

Once you’ve hooked your audience, it’s time to reel them in with an engaging story. 

This could be a story about your brand’s journey, a customer success story, or an anecdote that illustrates the value of your product or service. 

Remember, a good story is not just about telling; it’s about showing. Use vivid descriptions, emotional appeals, and relatable characters to evoke emotion. 

The Call to Action – Fostering Engagement

After capturing their attention and engaging their interest with a compelling story, it’s time to direct your audience toward the desired action. 

This is where the ‘Call to Action’ (CTA) comes in. Be clear and direct about what you want them to do next – whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, buying a product, or sharing your content.

Podcast Strategy: Video Marketing for Small Business Visibility

At Two Brothers Creative, we deliver value and engage our audience by recording our podcast sessions in video format. 

This allows us to produce a wide array of content from just one session. The dual-format approach caters to different audience preferences; it also allows us to make shots, reels, blogs, TikToks, and more.


Working With Professionals

Working with professionals who know what they are doing and know how to be good storytellers is key to your video marketing success. 

If you don’t have the time, the expertise, or time to craft compelling content, then let an expert help you out. 

Engaging the services of a professional agency can prove to be a smart investment in the long run. 

While it may seem tempting to handle everything yourself, areas outside your expertise could bring less-than-desirable results. 

An experienced agency, on the other hand, can provide high-quality work more efficiently and cost-effectively.

What Does Two Brothers Creative Do?

At Two Brothers Creative, we believe in empowering our clients through knowledge. Our services go beyond merely executing tasks for you; we educate you about the processes and involve you in the content creation process. 

Our goal is to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to tell your own compelling stories.

Whether you choose to continue with our services or decide to implement what you’ve learned independently, we’re committed to providing value either way.

Video Marketing With Two Brothers Creative

Ready to achieve business success with video marketing? We’re here to help you craft the perfect business visibility and success strategy.

Download our free  6-step Marketing Plan pdf. 

The Easy Box

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy. 

What Success Looks Like in Nebraska With Harrington

What Success Looks Like: Not  All Business Paths Are the Same

What does success look like for others? Is there just one unique path to achieving business success in the state of Nebraska? 

We often believe that to become a successful entrepreneur, we must follow the same steps as others, but this is a complete lie!

In this Midwest Mindset episode, Shane Harrington from Club Omaha joins Matt Tompkins to discuss his success story and how he overcame, against all odds, all the challenges along the way. 

What Success Looks Like in Nebraska

What Success Looks Like for a Business Owner

Did you know that, of the roughly 32 million companies in the United States, only 6% of them are ever going to reach $1 million in revenue? 

Of course, success is not only measured by money but also in happiness and satisfaction with your occupation, but it’s sure nice to have a million dollars, or more, in revenue. 

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For Shane Harrington, success meant breaking everybody’s expectations of what an entrepreneur was, redefining the industry, and finding happiness in what he did. 

Success for business owners comes in different shapes and colors, and there’s no set-in-stone way to achieve it. 

Shane Harrington’s History 

For Shane Harrington, success came a little differently. Operating in the adult industry, a realm that still carries a taboo for many, has presented its fair share of challenges.

You see, Shane’s childhood wasn’t all that easy, with no one believing in him; in fact, it was quite the opposite. He even got voted most likely to go to prison in a school.

Growing up, Shane was led to believe that success only came by following the established path – going to college, doing things by the book, and settling for a modest business. 

However, he soon realized that life had much more to offer and that this path isn’t for all; that there are other protocols and ways to achieve triumph and make money.

Club Omaha Shane Harrington

The First Million

One of Shane’s biggest blessings was also one of the scariest moments of their business life. 

The story begins with his ex-wife posting spicy pictures on an adult website, with his help, of course. 

This was going great; he had the money and the comfort he needed at the moment; however, when his ex-wife published a nude picture in a bar, this really started to go south.

As you can imagine, this caused quite a stir, and the citizens of Lincoln tried to find her for public nudity. At that moment, it may have seemed like everything was falling apart.

The Beginning of Club Omaha

Amidst the chaos and controversy, something incredible happened: people started calling left and right, eager to get an interview with Shane and to see more content. 

This was the turning point, the spark that started it all. From this point on, Shane decided that it was time to start his entrepreneurial journey and continue down the path of adult content. 

Soon, with his newfound success, he was quick to achieve his first million dollars in this business. The rest is history. 

Make the News

If we can learn something from Shane’s history, it’s that success can come when you least expect it and being prepared to seize the momentum is crucial. 

For Shane, this meant understanding how to navigate the attention his case was receiving in the media.

So, how can you make the news? What guarantees visibility and recognition?

Sex Sells

While it may not be suitable for every business, Shane’s experience in the adult industry demonstrated that tapping into a controversial or taboo subject can generate attention. 

Nebraska Business success

Go Against the Grain

To truly stand out and make headlines, businesses often need to think outside the box and challenge the status quo.

Stand Out

Differentiating yourself from the competition is critical for gaining visibility. Whether it’s through innovative products or services, exceptional customer experiences, or a compelling brand story, finding ways to stand out will make you more newsworthy.

You don’t need to be as wild and out there as Shane; this is what worked for him; the important thing to make the news is to shine a light on the attributes of a business that make it different from the rest. 

What Success Looks Like When Delegating

What makes a successful and long lasting business? How can you make sure that your initial success only keeps growing?

Shane learned that delegation was an essential part of business success.  This means finding, training, and working with people who are the best at what they do.

You want the best players you can find for your team, but it’s not just about their skills. It’s about how well they work together. 

You know what they say, “Teamwork makes the dream work.” Your team is everything; they will be the ones to do the tasks you don’t have time for, and you want to make sure they do them right.

Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and a great team to build a business that lasts. 

So, focus on finding the right people to delegate to, treating them well, and working together towards your goals. That’s the real secret to a lasting business.

Shane Harrington and Two Brothers creative_ success in business

What Success Looks Like When Changing the Industry

One of the keys to becoming a successful entrepreneur in Nebraska, or everywhere else, is not just doing good business but having a motivation and a desire to help and change for the better. 

Shane harbored a vision: to transform the industry into a better place for all women who were a part of it, a safe space where they are now able to work, earn good money, achieve their careers and dreams, and invest in their future and their lives. 

Learn Everything

To truly be a successful leader and entrepreneur, you need a comprehensive understanding of the industry. This meant learning about every role, every process, and every challenge.

From entry-level positions to top management, Shane sought to understand the intricacies of everyone’s work. He observed, asked questions, and learned from the best in the business.

The goal is to gain insight into the operations of the industry. After all, how could he lead effectively without fully understanding his industry?

Authenticity in Marketing being creative

What Success Looks Like for You: We Are Ready to Help

Ready to achieve business success with great marketing? We are here to help you craft the perfect business visibility and success strategy.

Download our free  6-step Marketing Plan pdf. 

The Easy Box

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy. 

Effective Advertising: Why Do Cheesy Drug Commercials Work?

Effective Advertising: Evoking Feeling and Action

What is the secret to effective advertising? Why do cheesy drug commercials of people running in a meadow work, but your ad doesn’t? 

What’s the magic in those ads that makes them so effective and hypnotizing?

In this episode of Midwest Mindset, Austin, Ben, and Matt discuss the elements that make drug commercials effective and how you can implement this strategy in your own ads. 

Effective Advertising_ Why Do Cheesy Drug Commercials Work

What’s Missing for Effective Advertising 

Look: we are not saying your ad is bad (maybe a little bit); we are just saying that it’s missing something to make it effective. 

Effective advertising is more than just showcasing your product or service, it needs to tell a story, to talk and engage with your audience. 

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So, how are drug commercials doing so? What story does a woman running happily in a meadow tell? Are we missing something? 

The Secret Sauce: The End Result

The true power of these commercials lies in their ability to show viewers the end result. 

They paint a picture of an ideal life that could be attainable, showing consumers not just a product but a potential lifestyle change.

Humans are inherently emotional beings; we think with our “feeling” brain rather than logical reasoning. 

These commercials effectively tap into that emotional side, presenting scenarios that evoke positive emotions and desires. 

These commercials aren’t fixated on bombarding the viewer with technical specifications or intricate details about the product; let’s be honest, we don’t care about those things in the first instance. 

That’s why, instead, they focus on showcasing the benefits of the product, not the process or the specifications. 

How to Market Yourself on LinkedIn_ Don’t Miss Out on this Opportunity

Effective Advertising: Emotion and Results 

Think of those commercials from animal nonprofits that tug at our heartstrings with super sad images of puppies and cats. 

Yes, they are indeed sad and can evoke a powerful emotional response; they make us think with our “feeling brain.”

However, they lack one crucial element: the depiction of the end result. They don’t often show what happens when you do donate; what positive change does your contribution lead to?

So, how can you showcase the tangible results of your product or service and make sure your audience is intrigued enough to turn into a potential lead?

There’s a formula that most successful advertising strategies employ, and understanding this can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns.

There’s a formula that is most effective advertising, and we will tell you what it is.  

The Formula for Effective Advertising

Firstly, it’s important to recognize the power of emotion in advertising. 

As humans, we are wired to respond to emotions. When we connect with an advertisement emotionally, it becomes more memorable and impactful, but we also need a direct action message, or what we know as a Call to Action (CTA.) 

Mindwest Mindset_ Effective Advertising two brothers creative

The Power of a Strong Call to Action (CTA)

A CTA serves as the directive that guides your audience on what they need to do next.

Here is where your viewers transform from passive observers to active participants, nudging them toward engaging further with your product or service.

Showcasing the End Result

The final piece of the puzzle involves showing the end result of taking that action – the benefits of doing business with you. 

This paints a vivid picture of how the consumer’s life could be positively impacted by your product or service.

By highlighting these potential benefits, you give your audience a compelling reason to follow through with your CTA.

feelings in advertising

Enjoy the Benefits of Effective Advertising

And there you have it; by implementing these elements, you will have an effective ad that people watch till the end, and they will become more likely to think of your product or service in a positive way.

If you still don’t have the time, resources, or expertise to craft your effective ad, don’t worry! We are here to help! Contact us today, and our team of experts will create the most compelling commercial for your brand! 

The Easy Box

On a budget? No problem! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy. 

Is Nebraska’s Local Advertising Really Effective?

Effective Local Advertising 101

Interested in boosting your business through successful local advertising? It’s important to learn what strategies work and what to avoid.

Join us in this installment of the Midwest Mindset Podcast where hosts Matt and Austin welcome Chad Dodd, collaborator on the Two Brothers Creative team and owner of Klar Inc

In this discussion, we dive into crafting a local advertising approach that delivers results. We’ll explore effective strategies, common pitfalls, and also touch upon the Nebraska Tourism Department’s advertising efforts.

WITH Chad Dodd klar, inc

What’s with the Nebraska Tourism Marketing?

If you live in the State of Nebraska, chances are you’ve seen the ads: “Visit Nebraska, Visit Nice” or “Nebraska. Honestly It’s Not For Everyone.”

Nebraska’s tourism marketing seems to be trying to be clever and unique, yet somehow really misses the mark. 

Instead of exploiting the authentic charm and natural beauty that is Nebraska, they divert their focus, something that happens more often than we think with many brands and companies. 

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How do you avoid this from happening? How can you effectively convey your message to potential customers in your local area who might not be even aware of your existence? 

This is precisely the challenge that Nebraska’s tourism department is trying to do: invite hundreds of passers-by to pause their journey, stay for a few hours or days, and enjoy what Nebraska has to offer. 

Don’t worry if this is happening to you; there’s effective ways to communicate and resonate with an audience that’s yet to discover you, and we will tell you how. 

Effective Local Advertising is About Clarity

Being clear and straightforward is the core of effective local advertising; Say it like it is,  and don’t overcomplicate things. A lot of the time, meaning gets lost or buried in a phony or unrelated marketing strategy. 

Instead, let your message resonate with simplicity and directness.

Is Nebraska’s Effective Local Advertising Really That Effective_ Avoid these mistakes!

Creativity with Structure for Effective Local Advertising

While creativity and innovation are valuable assets in marketing, they shouldn’t overshadow the essence of your message. 

Without a solid plan or strategy, even the most creative ideas might fall flat. There’s a reason certain strategies work. 

They’ve been tried, tested, and proven successful. So, when it comes to your local advertising, it’s wise to follow a winning formula.

Now, how exactly do you create and follow a formula?

The Formula for Effective Local Advertising

There are a lot of marketing formulas for local advertising out there, and while we encourage you to try and test to find what’s good for your business, we also recommend that your strategy always include the following winning points. 

Identifying Your Buyer Persona

The first step in any effective marketing strategy is understanding who your customer is. To do this, you need to create a comprehensive buyer persona. 

This persona should include at least the following:

  • Demographic information
  • Interests
  • Buying behaviors
  • Pain points
  • Online behaviors.

By identifying this persona, you can tailor your messaging to resonate with them more effectively.

Mindwest Mindset_ Effective Local Advertising

A Resonant Message

Once you’ve identified your target audience, the next step is to craft a message that speaks directly to them. 

This message needs to address those needs, wants, and pain points. 

It should evoke emotion and action. A message that is relatable and compelling, making your audience feel understood and valued.

Simplicity and Clarity

In an age of information overload, simplicity and clarity are essential! People don’t want to read overcomplicated messages that don’t go straight to the point. 

Your message should be easy to understand and remember. Avoid complex language. Instead, focus on conveying a clear core message that won’t get lost in other meanings.

Two Brothers creative podcast effective local ads


Marketing today is all about being authentic and caring for your audience, especially since the pandemic. 

Consumers today are savvy and quickly sense when a brand is being disingenuous or trying too hard. 

Be true to your values. Don’t attempt to be something you’re not or adopt trends that don’t align with your identity.

Embrace Your Identity

Of course, to be true to your identity, you need to know what your identity is and what you stand for. 

Each business has a unique identity that sets it apart. Embrace this identity in your local advertising. Whether it’s your origin story, your commitment to sustainable practices, or your exceptional customer service, highlight what makes you unique. 

Understanding Your ‘Why’

Finally, it’s crucial to understand and communicate your “why” and “what.”

Why does your business exist? What problem are you trying to solve? What value do you bring to your customers? 

Understanding your ‘why’ and ‘what’ gives purpose to your work and helps you connect with customers on a deeper level. 

Effective Local Advertising Nebraska tourism case study

Start Effective Local Advertising 

By following these points and creating an effective marketing strategy for local results, you will not be compared with the Nebraska Tourism department. 

Need some help? We are here to help you craft the perfect strategy for business visibility and success.

Download our free  6-step Marketing Plan pdf. 

The Easy Box

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy. 

Legacy vs. Likes: A Conversation with Mike Smith

Legacy vs. Likes: Mike Smith’s Guide to Honesty in Social Media

Legacy vs. likes, what’s more important? For business, this can be a tough question to answer because, sure, we all want to leave a legacy and make the world a better place, but likes and recognition are also super important to have a successful enterprise, right? 

What if we told you that likes are not a direct reflection of your business’s visibility or success? And that legacy can be achieved while still having a compelling but honest marketing strategy?

In this Mindwest Mindset podcast episode, Matt and Ben are joined by Mike Smith, storyteller, community builder, guide, and author of “Legacy vs. Likes,” to discuss the world of social media and the possible harm of validation through likes.

Legacy vs. Likes_ A Conversation with Mike Smith

The Story of Legacy vs. Likes

So, how did Mike’s book come about? “Legacy vs. Likes” explores the social media vortex, highlighting the issues that come along with it, especially for younger people.

Mike has spotted a worrying trend – the way we’re getting sucked into social media and how it’s altering our behavior.

And with more adults hopping onto the social media train than ever before, the desire to become influencers isn’t just a childish idea; it’s an adult’s dream as well. 

Read the full transcript.

A lot of the adults online right now have grown with the influence of social media, so it’s no surprise that current young adults and new parents want to be influencers and are, in some way or another, influencers of social media.  

The Internet has changed the game of how we see each other and everything around us. It paints a picture of what’s cool, what’s acceptable, and what’s beautiful. However, this is a very distorted, unreal image.

The New Generation

With the internet and social media being an integral part of their daily lives, Gen Z has a unique way of interacting and connecting with the world. 

They see these platforms not merely as a medium to showcase their lives but as a tool to engage, learn, and express themselves.

This doesn’t exclude them from the toxic behavior of social media and “likes” driven interaction. 

They are also more aware of brands’ values and the legacy they intend to leave in the world, making it harder for businesses to stay relevant across different generations.

So, how can we make sure to stay relevant across all generations while still making an impact?

First, we need to understand something: Like are not that important

Legacy vs. Likes two brothers creative

Legacy vs. Likes

In today’s landscape, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game. The number of likes, shares, and followers can seem like an equivalent of success. 

And while they might look impressive on the surface, they don’t necessarily translate into real-world results or long-term success.

A legacy is about making a lasting impact that goes beyond our lifetimes. It’s about building authenticity, consistency, and true values and making our content reflect that. 

That’s how we leave a legacy.

Entertainment vs. Quality

We live in an age where social media platforms are evolving into entertainment powerhouses; much like TV channels or Netflix, brands are looking for ways to stay relevant. 

This shift has driven brands to pump out high volumes of content to keep their audiences hooked. However, this rush for relevance often sacrifices quality for quantity, and on many occasions, users won’t stick to receiving poor-quality content.

While entertaining content might capture attention, it’s the quality that keeps audiences coming back for more.

Legacy vs. Likes: How to Build a Legacy

Now comes the million-dollar question: Can we build a legacy online? In a space full of fake influencers and photoshopped pictures, how do we carve out a lasting presence?

To build a lasting legacy, brands must focus on targeting the right people with quality content and maintaining consistency, But how can we achieve it?

More Legacy and Less Likes

Here are some key steps to building a true and honest social media presence that will keep your audience hooked.


Knowing who you are and what you stand for is the first step; have a clear vision of what you offer and how you help others. 

Are you selling a product or service? Are you reaching out to people who genuinely benefit from what you offer? 

These questions can help you align your social media strategy with your purpose.

Core Values

Identify your brand’s core values and ensure they are reflected in every aspect of your social media presence. 

These values act as your guiding principles and will help you stay true to your brand.

At Two Brothers Creative, for example, we believe that everyone deserves affordable and efficient marketing. 

Legacy vs. Likes book Mike Smith

Know Your Audience

Who are you trying to help or engage with?

Understanding your target audience is crucial for effective communication. Are your posts reaching them? If not, it might be time to revisit your content strategy or explore different platforms.

Website Quality

Think of your website as your digital storefront. If someone stumbles upon it, what will their impression be? 

Is it easy to navigate? Does it provide useful information? 

A quality website not only reflects positively on your brand but also helps in lead generation and conversions.

Content Quality

In the rush to stay relevant, quality often takes a backseat. 

But remember, content is everything. High-quality content that resonates with your audience can drive engagement, foster loyalty, and elevate your brand above the competition.

Soaical media likes vs legacy

The True Power of Authenticity on “Legacy vs. Likes”

Mike emphasizes the need for authenticity and staying true to one’s values, even in the face of fleeting trends and the constant pursuit of likes.

Remember, it’s impossible to please everyone. Instead, focus on resonating with the right people – those who align with your values and appreciate your authenticity and honesty, those who actually find your content valuable and useful. 

While likes and shares provide instant gratification, they are fleeting and don’t necessarily translate into a lasting impact.

Turning Failures into Legacy

Now, let’s talk about failure; it happens to the best of us. But here’s the thing – failure isn’t the end of the world. In fact, it’s an important part of the journey.

Mistakes will happen, it’s what you do after you’ve stumbled that really counts. So, dust yourself off, learn from it, and get back in the game. 

The way you react to setbacks will talk about who you are as a business. After all, it’s not about how many times you fall but how many times you get back up.

Two Brothers Creative podcast omaha

Legacy vs. Likes: The Two Brothers Case

For us, what defines us is a real wish to help companies; we believe marketing should be affordable and easy to understand.

We don’t believe in marketing companies that overcharge to present results that most people won’t understand. 

Our dream? To build a company that’s in the business of helping other businesses. We’re not just here to make a quick buck. We want to help your business flourish through awesome content that makes a real impact.

Our legacy and quality content? From our podcast, free PDFs, blogs, and everything we do, we do it to inform and make a better environment for entrepreneurs looking to expand their marketing.  

The Easy Box

Looking for ways to grow your business? Don’t spend unnecessary time on marketing; focus on becoming a better leader and entrepreneur; leave the rest to us! 

With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.