Real Estate Storytelling For Agents

The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing

The real estate market is a crowded place. With so many agents vying for attention, how do you make yourself stand out? The answer might surprise you: it’s not about flashy ads or aggressive sales tactics. It’s about the power of real estate storytelling.

On this recent episode of the Midwest Mindset podcast, serial entrepreneur and real estate expert Jay Miralles shared his insights on how storytelling can revolutionize your real estate marketing.  

The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing

Meet Jay Miralles: Passion for Real Estate and Helping Others

Our guest on this episode of Midwest Mindset is not your average real estate agent. Jay Miralles is a serial entrepreneur, a military veteran, and a community leader who’s passionate about helping others achieve their dreams.

With his hands in multiple businesses and organizations, including a non-profit dedicated to helping veterans, Jay understands the challenges and opportunities that come with building a successful brand and marketing it effectively.

Jay Expertise

As a real estate pro, Jay has a wealth of experience helping clients navigate the ever-changing real estate landscape. 

He understands the struggles that agents face in today’s market, from the pressure to stand out in a crowded field to the confusion of choosing the right marketing strategies.

Jay’s approach to real estate marketing is rooted in authenticity, expertise, and a genuine desire to help others. 

He believes that by sharing his knowledge and experience, he can empower real estate agents to build successful businesses and make a real difference in their communities.

The Challenge: Standing Out in a Crowded Market

The real estate industry is saturated with agents all competing for the same clients. Traditional marketing tactics, like billboards and direct mail, often get lost in the shuffle, leaving potential clients feeling overwhelmed and confused.

So, how do you cut through the noise and make a lasting impression? 

It’s quite simple: by being yourself and highlighting your unique strengths and expertise.

In a world of cookie-cutter marketing approaches, authenticity is what sets you apart. By embracing your personality and values, you can establish a personal connection with potential clients and stand out in their minds.

Two Brothers team on authenticity meeting. 


Miralles believes that authenticity is the secret ingredient to any effective marketing strategy.  As he puts it, “The key in any marketing strategy or messaging is conveying knowledge and expertise…with authenticity.”

In essence, being authentic means being genuine to yourself. It’s about sharing your unique experiences and perspectives in a way that resonates with your audience. 

When you’re real, people will feel it, and they’ll be more likely to trust you and want to work with you.

True Real Estate Marketing

Consumers are increasingly savvy and can spot a fake from a mile away. That’s why businesses need to be authentic in their marketing

When you’re real, people will feel it, and they’ll be more likely to trust you and want to work with you. When you’re real, you’ll be able to build stronger relationships with your customers and create a lasting connection.

The Importance Of Storytelling In Marketing

Storytelling is a time-tested method for building trust and rapport with potential clients. By sharing your personal experiences – your challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned – you become more than just a real estate agent. You become a human being with a story that others can relate to.

Miralles encourages agents to embrace their unique stories and use them to connect with clients. 

Whether it’s a tale of overcoming adversity, a passion for helping first-time homebuyers, or a humorous anecdote from your career, your story can help you differentiate yourself and create lasting connections

The Message: Helping Your Marketing for Real Estate

The Message: Helping Your Marketing for Real Estate

Miralles’ approach to real estate marketing is deeply rooted in the “Midwest Mindset” – a philosophy of helping others without expecting anything in return. 

This genuine desire to serve others creates an undeniable positive energy that attracts clients and fosters lasting success.

When you prioritize providing value and building relationships, the business will naturally follow. As Matt Tompkins, the host of the Midwest Mindset podcast, wisely states, 

“I think the key in any marketing strategy or messaging is conveying knowledge and expertise…with authenticity.”

Delivering the Message

The need for alignment between a business’s marketing message and its true identity and values.

Rejecting artificial or inauthentic marketing tactics in favor of genuine connection.

Emphasizing the power of personal stories and experiences in building trust and rapport with clients.

Avoiding Predatory Marketing Tactics

These are the things to avoid as a real estate agent who wants to do effective, true marketing that connects with people. 

  • Making false or misleading statements about properties.
  • Using deceptive advertising techniques, such as bait-and-switch tactics or failing to disclose important information about properties.
  • Exaggerating the potential value or benefits of a property.
  • Promising guaranteed returns on investment.
  • Engaging in unethical or illegal practices, such as bribery or collusion with other agents.
  • Failing to respect the privacy of clients or sharing their personal information without their consent.
  • Engaging in deceptive or misleading advertising practices, such as using fake reviews or testimonials.
  • Failing to disclose material facts about properties, such as known defects or environmental hazards.
  • Making promises that cannot be kept, such as guaranteeing a certain sale price or closing date.
The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing (2)

The Power of Simplicity and Consistency

In marketing, it’s often better to keep things simple and focus on a few key tactics rather than spreading resources too thin. 

By choosing a few channels and tactics that align with business goals and target audiences, real estate agents can achieve better results.

  • Consistency is key: Regularly creating and publishing high-quality content, engaging with customers on social media, and staying in touch with leads through email marketing is crucial for building brand awareness and trust.

The Value of Investing in Expertise

Encouraging real estate agents to seek guidance from marketing experts is paramount in the ever-changing world of the industry. 

In a time when information is readily available, it can be tempting to rely on outdated advice or generic strategies. However, partnering with marketing experts offers a multitude of benefits.

The Power of Mentorship and Community

Beyond formal mentorship programs and organizations, entrepreneurs need to cultivate a supportive network of peers, advisors, and industry experts. 

Building relationships with individuals who are knowledgeable in different areas of business can provide valuable perspectives, fresh ideas, and potential collaborations. 

This interconnected community serves as a source of inspiration, motivation, and accountability, enabling entrepreneurs to push boundaries and achieve their goals.

Continuous learning and growth are fundamental to personal and professional success. In the rapidly evolving business landscape, entrepreneurs must stay ahead of industry trends, embrace new technologies, and adapt to changing market conditions. 

Real estate marketing is about more than just listing properties and posting on social media. It’s about telling a story – your story – and connecting with clients on a deeper level. 

Midwest Mindset_ The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing

So, What’s Your Story?

Ready to harness the power of storytelling in your real estate marketing? Our team at Two Brothers Creative can help. 

We’ll work with you to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your ideal clients and sets you apart from the competition.

Contact us today to learn how we can tailor a marketing strategy that speaks directly to your male audience.

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.

Why Do You Need Video SEO Services for Your Business?

Video SEO services: Why Are They Important

What is the benefit of hiring video SEO services in 2024? 

We all know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  is still a must for businesses looking for online visibility and reputation. 

However, with the rise in popularity of video-based platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, online marketing needs and SEO strategies are changing. 

We are entering a peak of video content, where most of the media we consume is predominantly in video format. 

So, now, more than ever, these video platforms are one more search tool for users as much as Google is.

Why Do You Need Video SEO Services for Your Business (2)

The New Video Era

Think about the last time you looked up something on the internet; it was probably on Google, right? How many of those times did those queries show a video as a result? Yup… almost all of them do. 

Now, consider how the younger generations conduct their online searches. For many, Google isn’t their go-to page. 

Depending on what they’re looking for, platforms like Instagram or TikTok may be their first port of call. When did all of this happen?

The landscape of 2023 surely brought its challenges and shifts in marketing strategies, with the surge of video content emerging as a game-changer.

HubSpot research reveals that 66% of consumers prefer watching videos to learn about a brand or product over reading about them. 

Additionally, last year, “how-to” search queries on YouTube increased by 70%, making this platform a popular search engine.

This trajectory suggests that platforms dedicated to video will only gain momentum in 2024 as more people turn to these mediums for information.

In this video-centric world, the question is: How can we adapt and maintain a competitive edge in our SEO efforts?

seo for business

What Is SEO

Before fully jumping into Video SEO, we might first need to go over what SEO truly means for your business and what the benefits are. 

We won’t fully go into details about it, but Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of tailoring both the on-page and off-page elements of a website to improve its ranking in search engine results. 

This practice is essential for enhancing online visibility because it makes it easier for potential customers to find a business when they conduct online searches related to that business’s products or services. 

Good SEO involves optimizing content with relevant keywords, improving site loading speeds, ensuring mobile friendliness, and acquiring quality backlinks, among other tactics and funny words.  

If you are new to the SEO game, we really encourage you to take a beginner’s course and learn more about the ins and outs of this practice. 

But the bottom line is that by appearing higher in search engine rankings, businesses can attract more website traffic, increase brand awareness, and gain credibility with targeted audiences.

What is Video SEO 

So, while traditional SEO efforts are fully directed at Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERP), Video SEO is focused on video-based platforms and uses video content to be noticed by the Google algorithm. 

Video SEO focuses on fine-tuning various elements such as video titles, descriptions, tags, transcripts, and file names to improve rankings on SERPs. 

This can look like embedded videos on websites, video tutorials on your product or service, specific hashtags, shorts, reels, TikToks, and video sitemaps.

Need Video SEO Services for Your Business content Omaha

Why Video SEO Is Essential for Businesses in 2024

Video content boasts higher engagement rates compared to text because it strikes an immediate connection with viewers through storytelling and visual appeal. 

This makes video a powerful tool for brand messaging and customer retention.

Search engines like Google prioritize video content by often placing it above standard text-based pages in search results. This can significantly increase your content’s visibility.

Mobile Usage Surge

With the frequent use of mobile devices, consumers are more likely to engage with video content on the go. Optimizing videos for mobile accessibility and fast load times is crucial.

Social Media Integration

Video content seamlessly integrates into social media, where platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube influence purchasing decisions. 

A strong video SEO strategy ensures that your content surfaces where your audience spends their time.

Competitive Advantage

As more businesses invest in video marketing, the competition for viewer attention intensifies. Video SEO helps you to stand out, ensuring that your content is not just made, but seen and appreciated.

Authenticity in Marketing SEO Services for Your Business

Crafting a Video SEO strategy

So, where do you even start to create a compelling Video SEO strategy? There are a few aspects you will need to know first. 

Let’s delve into how you can create a truly compelling Video SEO blueprint.

Know Your Audience

Sure, knowing your audience is what everybody talks about, and with good reason, but truly understanding their online behavior is essential. 

For Video SEO, you will need to dive deep into the intricacies of your audience’s online behavior to grasp their preferences thoroughly. 

Investigate the platforms they frequent—are they scrolling through TikTok, or are they binge-watching longer YouTube tutorials?  This could range from short-form, snappy videos ideal for social media stories to in-depth, educational content.

Monitor the viewing patterns and engagement levels to identify what type of video content resonates most effectively with them. 

what is video seo

Get your Hashtags Right

Undertaking thorough SEO keyword research is instrumental in aligning your content with the queries and interests of your target audience. 

Utilize these keywords judiciously within your video titles, meta descriptions, and video descriptions to enhance discoverability. 

Furthermore, integrate hashtags strategically to boost your content’s reach on social platforms. These hashtags should not only be popular but also relevant and specific to the content you’re producing, thereby ensuring that your videos surface in the right search results and social feeds.

Plan Your Content Ahead

While embracing emerging trends and viral content can show results, a sustainable Video SEO strategy requires a structure. 

Establish a media calendar that outlines when and what you will post. Differentiate between informational, educational, and entertaining content, as each serves a distinct purpose and will be optimized differently. Always consider its core objective:

  • Informational Content

Focus on providing value through tutorials, how-to guides, and explainer videos. Optimize for keywords related to questions and learning opportunities within your industry.

  • Promotional Content

Highlight your products or services with persuasive narratives and appealing visuals, ensuring each piece has a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA).

  • Educational Content 

A prime opportunity to demonstrate expertise within your field. Make sure to provide actual helpful content that your audience enjoys. 

Remember, each piece of content should have a well-defined goal—whether to educate, entertain, or convert.

Nebraska podcast studio

Repurposing your Content 

Once you get a clear strategy, do proper research, and are ready to start creating video content, make sure to get its full potential. 

Unleashing the full potential of your content involves creative repurposing to ensure it resonates across various formats and platforms.

A lengthy, informative YouTube video can be an excellent piece of media, but there’s a whole spectrum of content that you can derive from, like YouTube shorts, TikToks, blogs, Instagram pictures, and more. 

The Power of Podcast

That’s why we at Two Brothers Creative believe in the power of podcasting to create an all-in-one strategy that puts video content as the main marketing focus. 

By creating a podcast that focuses on helping the user, you can also drive results on the rest of your social media and improve your Video SEO efforts. 

Why Do You Need Video SEO Services for Your Business_ two brothers creative

Video Podcast

Nowadays, people are used to watching their favorite podcasts instead of just listening to them, so this will be our primary media content, the most lengthy one. 

This can be broadcast on YouTube and other social media that permit longer-form videos. 

Traditional Podcast

From the podcast video, we extract and utilize the pure audio format, appealing to the ever-growing podcast audience who favor audio consumption on the go.

Youtube Shorts, Reels, and TikToks

We produce shorter pieces of content suitable for sharing quick insights and attracting viewers with shorter attention spans. This will pique their interest and cause them to go looking for more. 

We do this by taking interesting parts of the podcast and leveraging them into shorter-form content. 

Make sure to take understandable, interesting, or valuable bits of your podcast, use viral audio or effect to give it more visibility.

Why Do You Need Video SEO Services for Your Business

SEO Blog Posts

Blog posts optimized for SEO will help you improve your website site and create content for that part of your audience that prefers to read content. 


Transcribing your podcast content does more than make your material accessible; it boosts traditional SEO efforts by providing search engines with additional text to index. 

Think of it as extra copy that you can use to get keywords and make it available for those who would rather read than listen to a podcast. 

This results in a richer source of keywords and topics that improve your website’s search relevancy.


Quotable moments from your content can become powerful social media assets. 

They can be creatively repurposed into visually appealing graphics suitable for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Strategically sharing this variety of content ensures that each piece complements the others, creating a symphony of media that caters to different preferences and platforms.

SEO For businesses in nebraska podcasts

Video Elements: How to Do Video SEO

So, before you go and post all your videos and star-making blogs and quotes, make sure you are posting them the right way to optimize your content. 

Craft Compelling Titles

The title of your video is the first impression viewers have, so make it count and make it SEO effective.

  • Use Keywords Wisely: Incorporate your main keywords towards the beginning of your title for better SEO impact while maintaining a natural flow.
  • Be Clear and Concise: Aim for titles that are straightforward and give viewers a clear idea of what to expect—usually under 60 characters to ensure it displays well on most platforms.

Evoke Curiosity

Create intrigue without resorting to clickbait. Titles that pose a question or hint at a story tend to perform well.

Implement Strategic Hashtags

Hashtags can increase the visibility of your video content; they are also good for categorizing your content. 

Research Trending Hashtags

Use tools to find popular and trending hashtags relevant to your video’s topic.

Relevance is Key

However, just use those hashtags that work for your content and accurately reflect the subject matter of your video to reach the right audience.

Don’t Overdo It

While platforms differ in the optimal number of hashtags, Instagram, for example, recommends using between 3 to 5 relevant hashtags per post for maximum engagement.

Easy box_ Midwest Mindset Omaha video podcast production

Write Engaging Copy

The copy that accompanies your video be it the description on YouTube or the caption on social media, should:

  • Include a Call to Action (CTA): Encourage viewers to like, subscribe, comment, or follow a link. Make it clear what you want them to do next.
  • Optimize with Keywords: Just like your title, incorporate relevant keywords to improve searchability.
  • Provide Context: Give an overview of the video’s content, which can be a teaser or a summary, to entice viewers to watch.

Craft Effective Subtitles

Subtitles can significantly boost engagement and accessibility; they help viewers understand the content better, especially if they speak different languages or have hearing difficulties.

As part of the video metadata, subtitles can be crawled by search engines, improving discoverability.

Tools like Rev or VEED can generate accurate subtitles, saving you time and ensuring quality.

Optimize Thumbnail Images

A thumbnail is a visual representation of your content’s value proposition, so make sure to always use high-resolution images to create a professional look.

Add a brief, bold text overlay on the thumbnail to provide context or highlight the core message.

Make something that people really want to click on. 

End Screens and Annotations

End screens and annotations can direct viewers to other content:

  • Promote Related Videos: Suggest additional content at the end of your video to keep viewers engaged with your channel.
  • Incorporate Subscribe Buttons: Remind viewers to subscribe to your channel with a visual cue during the end screen.

Quality Matters For Video SEO

It’s pivotal to remember that at the core of any successful video SEO strategy lies a non-negotiable element: quality.

While SEO efforts play a significant role in video marketing, The ultimate goal of SEO is to drive traffic, but once the viewers have arrived, it’s the quality of content that determines the level of engagement, sharing, and the value they derive from it. 

High-quality, valuable content is what compels viewers to stay, interact, and convert into loyal followers or customers.

Users are seeking more than just entertainment; they are looking for substance. Videos that provide educational insights, real-world applications, and genuine storytelling resonate far deeper with audiences than those made purely for SEO purposes.

Furthermore, the quality of your video, audio, and edition also plays a big part; make sure to invest in the right equipment, software, and team; here is our free guide to starting to make quality content. 

Hire Professional Video SEO Services

With all this being said we know that running a business is time-consuming; Entrepreneurs and business owners often find themselves stretched thin, managing multiple aspects of their operations, and getting into the nitty gritty of an SEO strategy can seem impossible.  

With the complexity and ever-changing nature of SEO strategies, it becomes necessary to stay on top of the latest trends and algorithm updates. 

This is where professional Video SEO services come into play, offering expertise and time-saving benefits.

But what should you look for when hiring these services?

podcast and video marketing Omaha content marketing
  • Expertise: These services bring on board specialized knowledge and experience in optimizing video content. 

This includes understanding the technical aspects like metadata, keywords, and search algorithms, as well as the creative elements that increase engagement and viewer retention.

  • Time Efficiency: Delegating the intricate work of Video SEO to professionals should free up valuable time for business owners, not taking more time out of your day.  Make sure that you hire an expert who can take all the responsibility. 
  • Understanding of Your Niche: The agency should have a good grasp of your industry and target audience. 

Tailored strategies that resonate with your market segment are more likely to yield successful results.

  • Transparency and Reporting: Effective communication is key. Ensure that the service you choose offers transparent reporting on their activities and the subsequent results. 

Regular reports and analysis will help you understand the ROI of your investment.

  • Cost: While budget considerations are important, be wary of services priced well below market rates. 

Remember, effective SEO is an investment, and you often get what you pay for.

Opting for professional Video SEO services isn’t just about achieving better search rankings; it’s about creating a sustainable and scalable content strategy that drives true value and growth for your business.

Contact Two Brothers Today

Ready to start making quality content and increasing your online visibility? Ready to elevate your marketing game? 

At Two Brothers Creative, we’re not just passionate about what we do; we like to share our knowledge with others and help their business grow. 

Unlock the full potential of marketing for your business growth.

Turning Failure into Success

Business Procedures: The Key to Marketing Success 

The Importance of Business Procedures for Your Marketing

Should you worry about business procedures and operations when you have a great marketing strategy in place?

Most business owners think not. 

Well, those entrepreneurs are, most likely, on their way to business failure. Even with the right marketing strategy and the people to implement it, there is a key factor that we often tend to neglect: business procedures. 

In this Midwest Mindset episode, the Two Brothers Creative team is joined by Tracy Winkler, owner and founder of Elevate 2 Grow, to discuss why excellent marketing can still fail without the proper business procedures.

Tracy Winkler marketing and procedures

Tracy Winkler’s Journey to Business Coaching Success

Tracy is one of our favorite professionals to collaborate with; she has helped us tremendously by improving our processes and procedures, and she sure knows what she’s doing.

She spent 20 years working in her family business, learning a ton along the way, and after those formative years, Tracy thought it was a good time for her to try something new as well. 

This led her to co-own six different companies, getting to know a bunch of different industries and learning about what makes a company succeed in operations and marketing.

Read the full transcript.

But through all of this, Tracy found out that what she really loved wasn’t just running and owning businesses but helping others make their businesses better. 

She found a real love for coaching, helping companies get through tough times and improving their success rate. 

What Are Business Procedures and Operations? 

So, Tracy talked about an essential truth of business: (get your pen and paper and write this down) Marketing can’t succeed without a business’s proper functioning. 

And what makes a business function? That’s right: processes, procedures, and operations.

Operations are the backbone of any business, ensuring the smooth and efficient functioning of all departments. 

This includes everything from manufacturing, financial management, human resources, and customer service; no matter how big or small your company is, YOU NEED procedures to ensure effective results. 

Business Procedures and Operations two brothers creative

Marketing Needs, Business Procedures and Operations

So, why does marketing have to do with all business operations? Marketing is supposed to be all about fun, right?

Well, here’s a reality check. While marketing does involve a lot of creativity and innovation, it’s also deeply rooted in solid business procedures and operations. 

For your marketing efforts to be both enjoyable and successful, they need to be anchored in a sound business structure. This way, customers find a predictable solution in your products or services that meets their needs effectively every time.

In essence, without proper operations, your ability to leverage the benefits of your marketing campaigns is significantly reduced. 

It’s like having a sports car but no fuel to power it; it might look great, but it won’t get you anywhere.

The Basic of Business Procedures and Operations

So, how do you ensure good business operations?

Procceses and procedures two brothers creative


First things first, break down your main goal into bite-sized objectives. Establishing measurable metrics will help you monitor your progress toward achieving your overall aim. 

Without a solid operational foundation, reaching these goals can seem like an uphill battle.


Next, create a prototype of your product or service. Understand the costs and resources required to produce them. 

Who’s going to manage the storage, sales, and every step of the selling process? These are crucial questions to answer as they directly impact your operations.

Be Slow and Methodical

Things can spiral out of control quickly in the business world, taking baby steps is a smart approach. 

Start by building your business with small, achievable goals. Promote your prototype and gauge who’s genuinely interested.

 This will give you valuable insights and help shape your marketing strategy down the line.


Running a business is a never-ending journey. There’s always room for improvement, always a process that can be tweaked for more efficiency. 

As your company grows and evolves, so too should your operations. It’s not just about working harder; it’s about working smarter.

marketing strategy omaha two brothers creative

Business Operations Needs Marketing

Just as your business requires effective operations to run smoothly, it also needs a marketing strategy to attract customers and drive growth.

Simply leading your customers to your business is not enough; you need to provide compelling reasons for them to engage with your products or services. It’s not merely about actions; it’s about creating meaningful connections that inspire customer loyalty.

The Basics of Marketing

Your business operation will make people stay and trust your business, but how do you get them to know you in the first place?

The power of marketing lies in its ability to guide customers toward beneficial actions. 

But remember, it’s not just about telling your customers what to do; it’s about highlighting how they stand to gain from doing business with you.

In this narrative, your customer is the hero. So, make sure to offer clear benefits for them instead of making it all about you and your company.  

Tracy Winkler EOS

Two Brothers Creative: Content in a Box

Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.

Together, we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged. 

Download the 6-step Marketing Plan pdf to get your strategy started. Don’t make the same mistakes other businesses make, and thrive for years to come.

Succeed in Marketing with The Easy Box

Don’t know where to start with your marketing strategy? With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.

Paid Online Advertising: How to Do it Right

The Secrets to Paid Digital Ads: How to Do it Right

Is paid online advertising giving you a headache? Businesses struggling with paid ads are more common than you think; we know that when we started, this was one of our biggest struggles as well, but we found a way to do it more effectively!

In this Midwest Mindset episode (or the Omaha Podcast,) AnnMarie Fereday and Matt Falcon from Refine Digital Marketing join us to discuss how to do paid advertising right without wasting your money on the process. 

What Is Paid Online Advertising? 

Paid online advertising is a marketing strategy that involves paying for ads to be displayed on various online platforms and in front of different people while they are surfing the internet, like the short video clips you see before your youtube video starts. 

Paid ads allow you to reach a wider audience and engage with people who may have never heard of your product or service before.

The magic of online advertising is that you have the opportunity to showcase your offerings to users who are actively searching for something that you have to offer.

These ads can appear in search engine results, social media feeds, or on relevant websites, grabbing the attention of potential customers.

Read the full transcript

The Customer Journey

The first step to doing paid advertising right is to understand your customer’s journey. This refers to the steps a customer takes from the moment they become aware of your brand to the point of making a purchase or taking any desired action.

Imagine a customer journey where a person is searching for a new smartphone. They start by seeing an ad on social media, sparking their interest.

They then conduct online research, comparing different models and reading reviews. After narrowing down their options, they visit a retailer’s website and explore the product features in detail. Finally, they make a purchase online.

By mapping out the customer journey, you can identify the key touchpoints where you want to engage and influence your potential customers. Paid media can be vital in guiding customers through this journey and ultimately closing the sale.

Paid Online Advertising is All About Behavior

Next, you need to know your target audience’s behavior patterns. These will indicate a readiness to buy from you.

By understanding and aligning with the behavior your target audience needs, you can position your ads on the platforms where they are most likely to convert into customers.

By analyzing data and insights, you can identify your target audience’s preferences, interests, and online behaviors. Let’s say you want to promote your new sports water bottle.

After analyzing customer behavior data, you discover that your audience tends to search for workout accessories in the early morning; with this information, you can now strategically place paid ads on social media platforms and search engines during these peak times.

Different platforms offer different opportunities to connect with your target audience. For example, if your audience is more likely to buy or become leads through Facebook or Instagram, it makes sense to focus your paid advertising efforts on these platforms.

what are paid online advertising

Be Consistent to Reach Best Paid Online Advertising Results

Consistency is key when it comes to paid advertising. Instead of relying on just one ad, re-target your audience with consistent content across multiple platforms.

By keeping your brand in front of your target audience consistently, you increase brand recognition and engagement. 

Utilize various channels such as social media, email marketing, and personalized connections to ensure that your message resonates with your audience and reinforces the value you offer.

This way, when they are ready to purchase, you will be at the front and center of their minds and their computers. 

Hire a Paid Online Advertising Expert

Nebraska can be a competitive place to grow your business; believe us, we have been there. So, to navigate the complexities of paid advertising, consider hiring a professional in your area. 

With their expertise, they can help you define and reach your specific target audience, optimizing your campaigns for better results.

Defining an audience and doing paid ads can take a lot of time that most of us don’t have, so a professional can also help with that. 

Remember: there are a lot of companies that will try to just get money out of you. Look for a transparent company that can demonstrate a clear return on investment and provide analytics-backed results. 

A reliable professional will not only be able to explain the outcomes but also have a well-thought-out strategy to guide your advertising efforts.

how to do Paid Online Advertising

How much should you spend on paid ads?

When starting out, it’s wise, to begin with a smaller budget, such as $50 to $100, to test and evaluate what works best for your brand. 

This allows you to determine which strategies and platforms are more effective and give you the best ROI results. 

Before investing more in paid ads, consider the lifetime cost of your clients: how much does retaining a client for life cost?

If you cater to big B2B clients who invest millions in your services, maybe you want to have a higher budget. 

Organic Content And Paid Online Advertising

Lastly, It’s important to note that paid ads are much more effective when you have a solid website and a good organic content marketing strategy. 

Your paid ads should always complement your organic marketing efforts rather than replace them entirely.

While paid media helps introduce your brand to new users, organic media fosters credibility and maintains engagement with your existing followers. 

Both approaches are valuable and should work hand in hand to maximize your marketing impact. Once you see the results of combining these strategies, you will be as impressed as we were. 

paid ads in omaha Nebraska

Start Your Paid Online Advertising

We know that building an effective marketing strategy in Omaha can be hard. Whether you want to start paying for online ads or need help building a solid and strong content marketing strategy, we can help you! 

Together, we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged.

Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.

Avoid Business Failure: Don’t Kill Your Company

How to Kill Your Business: Avoid Failure

Ready to avoid business failure? The hard reality is that a significant number of businesses don’t make it past their initial five years. If you don’t want to become part of this statistic, keep reading. 

By understanding the reasons behind business failures, you can avoid making the same mistakes in your company and create a strategy to build a successful business. In this Midwest Mindset Episode (or the Omaha Podcast), we go through all the things you need to do and don’t do. 

Business mistakes to avoid in omaha

Marketing to Avoid Business Failure

The number one mistake businesses make is… you guessed it: marketing. Businesses will usually take a bad marketing approach or won’t focus on marketing at all. 

A lack of a marketing strategy can prove to be a costly mistake. Marketing isn’t just about having a logo and an active Instagram account. It’s about finding your potential customers, engaging with them, understanding their needs, and showcasing how your product or service can solve their problems or enhance their lives.

Read the full transcript.

Not Having a Target Audience

Most entrepreneurs that fail at marketing do because they don’t really know who they are marketing for. Take the time to investigate your market and find the niche that you want to target with your strategy. 

Then, think of your marketing strategy as your company’s master game plan, designed to attract those specific prospective consumers and convert them into loyal customers. 

Remember, marketing is not a one-time event but a long-term investment. A well-crafted and executed marketing strategy can be your most powerful tool for business growth in the long run.

Imitating Others 

It’s easier for small companies starting out to look up to other big brands for inspiration and even do what their competitors are doing; however, when it comes to running your business, this is not a good idea. Here’s why.

Larger corporations operate on an entirely different scale and with vastly different agendas than small businesses. They have big budgets, extensive resources, and a broad customer base, which allows them to experiment with various strategies, things that are simply not feasible for smaller companies.

Trying to emulate these giants is like trying to fit a square shape into a round hole – it just doesn’t work. The business landscape isn’t one-size-fits-all; what works for a multinational conglomerate may not work for a local pop shop or an online startup.

So, instead of mimicking what the big players are doing, focus on carving out your own unique path. Understand your business’s strengths, harness them, and build strategies tailored to your specific needs and goals. 

Omaha content production

Being On Every Social Media

In the constantly changing and evolving world of social media, it might seem like a necessity to be on each platform and have a constant stream of content; that’s why a lot of companies starting out do so. However, this it’s not the way to do social media. 

Each social media platform has a distinct demographic and vibe. Instead of spreading yourself thin across all platforms, find out where your target audience hangs out the most. 

Once you’ve identified your niche, focus your energy on creating engaging content for that platform. This approach is more sustainable and effective in building a strong online presence and fostering a loyal community around your brand.

Remember, in business, It’s not always about doing more but about doing what’s strategic for business growth.

Avoid Business Failure: Seek Professional Help

Now, managing a business’s social media presence, online image, and e-commerce store can feel overwhelming. And it’s perfectly okay to seek help. A lot of small businesses won’t ask for help because they are afraid of the cost or think the results of a social media strategy are not worth it. 

However, having a bad social media strategy can be more costly. There are professionals out there who eat, sleep, and breathe digital marketing. They can help you strategize, create compelling content, engage with your audience, and manage your online store, delivering successful results.

Avoid business failure and mistakes


One of the most critical elements of a successful company is its ability to measure and understand its performance. That’s where metrics come into play!

Think of metrics as your business’s vital signs. Just like a doctor checks your heartbeat and blood pressure to assess your health, metrics provide a snapshot of your company’s well-being. They help you keep an eye on your business’s pulse, signaling when things are going well and alerting you when there’s trouble brewing.

Becoming a metrics-driven business means making decisions based on data, not hunches or guesswork. It’s about using numbers to guide your strategy, set clear goals, and track progress. Whether it’s measuring sales growth, customer satisfaction, or product usage, metrics offer invaluable insights that can drive your business forward.

Not Having a Sales Conversion and Nurturing Strategy

Your customers are the stars of the show. Without them, there wouldn’t be a show at all! That’s why creating a dynamic sales conversion and nurturing strategy is so important; it’s your ticket to building trust, standing out from the crowd, and, most importantly, showing your customers how much they matter.

A lot of businesses skip this step because they don’t even know that a conversion strategy is possible. A sales conversion and nurturing strategy isn’t just a fancy business term; it’s your game plan for winning over potential customers and keeping them returning for more. It’s about showing your customers that they aren’t just another number but the heart and soul of your business. 

Here’s where the magic happens. Instead of simply selling a product or service, focus on selling solutions. Show your customers how your offerings can solve their problems or make their lives easier. Remember, it’s not about you. It’s all about them.

Once a customer is on board, it’s time to nurture that relationship. Show them they’re valued, listen to their feedback, and strive to meet their evolving needs. This not only fosters loyalty but also turns your customers into brand ambassadors who will spread the word about your business.

are you killing your business

Start Your Marketing Strategy and Avoid Business Failure

Download the 6-step Marketing Plan pdf to get your strategy started. Don’t make the same mistakes other businesses make, and thrive for years to come.

Together we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged. Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.

AI Marketing

How to Use YouTube for Business and Actually Make Some Money

How Your Business Can Make Money On YouTube

How can you use YouTube for business and actually make some money off of it? Is it even possible? YouTube is an unexplored tool for a lot of business owners and left out of a lot of marketing strategies, but the reality is that YouTube is a secret weapon for content marketing, SEO, and monetization! Today, we will tell you all about it. 

In this Midwest Mindset (The Omaha Podcast) episode, we’re joined once again by Walt Sanders and Michael Murphy of Omaha’s WMK Media to explore how businesses can make money, generate leads and improve their content strategy with the power of YouTube. 

make money on youtube Omaha

How to Use YouTube for Business: What Does it Take?

Starting your YouTube business venture might seem like a piece of cake at first glance, but it’s more than just hitting the ‘upload’ button every now and then. It’s about crafting a well-thought-out strategy, staying consistent, and dedicating time.

The YouTube game is not a one-and-done deal; it requires consistent and dedicated effort. Consistency is what will keep your audience coming back for more and boost your visibility in YouTube’s algorithm.

Remember that YouTube isn’t just a video platform; it’s a social media space, and people want to connect with your brand. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments, asking for their opinions, and even involving them in your decision-making process.

Read the full transcript.

SEO on YouTube

The first way to YouTube can help you make some money is to use Search Engine Optimization (Video SEO) for people to find you and do business with you. 

Remember that Google owns YouTube and is constantly used for search queries, so this is a golden opportunity for your videos to rank on ​​youtube search results. 

The first and most essential step in your is keyword research. This process involves identifying target keywords and phrases that people use when searching for content like yours. These keywords should be relevant to your business and have a decent search volume

Consistency is king on YouTube. Uploading two to three videos per week keeps your channel active and signals to YouTube that you’re a consistent content provider. This will significantly improve your channel’s SEO over time and increase visibility.

How to Use YouTube for Business and Make Money (2)

How to Use YouTube for Business and Grow Your Audience: Pro Tips

Once you have mastered the art of SEO on youtube and are keeping a consistent schedule, you can move on to more specific tips and techniques to implement in your videos; here are the proven strategies that Walt and Murphy use for their video content creation.

Have a Creative Team

Having a network with other content creators will make your YouTube path more successful.  Assemble a creative team that includes other content creators to ensure a constant flow of fresh ideas. 

Draft a content map and develop a weekly and monthly plan to create videos. Establish an ecosystem for feedback and mutual assistance, which will not only improve your content but also foster a supportive community among creators.

How to Use YouTube for your business two brothers creative

Be Specific

Carve out your niche on YouTube by clearly defining your channel’s name, brand, and purpose. What’s the core message you want to convey? What kind of content will you create? 

The more specific and focused you are, the easier it will be for viewers to understand what you’re all about and relate. Having a specific target audience and topic will also make your content way easier to find in search results. 


YouTube is a fantastic platform for networking. Feature partners and industry peers in your videos to spotlight their work and strengthen relationships. This not only boosts your channel’s credibility but also expands your reach to potential customers. 

Featuring your colleagues on your page is a Win-Win situation for them and for your SEO efforts since it’s more likely for your content to get reported and shared. So don’t be afraid to ask people related to your industry to join your YouTube videos. 

Having valuable content

The real secret to YouTube’s success lies in delivering valuable content. If you want to stand out and grow, you need to provide something of true worth to your audience. 

What challenges can you help them overcome? What unique insights can you offer? By adding value to the YouTube ecosystem, you’ll attract viewers who are seeking the answers you can provide.

Strive to create content that not only addresses these issues but also presents solutions in an engaging and accessible way. This could be through tutorials, expert interviews, behind-the-scenes looks, or even storytelling.

How to Use YouTube for Business and Make Money_ marketing secrets

Engage: The First 10 Seconds Matter

The first few moments of your video are the digital equivalent of a first impression. It’s your golden opportunity to pique interest, spark curiosity and draw your viewers in. According to research, you have approximately 10 seconds to engage your audience before they decide whether to continue watching or move on.

To optimize these crucial seconds, start by sparking curiosity. Pose a thought-provoking question, share an intriguing fact, or tease a compelling piece of content that’s coming later in the video.

How to Use YouTube for Business: Be Authentic

The last and probably the most important tip for making money on youtube is to be authentic. Authenticity it’s a fundamental principle for success. Being genuine in your content isn’t just about being honest; it’s about presenting your true self, showcasing your personality, and letting your unique voice shine through.

omaha youtube Content Marketing strategy

When you’re authentic, viewers can sense it. They are more likely to feel a connection with you, trust your message, and engage with your content. 

So, how do you authentically present yourself on YouTube? Start by embracing your individuality. Each person has a unique perspective and story to tell, so don’t shy away from sharing yours. 

Two Brothers Creative: Content in a Box

Together we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged. Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.

How to Use YouTube to grow your business

The Digital Secret To Email Content Marketing

Email Content Marketing: The Way to Get More Leads

Email content marketing in today’s digital age is more important than ever; since the pandemic and with the evolution of online marketing in the last few years, it has become a major part of a winning digital marketing strategy. 

With so much information at our fingertips, it can be difficult for businesses to stand out. That’s where email marketing comes in.

With so many options to market your business on search engines, social media marketing, and traditional marketing, it is important to diversify your content marketing strategy. When done correctly, email marketing can be a powerful tool for driving sales, increasing brand awareness, and generating leads.

Two Brothers Marketing Matt and Ben holding computer

How Email Content Marketing Works

Email marketing is the process of sending promotional messages to a list of subscribers. Not only is it a cost-efficient method of reaching a broad audience, but it also serves as a tool for fostering and strengthening relationships with potential audiences as well as existing customers.

Email content marketing works by sending promotional messages to a list of subscribers. These messages can include product announcements, blog posts, and special offers.

When a subscriber opens an email, the sender can track how they interact with the content. This information can be used to improve future emails and make them more relevant to the subscriber’s interests.

Email Marketing_ The Key to Effective Content Marketing

The Benefits of Email Content Marketing

There are many benefits to email marketing, including:

  • High Return Over Investment (ROI): Email marketing has one of the highest ROIs of any marketing channel. Studies have shown that for every $1 spent on email marketing, businesses can expect to generate $44 in revenue.
  • Scalability: Email marketing is a scalable marketing channel; think of it as a bag without a bottom. As your business grows, you can easily add more subscribers to your email list.
  • Measurability: Email marketing is a measurable marketing channel. You can track how many people open your emails, click on links, and make purchases. This information can be used to improve your email marketing campaigns over time. This treasure trove of data helps you understand what’s working and what’s not.
  • Personalization: Imagine walking into a store where everyone knows your name and your favorite order; it means people know you and remember you; it is like you belong, and it feels pretty good, right? That’s what personalized emails can do. Email marketing can be a personalized channel. Use subscriber data to personalize your emails and make them more relevant to their interests.
Email Marketing team

How to Write Email Content That Converts

Wondering how to start the perfect email? Don’t worry, we have a blog that talks all about it, but here we give you a quick rundown of the most important points. 

The subject line is the first thing your subscribers will see, so it’s important to make it attention-grabbing and relevant to your content.

Avoid using all caps, exclamation points, or spammy language. Instead, focus on writing a clear and concise subject line that will make your subscribers want to open your email.

“For example, instead of “BUY NOW!,” you could use” Discover Your New Favorite Summer Outfit.” The latter gives a hint about the email content and sounds much more appealing.”For example, instead of “BUY NOW!!”, you could use “Discover Your New Favorite Summer Outfit.” The latter gives a hint about the email content and sounds much more appealing.

Keep Your Piece of Content Short and Sweet

In this fast-paced world, people appreciate brevity. When writing your email content, try to get straight to the point. Long, rambling emails can often lead to your message getting lost or your email not being read at all.

To make your content easier to digest, consider breaking it up with bullet points, numbered lists, or images. This will not only make your email more visually appealing but also allows your subscribers to scan through the content quickly.

Use Strong Calls to Action

A Call to Action (CTA) is a prompt or instruction designed to engage a user and encourage them to take a specific action. 

Tell your subscribers what you want them to do, whether it’s clicking on a link, visiting your website, or making a purchase.

“Your CTA should be clear and easy to follow. If you want your subscribers to visit your website, provide them with a button or link and a compelling reason to click on it. For instance,” Explore our new summer collection.” Your CTA should be clear and easy to follow. If you want your subscribers to visit your website, provide them with a button or link and a compelling reason to click on it. For instance, “Explore our new summer collection.”

Email Marketing two brothers creative (2)

Personalize Your Email Content Marketing Efforts

Personalization goes a long way in making your subscribers feel special. It shows that you value them as individuals and not just as part of a mass email campaign. 

You can personalize your emails in various ways, such as by using their names or referencing their interests or past purchases.

Track Your Email Content Marketing Results

Once you start sending out emails, tracking your results and adjusting as needed are important. Use email analytics tools to track open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics. This will help you see what’s working and what’s not so you can improve your email marketing strategy over time.

These insights allow you to see what’s resonating with your subscribers and what’s not. Perhaps your subject lines aren’t engaging enough, or maybe your CTAs aren’t clear. By tracking your results, you can continually refine and improve your email marketing strategy.

Become A Email Marketing Specialist_ How To Make Engaging Content 2

The Best Mailing Platforms

Starting an email marketing campaign can be confusing and overwhelming at the beginning, especially when you don’t have a path to follow or a platform to manage your email campaigns and email contact list. 

Sure, you can do it all by yourself, but if you are looking for a subscription that makes your emailing easier and optimized, here are our favorite ones. 


Mailchimp is renowned for its all-in-one marketing platform. It caters to businesses of all sizes and offers a range of features, including email automation, audience segmentation, and detailed analytics. 

This email service also has a free plan for up to 2,000 subscribers for smaller businesses or if you are just starting out and want to get the hang of it before committing to the platform. This free version and its other affordable prices make it an excellent option for any kind of business.


ActiveCampaign stands out for its advanced automation capabilities. It allows you to create powerful, automated marketing campaigns that can help increase engagement and conversions. 

While it doesn’t offer a free plan at the moment, it is still an affordable option to maintain your emails and contacts organized. 


Lastly, Brevo is another highly recommended platform. Notable for supporting growing businesses that are ready to take their email to the next level.

Brevo offers both email and SMS marketing services. This dual functionality allows businesses to reach their audience through multiple channels, increasing their chances of engagement and visibility. 

Email Marketing how to

The Best Email Course 

If you already started with email marketing and want to go the extra step or want to be as ready as you can before launching your first email campaign, here are the four courses we recommend to become a full email marketing specialist. 

HubSpot Academy

HubSpot’s free certification course provides you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to create an effective email marketing strategy within their platform and other CMS

It’s a great resource for those looking to gain a solid understanding of email marketing principles and best practices.


“Coursera offers numerous email marketing courses from reputable institutions. Among these isGoogle’ss””Think Outside the Inbox: Email Marketing” course, which provides valuable insights into email marketing.”Coursera offers numerous email marketing courses from reputable institutions. Among these is Google’s “Think Outside the Inbox: Email Marketing” course, which provides valuable insights into email marketing.

This course will take you from the most basic email knowledge to more advanced strategies to boost your emailing campaign. 


The Email Marketing Essentials course of SkillShare focuses on the essentials of email marketing, providing learners with the necessary foundation to start their email marketing journey.

This course will give you the basic information to jump-start your email marketing efforts and do it the right way. 

Omnisend Academy
Omnisend Email Marketing Fundamentals is a course that offers a comprehensive course on email marketing. It covers everything from the basics to more advanced topics, making it suitable for learners at all levels.

Email Marketing near me


Content marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes achieve their marketing goals. Email marketing can be a cost-effective way to drive sales, increase brand awareness, and generate leads.

Following the tips in this article, you can write effective email content to help you achieve your digital marketing goals.

Two Brothers Creative: Content in a Box

Together we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged. Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.

The Best Omaha SEO Strategy For Business

The Best Omaha SEO Strategy

Creating an Omaha SEO Strategy for local businesses can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

By thoughtfully implementing search engine optimization (SEO) and keeping up with the latest industry trends, you can easily create compelling content to help your business reach the right audience.

In this blog post, we’ll provide insider tips on developing an effective SEO plan tailored to create compelling content.

Content Marketing in Omaha

How to Use an Omaha SEO Strategy for Content

You’ll learn how to incorporate keyword research into your workflow and increase organic traffic from search engine results pages with each piece of unique content you produce.

With these expert tips in tow, you’ll be able to make sure that every piece of content you write is optimized for maximum visibility and impact.

In today’s digital age, having a website or social media presence is no longer enough. With millions of web pages and blog posts published every day, standing out from the crowd and reaching your audience requires a well-crafted content marketing strategy that’s optimized for search engines.

What is SEO?

But what does that mean, exactly? Well, in a nutshell, SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of optimizing your website and its content to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords and phrases.

By creating quality content that’s relevant to your targeted audience’s search queries, you can increase your visibility, drive organic traffic to your site, and ultimately convert those visitors into paying customers.

So, how do you create an SEO content strategy that works? Here are some practical steps to get started:

The SEO Strategy You Need

Step 1: Research Your Audience and SEO Keywords

Before you start creating any type of content, it’s essential to understand who your target audience is and what they’re searching for.

By researching your audience’s needs, interests, pain points, and search behavior, you can identify the keywords and phrases they use to find solutions to their problems.

For example, if you’re a local pizza restaurant in Omaha, your targeted audience might search for keywords such as “best pizza in Omaha,” “pizza delivery near me,” or “family-friendly pizza restaurant.”

If you are still wondering how to start and what keywords are the best for your audience, listening to our Midwest Mindset for Marketing podcast can help you better guide you to understand your audience.

Step 2: Omaha SEO Strategy For Content and Topics

Once you’ve identified your targeted audience and keywords, it’s time to determine the type of content that will best suit your audience’s needs and search intent.

Different types of content, such as blog posts, landing pages, videos, infographics, or social media posts, can be used to target different stages of the customer journey and achieve different marketing goals.

For example, if your goal is to attract new customers, blog posts that educate your audience about your products or services or answer their frequently asked questions can be a great starting point.

On the other hand, if your goal is to convert visitors into leads or sales, landing pages that offer a free trial, demo, or consultation can be more effective.

To determine the content topics that will resonate with your targeted audience and align with your business goals, you can use a content mappings tool such as HubSpot’s Content Strategy Tool or Ahrefs’ Content Explorer.

These tools allow you to discover popular content topics in your industry, analyze their performance metrics, and create a content plan that covers all stages of the customer journey and aligns with your SEO and marketing strategies.


Step 3: Optimize Your Omaha SEO Strategy

Once you’ve identified your targeted audience, keywords, and content topics, it’s time to create high-quality content that’s optimized for search engines.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Use long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and less competitive than short-tail keywords, which makes them easier to rank for and more targeted to your audience’s search queries.

Use long-tail keywords in your title, meta description, headings, and copy to improve your SEO score and visibility on Google and other search engines.

Meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are the short snippets of text that appear under your page title in the search results. They provide a brief summary of your content and can influence whether or not a user clicks on your page.

Use your target keywords and a persuasive call-to-action in your meta description to entice users to click on your page.

Headings and subheadings

Headings and subheadings not only make your content more readable and organized, but they also provide context to search engines about the structure and hierarchy of your content. Use your target keywords in your headings and subheadings to signal to search engines what your content is about.

Internal and external links

Internal links are links within your site that point to other relevant pages or blog posts, while external links are links to other authoritative sites that provide additional value to your readers.

Use both types of links in your content to provide a better user experience and signal to search engines that your content is trustworthy and relevant.


Images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia not only make your content more engaging and shareable but also provide additional opportunities to optimize your content for search engines. Use descriptive file names, alt text, and captions to help search engines understand the content of your images and multimedia.

blog writing

Step 4: Measure and Improve Your Omaha SEO Strategy

Creating quality content that’s optimized for search engines is just the first step.

To ensure that your content marketing strategy is effective and generates results, you need to measure and analyze your content’s performance metrics, such as traffic, engagement, conversion rates, and revenue.

Tools such as Google Analytics, Ahrefs, or SEMrush can help you track and analyze your content’s performance metrics and identify opportunities for improvement.

By measuring the impact of your content on your business goals and iterating on your content marketing strategy based on data and feedback, you can continuously improve your content’s effectiveness and ROI.

Step 5: Promote Your Content

Finally, promoting your content through social media and outreach is an essential part of any SEO content strategy.

By sharing your content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram, you can reach a wider audience, drive traffic to your site, and build brand awareness.

In addition, outreach to influencers, bloggers, journalists, or other relevant websites can help you build backlinks, increase your domain authority, and generate more traffic and visibility for your content.

By leveraging social media and outreach to amplify your content’s reach and impact, you can maximize the ROI of your SEO content strategy and achieve your marketing goals.

Outbound Marketing Definition

The Essential SEO Strategy Tools

By using keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, you can identify the search volume, competition, and relevance of different keywords and choose the ones that are most relevant to your business and audience.

These are some of my favorite tools to use for SEO:

Google Keyword Planner

A powerful and free keyword research tool offered by Google, the Keyword Planner helps you discover new keywords related to your business, their search volume, and their competitiveness.

It also provides insights into keyword trends and enables you to create and optimize your Google Ads campaigns for better performance.


SEMrush is an all-in-one SEO and digital marketing suite that offers a comprehensive keyword research tool.

With its extensive database of over 20 billion keywords, you can identify high-performing keywords, analyze search volume, competition, and keyword difficulty, as well as uncover long-tail keywords and phrase matches.

SEMrush also offers competitor analysis, backlink analysis, and site audit features, making it a versatile choice for any digital marketer.

How to implement UGC Marketing in your business


MOZ is another popular SEO toolset that includes keyword research capabilities. Its Keyword Explorer feature helps you find the most relevant keywords for your business by analyzing search volume, competition, and organic click-through rates.

Additionally, MOZ offers a range of other SEO tools, such as rank tracking, site audits, and backlink analysis, making it an excellent resource for optimizing your website’s overall SEO performance.

Competitor Analysis

Monitoring your competitors’ SEO strategies can provide you with a wealth of information to improve your own campaigns.

By analyzing their keyword usage, backlink profiles, and content strategies, you can identify gaps and opportunities to outperform them in search rankings. Tools like SEMrush, MOZ, and Ahrefs offer competitor analysis features that can help you keep a close eye on your competition and stay ahead of the game.

Crafting Your Omaha SEO Strategy

Creating quality content that’s optimized for search engines is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy.

By following these practical steps, you can create high-quality content that attracts organic traffic, engages your target audience, and drives more sales.

Remember, the key to a successful SEO content strategy is to understand your audience, research your keywords and content topics, optimize your content for SEO best practices, measure and improve your content’s performance, and promote your content through social media and outreach.

By continuously iterating on your content marketing strategy based on data and feedback, you can stay ahead of the competition, rank higher on search engine results pages, and achieve your business goals.

So what are you waiting for? Start creating an SEO content strategy that works for your business today.

Content Marketing in the Age of the Algorithm Is Overwhelming

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of content marketing? Are you struggling to create content that effectively conveys your brand’s value proposition while engaging your audience? 

Two Brothers Creative is here to help. As experienced content marketers ourselves, we understand the challenges of selecting channels, preparing creatives, and then effectively promoting your content across multiple touchpoints. Our team is prepared to help you with the process.

Two Brothers Creative: Content in a Box

Together we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged. Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.

Omaha Digital Marketing Matt headshot

Omaha Inbound Marketing for Your Business

Omaha Inbound Marketing for Small Businesses

Omaha inbound marketing is a crucial part of your business’s overall organic marketing strategy, but how can you use it and what is the difference between outbound marketing? Welcome to part two of our three-part series on inbound and outbound marketing.

No matter what kind of business you’re running, selecting the perfect marketing strategy is crucial for your success. That’s precisely why we’ve designed this series to help you understand these two powerful approaches and make informed decisions.

Here’s a quick overview of our series:

blog writing digital marketing

An Overview of Omaha Inbound Marketing

Part One: The Differences Between Inbound and Outbound Marketing

In the first part, we explore the fundamental differences between inbound and outbound marketing, their goals, tactics, and how they work together for a well-rounded strategy.

Part Two: What Is Inbound Marketing?

This second part focuses on inbound marketing, discussing its core principles, tactics, and best practices for creating valuable content and nurturing leads.

inbound marketing for small business

Part Three: What Is Outbound Marketing?

Lastly, we dive into outbound marketing, exploring its various tactics and how to balance it with inbound marketing for a winning combination.

By the end of this series, you’ll have a clear understanding of both strategies and be better equipped to choose the right approach for your business goals.

Let’s get started on this insightful marketing journey.

Inbound Marketing 101: Drawing Customers In

Content and inbound marketing is all about creating valuable content that attracts, engages, and delights your target audience.

Inbound marketing started to gain significant traction around the mid-2000s with the rise of the Internet, content marketing, and social media platforms. The shift in consumer behavior towards seeking information online and the growing skepticism towards traditional marketing methods like cold calls and advertisements contributed to its increasing popularity.

The goal is to provide helpful, relevant content that pulls people in and keeps them coming back for more. In contrast to outbound marketing tactics like cold calls and paid ads, inbound marketing focuses on earning customers’ attention organically.

Some key elements of inbound marketing include blog posts, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and email marketing.

When done right, these strategies work together to help your business rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract potential customers who are genuinely interested in your products or services.

Inbound Marketing for small business

The Power of Omaha Content Marketing

One of the cornerstones of inbound marketing is content marketing, which involves creating and distributing valuable content to attract and retain your target audience.

The types of content you create can vary widely, from blog posts and videos to infographics and eBooks.

The secret to effective content marketing lies in offering content that is closely aligned with your audience’s interests, desires, and challenges. By providing material that helps and supports them, you demonstrate your value as a reliable source of information. This approach fosters trust and credibility between you and potential customers, making it easier for them to choose your business when they need the products or services you offer.

A great example of inbound marketing are blogs on a specific topic related to your business niche. Suppose you run a gardening supply store. You could develop content that covers various aspects of gardening, such as “10 Essential Gardening Tools for Beginners,” “How to Start a Vegetable Garden,” or “Organic Pest Control Methods for Your Garden.”

I remember when I first started creating blog posts for my business. I was amazed at how much traffic they drove to my website and how many leads they generated. People genuinely appreciated the valuable information I provided, and it helped establish my business as an authority in the industry.

Inbound Marketing FOR SMALL BUSINESS

Search Engine Optimization: Getting Found Online

Another essential component of inbound marketing is search engine optimization (SEO).

By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you increase the likelihood of appearing on the first page of SERPs, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

SEO involves several techniques, such as using relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks from reputable websites. These efforts help search engines understand what your content is about and rank it accordingly.

When I first started implementing SEO strategies, I was blown away by the difference it made in my website’s visibility. My organic search traffic skyrocketed, and it’s been a game-changer for my business.

The SEO Strategy You Need

Email Marketing: Building Relationships and Nurturing Leads

Email marketing is another powerful inbound marketing tool that allows you to build and maintain relationships with your audience.

By sending regular, valuable content directly to their inbox, you keep your brand top of mind and encourage customer loyalty.

A well-executed email marketing campaign can help you nurture leads, share news about your products or services, and drive traffic back to your website. The key is to provide relevant and valuable information that your audience will appreciate.

A good example of an email inbound marketing campaign is a weekly or monthly newsletter that offers valuable content tailored to the interests of your audience. Let’s say you run a fitness and wellness business. Your email campaign could include the elements like routines, nutrition tips, mental health, and wellness trends.

In my own experience, email marketing has been instrumental in keeping my customers engaged and informed. It’s allowed me to maintain a personal connection with them and foster long-term relationships.

inbound vs outbound

Social Media: Connecting with Your Audience in Real Time

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer an excellent opportunity to connect with your audience in real-time.

By sharing valuable content, engaging with users, and participating in conversations, you can build brand awareness and establish trust with your followers.

One of the great things about social media is that it allows you to humanize your brand, showing your audience the people and personality behind the business. It’s also a fantastic way to share your content with a broader audience, as users can easily share and engage with your posts.

Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve found social media to be an invaluable tool for connecting with my audience and promoting my content. It’s helped me build a loyal following and create a sense of community around my brand.

Should you be on every social media channel for your business?

The Importance of Lead Generation in Inbound Marketing

Lead generation is a critical aspect of inbound marketing. By creating valuable content that attracts potential customers, you can capture their information and nurture them through the sales funnel.

One effective way to generate leads is by offering gated content, such as eBooks or whitepapers, that requires users to provide their contact information in exchange for access.

This not only allows you to capture valuable lead data but it also helps you identify which types of content resonate most with your audience.

In my own business, I’ve seen firsthand how effective lead generation can be in driving sales and growing my customer base. It’s been an essential part of my inbound marketing strategy.

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing: The Key Differences

Now that we’ve explored the various elements of inbound marketing let’s briefly discuss how it differs from outbound marketing.

While inbound marketing focuses on attracting customers by providing valuable content, outbound marketing involves actively reaching out to potential customers through tactics like cold calls, direct mail, and paid advertising.

The main difference lies in the approach: inbound marketing is about earning customer’s attention, while outbound marketing is about buying it.

These strategies tend to be more cost-effective and have longer-lasting results than outbound marketing tactics. They also align better with modern consumer preferences, as people are becoming increasingly resistant to intrusive marketing methods.

Inbound marketing often relies on users opting in to receive content, such as subscribing to a newsletter, following a social media account, or downloading a resource. This means that the audience has willingly chosen to engage with the brand, making the interaction more welcome and relevant.

EOS implementing

Creating a Successful Inbound Marketing Campaign

To create a successful inbound marketing campaign, consider the following steps:

  • Define your target audience: Understand who your ideal customers are, what their needs and wants are, and how you can address them with your content.
  • Create a content strategy: Plan out the types of content you’ll create, the platforms you’ll use, and how you’ll promote and distribute your content.
  • Optimize your website and content for search engines: Implement SEO best practices to improve your visibility on SERPs and drive organic traffic.
  • Engage with your audience on social media: Share valuable content, participate in conversations, and build relationships with your followers.
  • Develop an email marketing strategy: Create targeted email campaigns that provide value to your subscribers and nurture your leads.
  • Monitor your results and adjust your strategy: Track your success metrics and analyze your data to make informed decisions and optimize your campaign.

Embrace the Power of Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing has the potential to transform your business, helping you attract, engage, and delight potential customers.

By focusing on creating valuable content, optimizing your online presence, and building relationships through email marketing and social media, you can drive traffic, generate leads, and grow your brand.

As you embark on your inbound marketing journey, remember to stay adaptable, persistent, and open to new ideas. Embrace the power of inbound marketing, and watch your business soar.

How to implement UGC Marketing in your business

Marketing in the age of the algorithm is overwhelming

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of content marketing? Are you struggling to create content that effectively conveys your brand’s value proposition while engaging your audience?

Two Brothers Creative is here to help. As experienced marketers ourselves, we understand the challenges of selecting channels, preparing creatives, and then effectively promoting your content across multiple touchpoints. Our team is prepared to help you with the process.

Two Brothers Creative: Content in a Box

Together we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged. Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.

Two Brothers Creative Content Marketing Company

This is What Omaha Digital Marketing Does

Omaha Digital Marketing: How to Make More Sales

This is what Omaha digital marketing does for businesses looking to increase sales. Digital marketing may be just the strategy that could take your success up a notch.

Omaha is a thriving heartland city known for its innovative spirit full of opportunities, and where I proudly call home.

In this post, we’ll cover all things related to what makes digital marketing so effective, from targeting customers online and driving traffic to connecting with local businesses and optimizing campaigns.

Why I’m Passionate about Digital Marketing in Omaha

As an experienced Omahan marketer who has worked with various companies across many industries, I want to share my insights into how utilizing digital marketing can give your efforts and profits an edge.

Whether you’re entirely new or somewhat familiar with strategies used for boosting sales via digital media channels, by reading on, you’re sure to gain useful knowledge that will make all the difference when it comes time crunching those numbers!

So, let’s dive into the world of digital marketing and discover how it can help Omaha businesses make more sales.

Omaha Digital Marketing Matt headshot

The Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies I’ve encountered.

It’s a tried-and-tested method that has delivered consistent results for my business. Email marketing allows you to engage with your audience directly, provide valuable content, and promote your products or services.

By building an email list and sending targeted campaigns, I’ve been able to nurture relationships with my customers and generate repeat sales.

Creating a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy

Developing a solid marketing strategy is essential for any business.

As an Omaha business owner, you must understand your audience, set clear goals, and choose the right digital marketing channels to reach them.

For my business, I focused on combining email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media marketing to create a comprehensive marketing plan that drove results.


The Role of Omaha Digital Marketing Services

If you’re new to digital marketing or simply don’t have the time to manage your campaigns, partnering with an Omaha digital marketing company can be a game-changer.

By collaborating with a top-tier digital marketing agency in Omaha, like Two Brothers Creative, you gain access to a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise. Our team of seasoned professionals is well-versed in the latest trends, tools, and strategies, ensuring your campaigns are optimized for maximum impact.

As your business grows, so do your marketing demands. Working with an Omaha digital marketing agency ensures that your campaigns can scale seamlessly, adapting to your evolving needs and objectives.

Also, having a marketing service in your city or state can be more effective because they know and understand the area, culture, and sense of humor of the people around. 

The Power of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Another essential element of my marketing strategy was pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

PPC platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads allowed me to target my audience precisely and only pay when someone clicks on my ad.

The beauty of PPC advertising lies in its cost-effective nature – you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, ensuring that your marketing budget is spent wisely and efficiently. This performance-based approach not only helped me drive traffic to my website but also increased brand visibility and, ultimately, boosted sales.

PPC platforms offer advanced targeting options, enabling you to reach potential customers based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and even specific keywords. This ensures that your ads are displayed to the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.

How to Build a Digital Marketing Strategy in 2023

Staying Ahead with SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to any digital marketing plan.

As a business owner in Omaha, I knew that ranking high on search engine results pages was crucial for attracting potential customers, especially for local services. 

Local SEO is a specialized branch of search engine optimization that focuses on optimizing a website to improve its visibility and rankings in local search results. This is particularly important for businesses that serve a specific geographic area or have a brick-and-mortar presence, such as restaurants, retail stores, and service providers.

The importance of local SEO cannot be overstated, as it plays a vital role in connecting businesses with their local audience and driving foot traffic or localized online conversions.

A solid local SEO strategy can help businesses outrank competitors in their area, making them the go-to choice for customers seeking their products or services. Moreover, with the rise of mobile search and voice-activated assistants, local SEO has become even more critical as users increasingly rely on these technologies to find businesses near them.

SEO for small businesses in Omaha

Another crucial part of SEO is backlinks, also known as inbound or incoming links, which are a critical component of SEO, as they signal to search engines that your website is a valuable and credible source of information. 

When other reputable websites link to your content, it essentially acts as an endorsement, indicating that your site offers valuable insights or resources worth referencing. Search engines, such as Google, consider these endorsements when determining the authority and relevance of your website, ultimately impacting your rankings in search results.

By optimizing my website for relevant keywords, creating valuable content, and building quality backlinks, I was able to improve my online visibility and drive more organic traffic to my site.

The Magic of Video Production

Incorporating video content into my marketing strategy was one of the best decisions I’ve made as a business owner.

Videos have a unique ability to engage and inform audiences in a way that other formats can’t. By creating compelling videos about my products and services, I was able to capture my audience’s attention, increase brand awareness, and drive more sales.

Another benefit of videos is that they boost your ranking on search engines and can be optimized by SEO. They add a little extra quality content to your page or social media.

studio two brothers creative in Omaha

Mastering Social Media Marketing

Social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses in Omaha and beyond.

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow you to connect with your audience, share content, and promote your products or services.

I found that using a combination of organic posts and paid social media advertising was the key to building a strong online presence and generating more sales. Paid media is quick and effective, so it will show you pretty much instant results.

On the other hand, organic content has a longer life span and produces more loyal customers. So having a combination creates the perfect balance to have revenue all year long. 

Why Social Media Management Matters

Managing multiple social media accounts can be time-consuming, but it’s essential for maintaining a consistent online presence.

Our clients hire us for full-service digital marketing. This includes social media management services. We help them streamline their efforts and ensure their brand remains visible and engaging on all platforms.

Should you be on every social media channel for your business?

The Importance of Marketing Planning

To make the most of your digital marketing efforts, it’s crucial to have a well-defined marketing plan in place.

This involves setting clear objectives, identifying your target audience, selecting the right marketing channels, having a posting schedule, and determining your budget.

A well-planned schedule ensures that your content is published at optimal times to maximize engagement and reach while also preventing gaps or overlaps in your messaging. Consistency in posting helps build brand recognition and fosters trust among your audience, as they come to expect and rely on your regular updates.

By creating a comprehensive marketing plan, I was able to allocate resources more effectively and ensure my marketing efforts were aligned with my business goals.

Discovering the Right Marketing Solution for Your Business

With so many digital marketing strategies available, it can be overwhelming to choose the best approach for your business.

I found that the key to success was identifying the marketing solution that best met my unique needs and goals.

This involved researching various tactics, consulting with experts, and testing different strategies to find the perfect combination that drove results.

Boost Your Sales with Digital Marketing in Omaha

As a business owner in Omaha, I’ve experienced firsthand the power of digital marketing in driving sales and growing my business.

By implementing strategies like email marketing, PPC, SEO, video production, and social media marketing, I was able to reach my target audience, build brand awareness, and increase my revenue.

If you’re looking to make more sales and grow your business, consider partnering with a digital marketing company in Omaha like Two Brothers Creative. We offer a range of services, including SEO, PPC, social media management, and more, to help you achieve your marketing goals and drive results.

I hope my personal experiences and insights have shed some light on the potential of digital marketing for businesses in Omaha. By embracing these strategies and working with the right partners, you, too, can unlock the full potential of your business and make more sales. Good luck on your digital marketing journey!

Digital Marketing in the Age of the Algorithm

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of marketing? Are you struggling to create content that effectively conveys your brand’s value proposition while engaging your audience? 

Two Brothers Creative is here to help. As experienced digital marketers ourselves, we understand the challenges of selecting channels, preparing creatives, and then effectively promoting your content across multiple touchpoints. Our team is prepared to help you with the process.

Two Brothers Creative: Content in a Box

Together we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged. Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.