How to Use YouTube for Business and Actually Make Some Money

How Your Business Can Make Money On YouTube

How can you use YouTube for business and actually make some money off of it? Is it even possible? YouTube is an unexplored tool for a lot of business owners and left out of a lot of marketing strategies, but the reality is that YouTube is a secret weapon for content marketing, SEO, and monetization! Today, we will tell you all about it. 

In this Midwest Mindset (The Omaha Podcast) episode, we’re joined once again by Walt Sanders and Michael Murphy of Omaha’s WMK Media to explore how businesses can make money, generate leads and improve their content strategy with the power of YouTube. 

make money on youtube Omaha

How to Use YouTube for Business: What Does it Take?

Starting your YouTube business venture might seem like a piece of cake at first glance, but it’s more than just hitting the ‘upload’ button every now and then. It’s about crafting a well-thought-out strategy, staying consistent, and dedicating time.

The YouTube game is not a one-and-done deal; it requires consistent and dedicated effort. Consistency is what will keep your audience coming back for more and boost your visibility in YouTube’s algorithm.

Remember that YouTube isn’t just a video platform; it’s a social media space, and people want to connect with your brand. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments, asking for their opinions, and even involving them in your decision-making process.

Read the full transcript.

SEO on YouTube

The first way to YouTube can help you make some money is to use Search Engine Optimization (Video SEO) for people to find you and do business with you. 

Remember that Google owns YouTube and is constantly used for search queries, so this is a golden opportunity for your videos to rank on ​​youtube search results. 

The first and most essential step in your is keyword research. This process involves identifying target keywords and phrases that people use when searching for content like yours. These keywords should be relevant to your business and have a decent search volume

Consistency is king on YouTube. Uploading two to three videos per week keeps your channel active and signals to YouTube that you’re a consistent content provider. This will significantly improve your channel’s SEO over time and increase visibility.

How to Use YouTube for Business and Make Money (2)

How to Use YouTube for Business and Grow Your Audience: Pro Tips

Once you have mastered the art of SEO on youtube and are keeping a consistent schedule, you can move on to more specific tips and techniques to implement in your videos; here are the proven strategies that Walt and Murphy use for their video content creation.

Have a Creative Team

Having a network with other content creators will make your YouTube path more successful.  Assemble a creative team that includes other content creators to ensure a constant flow of fresh ideas. 

Draft a content map and develop a weekly and monthly plan to create videos. Establish an ecosystem for feedback and mutual assistance, which will not only improve your content but also foster a supportive community among creators.

How to Use YouTube for your business two brothers creative

Be Specific

Carve out your niche on YouTube by clearly defining your channel’s name, brand, and purpose. What’s the core message you want to convey? What kind of content will you create? 

The more specific and focused you are, the easier it will be for viewers to understand what you’re all about and relate. Having a specific target audience and topic will also make your content way easier to find in search results. 


YouTube is a fantastic platform for networking. Feature partners and industry peers in your videos to spotlight their work and strengthen relationships. This not only boosts your channel’s credibility but also expands your reach to potential customers. 

Featuring your colleagues on your page is a Win-Win situation for them and for your SEO efforts since it’s more likely for your content to get reported and shared. So don’t be afraid to ask people related to your industry to join your YouTube videos. 

Having valuable content

The real secret to YouTube’s success lies in delivering valuable content. If you want to stand out and grow, you need to provide something of true worth to your audience. 

What challenges can you help them overcome? What unique insights can you offer? By adding value to the YouTube ecosystem, you’ll attract viewers who are seeking the answers you can provide.

Strive to create content that not only addresses these issues but also presents solutions in an engaging and accessible way. This could be through tutorials, expert interviews, behind-the-scenes looks, or even storytelling.

How to Use YouTube for Business and Make Money_ marketing secrets

Engage: The First 10 Seconds Matter

The first few moments of your video are the digital equivalent of a first impression. It’s your golden opportunity to pique interest, spark curiosity and draw your viewers in. According to research, you have approximately 10 seconds to engage your audience before they decide whether to continue watching or move on.

To optimize these crucial seconds, start by sparking curiosity. Pose a thought-provoking question, share an intriguing fact, or tease a compelling piece of content that’s coming later in the video.

How to Use YouTube for Business: Be Authentic

The last and probably the most important tip for making money on youtube is to be authentic. Authenticity it’s a fundamental principle for success. Being genuine in your content isn’t just about being honest; it’s about presenting your true self, showcasing your personality, and letting your unique voice shine through.

omaha youtube Content Marketing strategy

When you’re authentic, viewers can sense it. They are more likely to feel a connection with you, trust your message, and engage with your content. 

So, how do you authentically present yourself on YouTube? Start by embracing your individuality. Each person has a unique perspective and story to tell, so don’t shy away from sharing yours. 

Two Brothers Creative: Content in a Box

Together we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged. Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.

How to Use YouTube to grow your business

Midwest Mindset: How To Make Money On Youtube

How Your Business Can Make Money On YouTube

This is a written Transcription for the episode: How Your Business Can Make Money On YouTube

make money on youtube Omaha

Full Written Transcript of The Episode

How Your Business Can Make Money On YouTube

Matt Tompkins: Let me ask you a question. Why aren’t you making money from your YouTube channel? Why is it every business making money monetizing their YouTube channel? Many businesses overlook or dismiss YouTube entirely. That is a mistake because YouTube is the number one social media platform on planet Earth. It regularly falls only behind Google as the top visited website globally.

The reason most business owners aren’t using YouTube to grow their business is simple. They just don’t know how. Today we’re going to change that. We have our returning champions, the masters of monetization Murphy and Walt of Wmbc Media back on the podcast. Youtube has become an essential tool for growing your small business. And today you’re going to find out how your business can make money on YouTube.

Hello and welcome back to Midwest Mindset, the podcast that makes marketing easy to understand and simple to do. I’m your host, Matt Tompkins of two brothers Creative, where we passionately believe every business deserves affordable and effective marketing.

There have been a select handful of gifts from the marketing gods, if you will, over especially recent years. I mean, social media being probably a big one there and many, many different ways.

I think the advent of TikTok, which changed the algorithm and changed the network based social media platform, the way things have been done that led to the current state of of Instagram and Facebook reels and YouTube shorts where your video as a business owner, your video is placed in front of new people who don’t already like and follow you.

It is an incredible opportunity today for small businesses who are looking to market and grow their their company and have little to no budget. It really is more realistic and doable.

It’s more feasible today, I think, than ever before. And so I’m always surprised, yet excited At the same time, I’m surprised to see more businesses have refused to embrace or even use in the slightest degree their YouTube channel. But it’s also exciting because there is nothing but potential and I know it can happen.

We’ve seen what can happen in the first 30 days of implementing a strategy where you simply post one vertical video short per day for 30 days.

Matt Tompkins: Do it on YouTube shorts. We’ve done it on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. The results are astounding. You can actually click on the link in the show notes. We put this case study together featuring three of our clients and us first 30 days of implementing this strategy.

The results are so outrageously good across the board. In every instance where we have done this and implemented this strategy, it’s kind of hard to believe. I don’t want to say it’s a guarantee. There are no guarantees in life, but this is as close to a sure thing as you can get in the digital world. There are so many benefits YouTube brings to your business.

Boosting your organic SEO. Establishing you as an authority in video format, reaching tens of thousands of new people who weren’t already familiar with you. Following you subscribe to your channel, who will discover you and your business simply by using those YouTube shorts? One of the highest valued assets there is today for your marketing. So it all sounds great, right? But how do we do it? Well, that’s what today’s episode is all about. So the first thing I had to ask the monetization maestros why aren’t businesses making money from their YouTube channel?

Walt Sanders: It takes a long time and a lot of consistency to really monetize a YouTube channel and it takes a dedicated effort and a lot of companies are scared of a long term investment that they honestly don’t know if it’s going to like. You don’t know if it’s going to work or not. Well, there’s.

Michael Murphy: Too many sure things in their pocket. You know, they’re able to rely on that 0.5% click through rate on the email campaigns. They’re running right. Or their Google ads are performing at a 1% click through rate. And they know if they spend ten grand, they make 12 grand. So there’s a lot of consistent things out there that they think are performing well enough, but they haven’t seen what we’ve seen. We haven’t they haven’t seen, you know, the behind the scenes analytics that kind of show like, look, a company can grow their brand awareness very well through YouTube.

Matt Tompkins: Way back in 2008, my brother Ben and I, we did this comedy video, this music video called You Can’t Say College World Series Today. And it went viral locally. Now, this was in 2008 when to go viral locally, you only needed about 5000 views on YouTube. Obviously, that’s not the case today. The audience has gotten bigger and YouTube has adapted. It’s not just videos. There are a lot of other tools and resources you can use to build your tribe, your community on YouTube today.

Michael Murphy: Something I think a lot of companies or just people in general don’t realize is along with having a YouTube channel, it gives you the opportunity to have a community wall where you’re able to post just like you would on Facebook. You can you can post a poll. So now you have an audience that you know is interested in your industry and you can directly poll them on like, what do you like better this t shirt or that t shirt and get the direct feedback and make better business decisions. So just like you said, I love that it is like the stepchild of social media. Nobody considers it in that same realm, but it’s the second most used search.

Matt Tompkins: Site on the planet. Yeah, I think one of the main things that YouTube has over its social media competitors is SEO search engine optimization. Youtube is owned by Google. Everybody’s competing on Google to show up on page one organically. Just naturally let people find us.

That’s how we’re going to grow. And if you’re a business, you don’t have thousands of dollars to spend every month on a pay per click Google ads campaign. Then you need organic SEO growth. Youtube is a secret weapon. It is a lightning bolt. Use the same principles for SEO that you use for a blog article and apply them to a video on YouTube and you will see that video leapfrogged to the top of the search results. Because most businesses are not thinking this way. They’re not thinking of applying SEO blog tactics to a video on YouTube. They’re not even doing videos in the first place.

Michael Murphy: If you’re paying for SEO, you’d be better off paying for having a YouTube channel. Yeah. So to be honest, because these shorts that you can be putting out on a consistent basis are the new blog article that bumps up SEO. We have one specific client that does no SEO. They don’t write any blog articles. We’ve been posting for 60 days for them on YouTube shorts. If you search that a loosely specific term about what they do, they’re now number one on the Google rankings.

Matt Tompkins: Hosting a daily YouTube short and posting at least 2 to 3 widescreen format, you know, 2 to 5 minute ish videos on YouTube applying the same principles you apply to the written word for SEO to the videos on YouTube is going to see incredible results. It really is. It’s organic. It’s going to take time.

You’re going to have to stick to it and be consistent, but it will pay off far more than any paid advertising you could do. In fact, they released a report that organic SEO, which these YouTube videos fall into 38% higher ROI than pay per click and Google ads. It’s just nobody wants to do it because it takes longer. You got to commit to it. You got to have patience, right? That’s just a couple tips that we got into with with Walt and Murphy of Wjmk. Let’s get to Walt’s number one tip on how to grow your YouTube channel.

Walt Sanders: I think the number one tip and trick that we found now is like creating with a group of other content creators and mapping out. So we have a group of four content creators who every week we get together map out. Our shoots. So we’re all helping shoot each other’s contents and everybody has their shorts for the week and we have long form content that we post together and both individually, um, having that kind of ecosystem for accountability, but also for help and critique and just knowing like, okay, maybe, maybe you shouldn’t post this one because the font looks like trash or like you should, like you have that group of people that you can can bounce off of. And as each channel blows up, like then it’s almost like it gives access to the other channels.

So you have the ability to stand up multiple monetized channels at once. If you do it with that group kind of approach, kind of.

Matt Tompkins: Rising, Tide lifts all the boats and.

Michael Murphy: Then and then you need to start and take very seriously what you’re going to name your channel, what the branding of the channel is going to be on that cover page and what the profile photo is going to look like, and then also be laser focused on what it is your channel is going to be putting out. So it’s like, okay, I’m going to be a gamer, right? So my main content is me playing video games.

And then the second piece of content is a montage of me playing video games. And then the third one could just be me being a talking head, talking about, Hey, did you hear about the latest releases that are coming out? So you want to have multiple prongs that are pushing that same that same message all the way through.

Matt Tompkins: One of the most daunting aspects of starting maintaining a YouTube channel is that we think, I couldn’t do this. Where am I going to come up with all these ideas? How am I have to learn how to edit? I have to learn this, I have to write scripts. I got to learn special effects. I don’t have time to do this. Keep it simple, stupid.

Michael Murphy: Why doesn’t a business have a YouTube channel and why isn’t it monetized? You got to look at your your business partners too. Yeah. So now as a business, you’re going to have your own YouTube channel. What better way to thank a partner than to feature them? Yeah, we’re working with a funeral home. We went to their preferred partner in a florist and featured their florist talking about different flower arrangements and what their what a rose means. That’s white and pink and what these different meanings are. So now you’re shining the light on your partnerships, strengthening relationships that are very important and vital to your business while building new relationships with potential customers. So it is a you’re winning in all areas. It’s a win win situation.

Matt Tompkins: Yeah. Another tip is try not to get hung up on the view count. If it’s a podcast, don’t get hung up on how many downloads you have. Okay. Your podcast downloads are like your bench press. You’re the only one who knows how much you can bench and you’re the only one who cares.

Trust me, it is purely ego driven. So set that aside and focus on how you can leverage a podcast or a video or a show on YouTube for your business. And one of the ways that we do this is we have our clients.

They will reach out to those those partners, those collaborators, that that dream client that you would otherwise have no chance of ever being in the same room with. And invite them to be a guest on your YouTube show, on your video podcast. They’re going to say yes and think about the impression you’re going to leave that first impression with that ideal dream client that you’ve always wanted to do business with. So we got into some more tips and the biggest differentiators which Walt talks about here between those YouTube channels that make it and those that don’t.

Walt Sanders: What actually is the differentiator between a channel that makes it and a channel that doesn’t?

Matt Tompkins: That’s a good question.

Walt Sanders: For me, it’s that are you providing are you giving more than you’re taking to the ecosystem? What are you giving? Because if you have content that’s focused on I’m going to teach you something, I’m going to give you something, I’m going to provide a platform for my partners. I’m going to make this incubator for everybody else to benefit, including, you know, it always benefits the whole group. What if you ended up just making selfish content? What happens in that? Like if you just make self-centered and the only thing you’re doing is saying, Hey, come buy this? Yeah, nobody’s going to follow that. Like, give.

Matt Tompkins: People something of true.

Walt Sanders: Value. Yeah. What are you actually giving? Authentic.

Matt Tompkins: Authentic value. Always be striving to give people something of true value. It’s kind of like our Midwest mindset here, helping other people without expecting anything in return. Ironically, in business, it ends up having the highest return of all. We’re going to get to WMC’s secret sauce to success on YouTube here in a minute. But first we talked about. The biggest fails. The biggest mistakes that they see other YouTube channels make. That you definitely want to avoid directly.

Michael Murphy: Just thinking of it as constantly being a commercial or a sales pitch. You got to give value outside of just talking about your own company. I mean, that goes back to the selfish thing. I would say also starting and stopping and starting and stopping, you’re.

Matt Tompkins: Basically starting from scratch.

Walt Sanders: So as you gain five followers, you lose seven. Yeah, yeah.

Matt Tompkins: Yeah, exactly.

Walt Sanders: Yeah.

Matt Tompkins: And last but certainly not least, WMC’s secret sauce to YouTube success.

Walt Sanders: Secret Sauce Alert. Secret sauce alert. Hey. All right. Hey, we are in America right now. Okay. We have access to a small percentage of the world’s population. There is an entire world of people that love to watch us react to their culture. Like, I swear to God, if you if you go on there and you. You react to, like, look for different stuff in other cultures and just watch their videos and film yourself reacting to it. Yeah. Secret sauce, Secret sauce. Go blow your channel up. Watch it. Watch it happen. Be authentic. Yeah.

Michael Murphy: Don’t fake your reaction. Yeah, yeah. If you didn’t like what you just saw, say it.

Walt Sanders: Yeah, for.

Michael Murphy: Sure. Get some hate.

Matt Tompkins: But also, you can’t have the woke filter going on.

Walt Sanders: You got to be authentic. Yeah, you.

Matt Tompkins: Got to be authentic.

Walt Sanders: Correct? Yeah, because they’ll see through that shit. They’ll be able to see like, Oh, this guy’s just on here trying to make some money. They want you to actually engage with their culture. Yeah, but.

Michael Murphy: The first thing you want to do to start growing it fast is be consistent. And if you can afford to do it post 6 to 8 times a day, 6 to 8 times on shorts.

Matt Tompkins: On shorts. This is one that’s hard, I think, for a lot of people to kind of wrap their heads around. And I understand why we’re so used to the old school linear timeline model for social media platforms, reels, TikTok, YouTube shorts, stories. They’re all self-contained in their own little categories. And you can’t over post. Now there are techniques and strategies that Murphy’s going to share here in just a second on what you should do, but you could post 6 to 8 times a day. Like you said, we’ve posted as many as ten at once and reached wildly different audiences with every single video because they are now tailored to who is best suited to be engaged with each video based on its content.

Michael Murphy: Never within an hour of each other. Okay. And two sweet spots that exist for all channels is 3:11 a.m. and 3 a.m. no matter the time zone, 11.

Walt Sanders: A.m. and 3 p.m.. 11 a.m., 3.

Michael Murphy: P.m., 11 a.m., 3 p.m. No matter what time zone you’re in, make yourself do that.

Matt Tompkins: One last tip is to maintain that attention through the entire video.

Michael Murphy: Just try to tease people all the way through the first 10s of the video. And I mean that from the beginning. When you’re thinking of the title, tease them. When you’re thinking of the thumbnail, tease them like build curiosity in their mind in some form or fashion. And then right at the beginning of the video, get on the verge of answering the question that you built Curiosity about, cut it off and say you got to stick to the end of the video to watch it. Yeah, do your whole video.

Matt Tompkins: That drives me nuts when I watch those. Because you do you get sucked in? Yeah, Yeah. It’s like, come on, get.

Michael Murphy: That’s the funniest thing about studying the way that we all three do. Yeah. Is that like, it gets to a point where you think you’re studying, but really, you’re just the. You know what I mean? Like, you’re the they got you.

Matt Tompkins: It’s like on social media, you are the study because you’re the product.

Walt Sanders: It’s like it’s like.

Michael Murphy: Yeah, I clicked on one video and six hours later I’m there with a bag of popcorn and a hangover.

Walt Sanders: Like, Yeah.

Michael Murphy: Just watch.

Matt Tompkins: What happened in my life.

Michael Murphy: Got me from one thumbnail.

Walt Sanders: Yeah, Authenticity is still king and interpersonal relationships. So when you’re when you’re posting this stuff, you’re talking to real people and like, connecting with that audience and giving them something tangible, whether it’s, you know, some a feeling, a good feeling you gave them during the day or just some imprint their emotions through your through your channel, whatever that is. Youtube, Instagram. Now this the other tip is YouTube is king. Like if you’re going to pick one, pick one social media, do YouTube double down. We’ve doubled down our entire business on YouTube and.

Michael Murphy: I would keep an eye on Twitter.

Walt Sanders: Yeah, Twitter.

Michael Murphy: Elon is going Elon is already said he’s going to make a monetized version of for content creators just like you like YouTube but.

Walt Sanders: Better so and you can have up to like an hour you can post up to an hour right.

Michael Murphy: Like right now you can. But like he’s going to create a Twitter partner program like the YouTube partner program so that when ads are run and you’re even going to be able to run ads on comment replies, I don’t know if you know this, but on Twitter, like the best way to get traction is to be in the comments. Yeah, like if you’re starting off. Yeah. So starting to just so have your reply ready. Be like oh no on this topic. Actually this is my opinion on it. Post it in there and you’ll be able to monetize that.

Matt Tompkins: That’s a huge thanks to Walt and Murphy of for coming back on the podcast here today. I know we’ll have them on again and again. Just because I love nerding out about this stuff. I could talk about it for hours. I honestly just think it is so cool that there is a free tool called YouTube. It doesn’t cost you anything. That you can set up along with another free tool, your Google business profile and the many others Google gives you.

But you can use YouTube and your Google business profile and you can take these free tools with all of this free knowledge that we have just given you here today on this episode and in so many past episodes and in so many other books and podcasts and resources you can find on. I don’t know, say, YouTube. Y

ou can take the free knowledge with the free tool and you can make money. You can grow your business. You can organically grow your business. You can do your own digital marketing. It is organic. It takes time. It takes commitment, but it’s not going to cost you a dollar. It’s only going to make you dollars.

All it takes at this point is time, commitment and effort. If you want to check out that link to the case, studies that I mentioned earlier show you those incredible results. After just the first 30 days of implementing this daily YouTube shorts strategy. The link is in the show notes. Also got the details on how to get Ahold of them. If you want help with your YouTube channel. They are the pros. Who knows? I don’t know.

Starting to rhyme something there. It didn’t really flow well, so they know what they’re doing. I’m not going to. That’s the last time I try ending this podcast with a rhyme. I am not a rhinoceros. On that note, thank you so much for joining us here today on Midwest Mindset. My name is Matt Tompkins and we’ll see you on the next episode.

Speaker4: And that’s a wrap.

Omaha Content Marketing Tips: Learn From the Best

Omaha Content Marketing Tips: Case Studies

Having the right Omaha Content Marketing strategy and techniques is essential in the fast-paced world of business today. But for companies starting out, it might get frustrating to encompass everything required to build a complete online presence, like social media, webpage, blogs, and more.

We know the struggle because we have lived it firsthand, but trust us, it doesn´t have to be so complicated; it actually quite simple: it´s all about mastering the art of Content Marketing. 

Why Omaha Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes in Omaha achieve their marketing goals. It’s about creating and sharing valuable content to attract new customers and build relationships to boost your online visibility.

The primary goal of content marketing isn´t just creating valuable content, but establishing trust, building brand awareness, and ultimately driving profitable customer actions.

You need content marketing because, unlike traditional advertising methods, content marketing does not focus on direct sales or promotions. Instead, it aims to provide the audience with helpful information that it´s more effective in driving sales and revenue. 

Content Marketing_ Case Studies

At Two Brothers Creative, we have a team of experienced content marketers who can help you create and execute a content marketing strategy tailored to your specific business needs. We understand that every business is different and tailor our approach to each client’s unique goals.

We’re dedicated to getting to know all businesses inside and out. We take the time to understand your what is brand’s voice and the challenges entrepreneurs face when building an online presence. 

In this blog post, we dive deep into the essence of content marketing and how to make it work for YOUR business by sharing some case studies from our clients in the Omaha area. 

Through these specific and real case studies, you will understand better how content marketing can help you achieve your marketing goals without having to sell your soul and time and focus on your company’s success. 

Case Study 1: Increasing Website Traffic for a Local Law Firm

One of our clients, an Omaha local law firm, was struggling to attract visitors to their website. They knew that increasing website traffic was crucial for generating leads and closing deals, but they didn’t know about content marketing and didn´t even know where to start. That’s where our team at Two Brothers Creative stepped in to help.

Our Omaha Content Marketing Approach

We began by conducting in-depth research to understand the law firm’s target audience, their pain points, and the type of content they would find valuable. Based on this insight, we developed a content marketing strategy with high-quality blogs tailored to the client’s audience.

Within just six months of implementing our content marketing strategy, the law firm experienced a remarkable 200% increase in website traffic. This surge in online visitors not only helped them generate more leads but also enabled them to close more deals. 

Now the law firm has a well-established online presence, ranking its website higher on search engine result pages (SERPs) for targeted keywords. This enhanced visibility made it easier for potential clients to find and connect with the firm, ultimately leading to more business opportunities.

Marketing Accountability

Case Study 2: Boosting Brand Awareness for a Nonprofit

Another one of our clients, a nonprofit organization that works all over Nebraska, faced the challenge of low brand awareness. They needed to reach a larger audience to forge more donations and attract volunteers. 

Our Omaha Content Marketing Approach

We started by analyzing the nonprofit’s target audience and identifying the social media platforms where they were most active. Based on this research, we crafted a content marketing strategy that focused on creating engaging and informative social media content that would resonate with the audience and promote the organization’s mission.

Our team produced various types of content, including compelling stories about the people the nonprofit had helped, infographics highlighting the impact of their work, video marketing, and informative articles on relevant social issues. We also encouraged user-generated content by inviting followers to share their experiences and involvement with the organization.

The Power of Content Marketing_ Case Studies

For this particular client, Emotional Marketing was one of our strong tools. People felt compelled and moved by their work, making them remember the brand and associate it with their values and mission to help others. 

In just three months, our content marketing efforts led to a significant 50% increase in the nonprofit’s social media following. This expanded reach resulted in more donations and a higher number of volunteers joining the organization’s cause.

Moreover, the engaging and informative content fostered a sense of community among the followers, encouraging them to actively participate in the organization’s events and initiatives. 

Case Study 3: Generating Leads

This client is a local small business that was struggling to generate leads and convert them into sales and official clients. They needed a content marketing strategy that would attract potential customers and encourage them to take direct action. 

Our team at Two Brothers Creative was brought on board to develop a solution tailored to the client’s specific needs. We began, like always, by researching the client’s target audience and the problems that the client solves with their products or services. 

Our Omaha Content Marketing Approach

With this information, we crafted a content marketing strategy centered around creating lead magnets, such as ebooks and whitepapers, and implementing Call to Action (CTA).

We worked on creating informative content that addressed common questions and concerns. These lead magnets were designed to showcase the client’s expertise, provide actionable insights, and persuade potential customers to share their contact information in exchange for access to the content.

As a result of our content marketing efforts, the client experienced a significant increase in lead generation. They captured more leads than ever before, ultimately leading to more closed deals and increased sales.

The high-quality, relevant content attracted potential customers and helped establish the client as a trusted authority in their industry. This credibility played a crucial role in persuading prospects.

website mistakes to avoid

More Than Just Online Presence

These case studies serve as a testament to the power of content marketing in helping businesses achieve their marketing goals. However, the benefits of content marketing go beyond just improving website traffic, boosting brand awareness, and generating leads.

Trought Content Marketing businesses can improve their customer retention and loyalty; it also helps to create a reputation and authority for the brand and increases the positioning of your company as an industry expert.

But the main benefit of content marketing lies in its cost-effectiveness nature. Compared to traditional marketing methods, content marketing is often more cost-effective, delivering better results for a lower investment. It allows you to reach a larger audience without breaking the bank.

The benefits also last longer than traditional media, like a radio ad for a season or a bif spectacular that deteriorates over time. Content marketing offers long-lasting benefits, as your content can continue to attract and engage new audiences over the months and years your business stays active. This evergreen nature of content marketing ensures steady returns on your investment.

Two Brothers Creative: Content in a Box

At Two Brothers Creative, we’re not just passionate about content marketing. We’re dedicated to making it easy and accessible for businesses of all sizes. We firmly believe that every business should have the opportunity to harness the power of content marketing to achieve its marketing goals.

Unlock the full potential of marketing for your business growth.

Podcast Equipment For Beginners

A Guide to Omaha Social Media Marketing

How to: Omaha Social Media Marketing

How to do Omaha Social Media Marketing for your business? As social media experts based right here in the heart of Nebraska, we know firsthand how fierce the competition can get in the Nebraska market.

To truly stand apart from the crowd and make a lasting impression on social media users, it’s essential to establish a solid online presence. And one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by embracing Content marketing.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Social Media Marketing for Omaha businesses.

Two Brothers Creative video podcast studio in Omaha, NE

What is Omaha Social Media Marketing?

When done correctly, Social Media Marketing can help you increase brand awareness, generate leads, and boost sales. It´s just about playing your game strategically. To really dive into de right way to do this type of marketing, first, we need to understand what it is.

In a nutshell, social media marketing is the process of promoting your products or services through various social media platforms. It’s all about creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to interact with your brand.

Should you be on every social media channel for your business?

There are many social media platforms available, each with its unique audience and features. Some of the most popular social media platforms include:

Facebook: Facebook has a diverse user base, with people of all ages, demographics, and interests. It’s an ideal platform for Bussines to Consumer (B2C) Marketing.

Twitter: The main objective of using Twitter is to share real-time updates, engage in conversations, and network with industry experts and potential customers

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the professional social media to go to; it is used to establish your brand as an industry leader, share professional insights and updates, and connect with potential clients, partners, and employees. This is the perfect platform for Business to Business (B2B) marketing.

Instagram: it´s great to showcase your brand’s personality and visual identity, engaging with your audience through visually appealing content, collaborate with influencers, and promote products or services using shoppable posts and Instagram Stories.

Pinterest: share visually appealing images and infographics that inspire and inform users, drive traffic to your website or blog

YouTube: The main objective of using YouTube is to create and share engaging video content that showcases your brand’s expertise, entertains or educates your audience, and drives traffic to your website or online store

video podcast production in Omaha

Why Omaha Social Media Marketing?

Why should you use social media for your business success? Well, it’s no secret that these platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives. They’re where we go to connect with friends, family, and, yes, even our favorite local businesses. So, if you want to reach your target audience and engage with them meaningfully, social media is the place to be.  

Social media platforms are easily accessible to people across the globe, providing an opportunity for individuals to connect with others who share similar interests, beliefs, or experiences. 

This instant access to a vast network of like-minded individuals fosters a strong sense of belonging and community. This is why having a social media presence can drive more focus and strong results in your marketing efforts. 

But don’t worry; you don’t have to be a marketing whiz to succeed in the world of social media. With a little guidance, some creativity, and a dash of persistence, you’ll soon see your business making waves in the Omaha community and beyond.

Social Media Marketing for Omaha Business

The Importance of Omaha Social Media Marketing 

Social media marketing holds immense value for businesses today, and there are numerous reasons why it’s become such an essential component of a successful marketing strategy. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits.

Real Connection with Your Target Audience

Social media platforms allow you to connect with your target audience on a personal level. This is a great way to build relationships and trust with your customers.

By sharing relevant content, responding to comments, and participating in conversations, you craft meaningful relationships which translate into brand loyalty.

Generate Leads

Social media is a great way to generate leads for your business. By creating valuable content and engaging with your audience, you can encourage people to sign up for your email list or contact you for more information.

Driving Sales and Revenue

Social media can be a powerful tool for driving sales. By promoting your products or services on social media, you can reach a wider audience and increase your chances of making a sale.

Social media allows you to monitor what people are saying about your brand and gather trustworthy feedback, so you can better suit your massage to what your audience needs and want. 

Content Marketing for Beginners A Guide to Digital Marketing

How to Create Effective Social Media Content

The key to creating effective social media content is to create content that is valuable, relevant, and engaging. Your content should be something that your target audience will find interesting and useful. It should also be consistent with your brand identity and tone.

Here are a few of our essential tips for creating effective Social Media content that converts and stays with your audience for a long time

Use visuals

In the age of information overload, capturing the attention of your audience has become increasingly challenging. Visual content is more likely to be viewed and shared by users compared to text-only content.

People are more likely to engage with content that includes visuals, such as images, videos, and infographics. It makes it more dynamic and fun to watch, which also means it´s more easy to remember. 

Be consistent

Consistency is your best friend. Post new content on a regular basis. Try to make it a habit and secure specific days of the week to post. This will help you keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. 

Having a consistent end regular schedule will also tell the social media platforms that you are an active user, especially if you engage with your audience in the comments, and will push your content further. 

Video for podcast

Incorporate UGC

User-generated content (UGC) is any type of content that is created and published by users of a website, service, or platform. This can include text, images, videos, audio, and more. When users see other people’s positive experiences with a product or service, they are more likely to trust that company. 

It´s also a great way to have a content repertoire without investing a lot of time and resources in actually making it. 

Social Media Analytics.

Social media analytics tools are a must when reviewing your content performance. Analytics can help you track the reach of your social media campaigns and see what’s working and what’s not.

This information will help you create necessary changes to improve your marketing strategy when needed. 

How to Measure Your Social Media Marketing Efforts

As we just discussed, It’s important to track the results of your social media marketing efforts. There are a number of different social media analytics tools available that can help you track your results. 

You will need to find the one that works best for you and give you the most valuable information for your business. Here are Some of the most popular social media analytics tools that we like to use

Google Analytics Google Analytics is a comprehensive web analytics tool that helps you track and analyze your website’s performance. It provides insights into user behavior, traffic sources, page views, bounce rate, conversion rate, and more.

Facebook Insights Facebook Insights is the native analytics platform for Facebook business pages, providing valuable information about your page’s performance, including reach, engagement, page views, and follower demographics.

Twitter Analytics This is the built-in analytics tool for Twitter, offering insights into your tweets’ performance, audience demographics, and engagement metrics such as likes, retweets, and replies.

LinkedIn Analytics LinkedIn Analytics provides valuable data about your posts’ performance, audience demographics, and engagement metrics like clicks, likes, comments, shares, and the users interested in your business.

Instagram Insights It offers insights into your account’s follower growth reach impressions, and engagement metrics like likes, comments, and saves.

By tracking the results of your social media marketing efforts, you can make adjustments to your campaigns as needed to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your social media marketing investment.

Become A Email Marketing Specialist_ How To Make Engaging Content 2

Start Your Social Media Content Strategy 

By following the tips and using some of these tools, you can create effective social media content, measure the results of your efforts, and make the most of social media marketing for your business.

If you are still struggling and don´t know where to start or don´t have the time to do so, we are here to help you start your online presence and Social Media Content Strategy. 

Two Brothers Creative: Content in a Box

Together we’ll identify actionable steps you need to take, from selecting channels that best capture your audience’s attention to creating memorable storylines that keep them engaged. Say goodbye to confusion, wasted time, and financial underperformance with Two Brothers Creative.

Content Marketing in Omaha

Hosting a Podcast Perfectly: What Makes a Good Host?

Hosting a Podcast Perfectly: What Makes a Good Podcast Host?

Podcasting is a great way to connect with your audience and share your message with the world. But if you want your podcast to be successful, you need to be a good host, and Hosting a Podcast isn’t always easy. 

A good podcast host is someone who is engaging, informative, and entertaining. They are able to keep their audience’s attention and make them feel like they are part of the conversation.

Here are some of the qualities that make a good podcast host

Midwest Mindset podcast episode featuring Matt Tompkins and Chad Dodd in Omaha, NE

Qualities for Hosting a Podcast Perfectly 

What Makes a Good Podcast Host


A good host is able to engage their audience and keep them listening. They do this by being enthusiastic, interesting, and knowledgeable about their topic.


A good podcast host is able to provide their audience with valuable information. They do this by doing their research, being prepared, and sharing their knowledge in a clear and concise way.

Additionally, a good host must be able to provide their audience with valuable information that is relevant, insightful, and interesting. They can do this by sharing their knowledge and experience in their area of expertise and by using real-life stories to illustrate key points. This helps make the podcast more engaging and relatable to the listeners.


A good podcast host is able to entertain their audience. They do this by telling stories, sharing jokes, and making their show fun to listen to.

In addition to these qualities, a good podcast host is also someone who is confident, articulate, and has a good voice for radio. A good podcast host is someone who is able to think on their feet and handle unexpected questions or situations.

Hosting The Perfect Podcast_ What Makes a Good Podcast Host

How to Start Your Hosting Journey 

If you want to be a good podcast host, there are a few things you can do to improve your skills. First, practice your public speaking skills. This will help you to become more confident and comfortable speaking in front of an audience. 

Second, learn how to edit your audio files. This will help you to improve the sound quality of your podcast and make it more enjoyable for your listeners. 

And Finally, get feedback from your friends, family, and colleagues. This will help you to identify areas where you can improve your hosting skills that you have otherwise missed. Listening to constructive criticism is one of the best ways to better your content. 

Putting in practice all these tips will get you on your way to becoming the perfect host, but if you want to go the extra mile, here are some additional tips for becoming a pro at hosting a podcast. 

Do Your Research Before Hosting a Podcast

After your podcast’s ideal listener and show focus identity are defined, you are ready to start recording! But before each episode’s recording, you’ll want to do your ‘show prep’ in advance.  

The traditional rule from radio broadcasting has always been to do three hours of preparation and research for every one hour ‘on the air,’ and podcasting is no different. The last thing you want is to start recording and not know what you want to say or do. 

Hosting The Perfect Podcast in Omaha

Be Prepared 

Come up with a list of topics you want to discuss for the entire season (we recommend starting with 50 topic ideas). Then, use free search engine research services like Google Trends, Answer the Public, or Ubersuggest to find out what the actual questions people are really asking search engines about your subject matter.  

Blend your topic ideas with the questions of the public and plan out your season effectively. This will dramatically decrease how much time (and stress) is involved for you leading up to each podcast episode’s recording. 

Hosting The Perfect Podcast

Be Yourself

Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Your audience will be able to tell if you’re fake, and they’ll be less likely to connect with you.

Nobody wants perfection because perfection is boring. Do not seek perfection in your delivery, performance, or any aspect of your podcast because that is not what people want. When you make a mistake – leave it in the episode. If you stumble over words – leave it in the episode.

Flaws are what make you relatable and allow you to be vulnerable, which builds trust with your audience that you need. 

Should You Hire A Podcast Coach? 

If you are serious about becoming a good podcast host, consider hiring a podcast coach. A podcast coach can help you to develop your skills and improve your podcast. They can also provide you with feedback and support as you start your podcasting journey.

If you are the hero in your own story, think of your podcast coach as your guide to help you get there. Like Luke Skywalker or Katniss Everdeen, you are a hero on a quest to be victorious when you encounter your guide, who gives you a plan and calls you to action. 

You need a plan if you want to be a successful podcast host, and you need feedback and accountability, which you can’t get by going without a podcast coach.  

Two Brothers creative Hosting The Perfect Podcast

Most podcasts only last 7-10 episodes before most podcasters give up and quit. The reason most podcasters throw in the towel is most often that most do not invest in the fundamental process of podcast development at the very beginning. 

Working with an experienced and professional podcast coach through the development of your podcast is how you will develop your show’s identity, target listener, and unique mission. These key pillars become your podcast’s foundation that you will build everything. 

You’re actually going to save a lot of money by hiring a podcast coach compared to not hiring one. Without a podcast coach, you are going to lose so much more time working on your podcast, as you will be doing things 2-3 times after learning the hard way from doing things wrong.

And what happens if you never discover the ‘right way’ to do something and you give up on your podcast endeavor? All of those hours, days, and weeks invested are now a complete waste of time you’ll never get back. 

Invest in a podcast coach who will show you the correct path forward, mistakes to avoid, and techniques for success. Strategies, tips, tools, systems, and techniques that would have taken you years to learn and develop organically on your own, are what a professional podcast coach delivers. 

Content Strategy for podcast hoisting

Start Hosting a Podcast Like a Pro

Looking for more helpful podcast resources? download our FREE “Perfect Podcast Episode Planner” reusable worksheet! It will help you easily plan out the perfect podcast episodes for your show every time! 

If you need a premiere podcast coach to help guide you through the process and podcast analytics it’s time to talk to the elite podcast coaches at Two Brothers Creative today.

With coaches all over the country who have decades of experience coaching and teaching podcasters of all skill levels, Two Brothers Creative’s podcast coaching services are exactly what you need to become hosting a podcast like a pro. 

Midwest Mindset podcast episode featuring Matt Tompkins and Chad Dodd in Omaha, NE