Qualities of a Good Digital Marketing Agency

Qualities of a Good Digital Marketing Agency: Avoid Getting Scammed 

Businesses lose thousands of dollars each year to shady marketing agencies. In this Content Box Podcast blog, we tell you about the true qualities of a good marketing agency so you don’t fall victim to these scams. 

How to not get ripped off by your marketing agency

Content Marketing Today

Many companies spend up to 10 to 14% just on digital marketing; however, the marketing industry, unfortunately, has its fair share of scams and underperforming agencies. 

With an exorbitant number of competitors and a pretty wild digital environment, a lot of marketing companies implement fraudulent practices that do not align with the client’s best interests. 

You’re left feeling frustrated, distrustful, and wondering if you’ll ever find a marketing partner you can truly rely on. We’re going to arm you with the insights you need to spot the red flags, identify the qualities of a trustworthy agency, and protect your business from marketing scams.

The Prevalence of Marketing Scams

The numbers are staggering. Billions – yes, with a “B” – of dollars are lost each year to fraudulent marketing practices.  

From fly-by-night operations that disappear with your money to sophisticated schemes that promise the moon and deliver nothing, the risks are real.

But it’s not just about outright scams. Many businesses fall victim to the “invisible” scam: agencies that don’t deliver results, even if they aren’t technically breaking any laws. 

You end up paying for services that don’t move the needle, leaving you feeling frustrated and disillusioned.

The emotional toll of being taken advantage of can be significant. It erodes trust, creates anxiety, and can even lead to businesses giving up on marketing altogether. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

How to not get ripped off by your marketing agency Two Brothers Creative

Red Flags: Warning Signs of a Shady Marketing Agency

So, how can you protect yourself? Here are some red flags to watch out for when evaluating a potential marketing agency:

  • No Clear Contract or Scope of Work: the best marketing agencies will have a detailed contract outlining the services they’ll provide, the deliverables you can expect, and the terms of the agreement. If they’re hesitant to put things in writing, it’s a major red flag.
  • Lack of Transparency and Accountability: You should have regular access to reports and insights into your campaigns. If an agency is cagey about sharing data or explaining their strategies, it’s a sign they might have something to hide.
  • Vague Metrics:  Likes and followers are nice, but they don’t pay the bills. Beware of agencies that prioritize these vanity metrics over tangible results like leads, conversions, and sales.
  • Overuse of Jargon and Buzzwords: The marketing world is full of buzzwords and acronyms. A good agency will explain complex concepts in simple terms you can understand. If they’re constantly bombarding you with jargon, it might be a tactic to confuse and impress you.
  • High-Pressure Sales Tactics: If an agency is rushing you to sign a contract or making you feel guilty for not committing immediately, walk away. A trustworthy agency will give you the time and space you need to make an informed decision.
  • Saying “Yes” to Everything: A good marketing agency will challenge your ideas and push back if they think something isn’t in your best interest. If they’re always saying “yes,” even when it doesn’t make sense, it’s a sign they’re more interested in your money than your success.
  • Unwillingness to Provide Value Upfront:  Reputable agencies are confident in their abilities and are often willing to offer free consultations or audits to demonstrate their expertise. If an agency is unwilling to provide any value upfront, it’s a red flag.

Green Lights: Qualities Of A Good Digital Marketing Agency

Now that you know what to avoid, let’s talk about what to look for in a trustworthy marketing partner:

  • Clear Communication and Transparency: They explain their strategies and processes in a way you can understand, and they’re always open to answering your questions.
  • Focus on Measurable Goals and ROI: They set clear objectives for your campaigns and track progress towards achieving them. They understand that marketing is an investment, and they’re committed to delivering a return on that investment.
  • Collaborative Partnership:  They view you as a valued partner in the process, not just a client. They involve you in the decision-making process and welcome your input.
  • Proven Track Record and Client Testimonials: They can showcase successful campaigns and have a roster of satisfied clients who are willing to sing their praises.
  • No Long-Term Contracts or Hidden Fees:  They offer flexible terms and transparent pricing, so you’re never surprised by unexpected costs.
How to not get ripped off by your marketing agency (2)

“Is My Marketing Agency Ripping Me Off?” a Checklist 

To help you further evaluate your current or potential marketing agency, we’ve created a free downloadable checklist. This handy resource will guide you through a series of questions to assess whether your agency is truly working in your best interest.

Choosing The Right Marketing Agency in Omaha and the US

Choosing the right marketing agency is a critical decision for any business. By being aware of the red flags and prioritizing the qualities of a good agency, you can protect yourself from scams and find a partner who will help you achieve your marketing goals.

Remember, you have the power to make informed decisions and choose an agency that truly cares about your success. 

Trust your gut, do your research, and prioritize value and relationships. If you’re ready to find a marketing partner who will treat you like a neighbor, not a number, we’re here to help. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a free consultation today.

Marketing And Selling Without Selling in 2024

The Art Of Marketing And Selling Without Selling

Is there anything more cringy than pushy sales tactics?

Today’s customers are resistant to anything that feels forced or manipulative. So, what’s the secret to successful marketing and sales strategies?

It might sound counterintuitive, but the answer lies in not selling at all. In this Content Box blog, we’ll explore the content-driven approach to selling that fosters trust and loyalty, turning prospects into raving fans.

The Art Of Marketing And Selling Without Selling

The Old School Sales Funnel

The old-school sales funnel was all about capturing leads, pushing your product or service, and closing the deal as quickly as possible. 

Businesses bombarded potential customers with sales pitches, hoping something would stick. And to be honest, this strategy worked for a really long time before the age of the algorithm. 

Why It Doesn’t Work

Today’s consumers are a different breed; they consume media in a different way, and marketing and selling without selling is the key. 

They have access to a wealth of information at their fingertips and are increasingly skeptical of traditional advertising. 

The hard sell often creates distrust and resistance, pushing potential customers further away instead of drawing them in.

The New Funnel and Content Marketing

The modern customer journey is more like a winding path than a straight funnel. It starts with discovery –  a potential customer becomes aware of your brand. 

Then comes research, where they actively seek out information about your products or services. Finally, there’s validation, where they look for social proof and reassurance before making a purchase. 

Content plays a crucial role in every stage of this journey, providing value, building trust, and ultimately guiding customers toward a decision.

content box podcast The Art Of Marketing And Selling Without Selling

The Power of Relationship Building

At its core, selling is about building relationships. Think about it: Would you marry someone you just met? Probably not. 

The same principle applies to business. People want to do business with people they know, like, and trust.

What Are The Stages Of The Buyer’s Journey?

Just like any relationship, the connection between a business and a customer goes through three stages:

  • Discovery: This is where you first catch someone’s eye. Think of it as that initial spark of interest.
  • Enlightenment: This is where the relationship deepens. You get to know each other, build trust, and demonstrate your value.
  • Commitment: This is where the customer decides to take the plunge and make a purchase. They’re not just buying a product or service; they’re investing in a relationship with your brand.

The Importance of Patience

Building strong relationships takes time and effort. It’s about nurturing the connection, providing consistent value, and showing genuine care for your customers.

Don’t rush the process or expect instant results. Remember, the most valuable customers are the ones who stick around for the long haul.

The Art Of Marketing And Selling Without Selling Two Brothers Creative

Key Strategies For Content Marketing And Selling Without Selling

So, how do you sell without selling? Here are five key strategies to help you master the art of authentic persuasion

Ask Good Questions

Show genuine curiosity about the customer’s needs, challenges, and goals. 

This not only helps you understand their situation but also demonstrates that you’re invested in finding the right solution for them.

Listen Actively

Pay close attention to what the customer is saying, both verbally and non-verbally.  Reflect on what you hear to show that you understand their perspective. 

This builds trust and rapport, laying the foundation for a strong relationship.

Provide Value

Offer helpful information, insights, or resources without expecting anything in return. This embodies the “Midwest Mindset” – a philosophy of helping others simply because it’s the right thing to do. Ironically, this selfless approach often leads to the greatest rewards.

Educate and Empower

Share your expertise and guide the customer toward a solution. Position yourself as a trusted advisor, not a pushy salesperson.  Empower them to make informed decisions based on their needs and your recommendations.

Focus on the Relationship, Not the Transaction

Shift your mindset from closing deals to building long-term relationships. Nurture the connection, provide ongoing value, and watch your customers become loyal advocates for your brand.

Relationships in marketing

The “No Pitch Pitch” Template

Ready to put these strategies into action? We’ve got you covered. Download our free “No Pitch Pitch Sales” template – a guide to crafting a sales pitch that doesn’t feel like a sales pitch at all.

In today’s market, the most effective sales approach is one that prioritizes relationships, value, and authenticity.  

So, are you ready to ditch the pushy sales tactics and embrace a more human approach? Download our free “No Pitch Pitch sales” template today and start building relationships that last.

The Power Of The Content Box

The Content Box system is designed to be manageable, even for the busiest entrepreneur. It’s all about taking a strategic, streamlined approach to content marketing that delivers real results.

Do you still have questions? Schedule a free strategy call with our team, and let’s explore how we can help you take your content marketing to the next level.

Ready to get started? Let’s chat!

How to Create a Social Media Campaign

How to Create a Social Media Campaign That Actually Works

Today, 17% of their total marketing budgets are destined for social media, and most of them deliver 0 results. That’s why many businesses are still wondering how to create a social media campaign that actually works. 

In this Content Box episode, we tell you how to ditch the “be everywhere at once” approach and discover a strategy that actually delivers.

content box podcast Create a Social Media Campaign

The Myth of “Multi-Channel Mastery”

The pressure to be on every social media platform is real, but it’s also a myth. It’s simply not sustainable, especially for small businesses and entrepreneurs with limited time and resources. 

Trying to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms and content demands of multiple platforms can quickly become a full-time job in itself.

The Real Cost of Scattered Efforts

Spreading yourself too thin across multiple social media channels comes with a hefty price tag:

  • Wasted time and money: Creating content for multiple platforms without a clear strategy is like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. It’s inefficient and rarely leads to meaningful results.
  • Inconsistent branding: Maintaining a cohesive brand voice and aesthetic across multiple channels is challenging. You risk confusing your audience and diluting your brand identity.
  • Missed opportunities for engagement: It’s impossible to truly connect with your audience on every platform. When you’re spread too thin, you miss out on valuable opportunities to build relationships and foster loyalty.

The Focus Shift

Instead of trying to be everywhere at once, it’s time to shift your focus from quantity of channels to quality of engagement on the right channel. 

By concentrating your efforts on one primary social media platform, you can create a more impactful and sustainable social media campaign that delivers real results.

Create a Social Media Campaign Two Brothers Creative

Content Marketing for Your One True Social Media Channel

First, you must understand that your audience isn’t on every social media channel. Just like you, they have a favorite app they trust and use

Choosing the right platform is crucial. It’s not just about where most people are; it’s about where your ideal customers are.

  • Understand Your Ideal Customer: Remember that Ideal Customer Profile we talked about? It’s time to put it to work. What platforms do they frequent? What kind of content do they engage with?
  • Where Do They Hang Out? Do your research. Look at industry trends competitor analysis, and even ask your current customers where they spend their time online.
  • Align with Your Strengths: Don’t force yourself to be on a platform you hate just because it’s “trendy.” Choose a channel where you feel comfortable creating content and engaging with your audience.

How To Create A Social Media Strategy

Once you’ve identified your primary channel, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting a social media campaign that actually works:

Optimize Your Chosen Channel

Make sure your profile is complete, accurate, and visually appealing. Utilize all available features, such as links, buttons, and calls to action. 

Think of it as your digital storefront – you want it to make a good first impression!

Set Goals

Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for your campaign. What do you want to achieve? More website traffic? Increased brand awareness? More leads? Get clear on your objectives from the start.

Two brothers creative content marketing

Create Engaging Content

Tailor your content to the specific platform and its audience’s preferences. Focus on providing value, entertainment, or both. 

Experiment with different formats, such as videos, images, and live streams, to see what resonates best with your audience.

Engage with Your Audience

Respond promptly to comments and messages, participate in relevant groups and conversations, and build genuine relationships with your followers.

Analyze and Adapt

Track your results regularly using platform analytics. Pay attention to what’s working and what’s not, and make data-driven decisions to improve your strategy over time.

How Much Does a Social Media Campaign Cost?

There’s no right or wrong price to pay when it comes to social media. The cost of a social media campaign can vary widely depending on several factors, including whether you choose to manage it in-house, invest in training, or hire a marketing company. 

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Work Your Own Social Media Marketing Channels

  • Time investment cost: Managing a social media campaign yourself requires a significant time commitment. You’ll need to create content, schedule posts, engage with your audience, and analyze results.
  • Tools and software: While many social media platforms are free to use, you may need to invest in scheduling tools, graphic design software, or analytics platforms to optimize your efforts.
  • Courses and workshops: There are numerous online courses and workshops available that can teach you the fundamentals of social media marketing. Costs can range from affordable to quite expensive, depending on the depth of the training.
  • Certifications: Obtaining certifications in social media marketing can demonstrate your expertise and potentially increase your earning potential. However, certification programs often require a financial investment.

Hiring a Marketing Company

  • Agency fees: Marketing agencies typically charge a monthly retainer or project-based fees for their services. 

Costs can vary significantly depending on the agency’s size, reputation, the scope of your campaign, and even your geographical location. 

  • Additional expenses: Some agencies may charge extra for advertising spend, content creation, or specialized services like influencer marketing.

Ultimately, the cost of your social media campaign will depend on your specific needs, time, and goals.

If you need expert guidance and support, investing in training or hiring a marketing company may be wise.

Remember, it’s not about being on every platform; it’s about being on the right platform and making the most of it.

Contact Two Brothers Creative. 

Ready to take the next step? We are here to help if you guide your marketing efforts to success. 

Schedule a free consultation with our team and let’s explore how we can help you achieve your social media goals.

Download this week’s FREE One Channel Marketing Sprint Planer and focus your efforts where it truly matters.

Finding your ideal customer profiles

Finding Your Ideal Customer: The Key to Business Survival and Success

If your answer to “What are your ideal customer profiles?” is “all of them,” then we have some bad news – you might be reaching none of them at all.

It’s a common trap, but one that can lead to scattered marketing, wasted resources, and, ultimately, lackluster results. In this Content Box Podcast, we tell you how to find the ideal customer persona. 

The content box_ Finding Your Ideal Customer

Not Everyone Is Your Customer

It’s natural to want your product or service to appeal to the masses; at the end of the day, your business is like your child.

However, aiming your message to a too large audience only dilutes it and makes it hard to connect with anyone on a deeper level. 

Imagine trying to have a meaningful conversation with a crowd of thousands – it’s just not possible.

The Whiskey Experts

Take the example of a luxury whiskey brand we worked with. They were pouring their marketing efforts into social media but weren’t seeing the sales they expected. Why? Their followers were mostly friends and family, not the high-end clientele their product was aimed at. 

Their marketing was misaligned with their ideal customer, leading to frustration and missed opportunities.

What is the Ideal Customer Profile?

So, what’s the solution? It all starts with defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). This is a detailed representation of your perfect customer. It’s about understanding their demographics, pain points, aspirations, and even their favorite TV shows and snacks. 

A well-crafted ICP focuses your marketing efforts on the people most likely to become loyal customers. It’s about creating the “1 in a million” connection, where your message resonates so deeply that it feels like it your communication made just for them.

Finding Your Ideal Customer

Benefits of a Well-Defined Customer Profile

When you know who you’re talking to, you can stop wasting money on ineffective campaigns and channels and grow your Return Over Investment.

  • Better understanding of customer needs: An ICP helps you get inside your customers’ head, so you can tailor your products and services to their exact needs.
  • Improved messaging and communication: Speak directly to your ideal customer’s pain points and desires, thenwatch your conversions soar.
  • Stronger customer relationships: When your customers feel understood, they’re more likely to stick around for the long haul.

Finding Your Ideal Customer: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to pinpoint your perfect match? Let’s dive into the process of creating your Ideal Customer Profile.

Step 1: Identify the Problem You Solve

Every successful business addresses a specific need or pain point. What problem does your product or service solve? This is where your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) starts.

Knowing the problem helps you narrow down your target audience and identify potential customers who are actively seeking a solution like yours.

Finding Your Ideal Customer with Two Brothers Creative

Step 2: Ask “Who Needs This Solution?” 

Get specific about the type of person or business that would benefit most from what you offer. Consider their demographics, industry, and challenges.

Step 3: Get Specific with Your Ideal Customer Persona

It’s time to create a detailed avatar of your ideal customer. Give them a name, a backstory, and even a favorite hobby. 

The more details you include, the more clearly you’ll see them in your mind’s eye.

Two brothers creative content marketing

Tips to Craft a Compelling Persona

Describe Your Ideal Customer as You Would Yourself: Don’t just list generic demographics. Paint a vivid picture of this person, their lifestyle, and their motivations.

Don’t Fear Alienating Others: Remember, niching down doesn’t mean turning away business. It means attracting the right kind of business – the kind that values what you offer and is most likely to become a loyal customer.

Look at Your Current Customers: What do your most successful clients have in common? Use their characteristics to inform your ideal customer profile.

Focus on Your Most Profitable Products/Services: Consider who is buying those and why. This can provide valuable clues about your ideal customer.

Finding Your Ideal Customer Persona: it’s Only the First Step

Defining your ideal customer isn’t just a marketing exercise; it’s a foundational step in building a successful business. 

When you know who you’re talking to, your marketing becomes more effective, your messaging more compelling, and your customer relationships more meaningful.

Take the first step today and download our free worksheet. You’ll be amazed at the clarity and focus it brings to your marketing efforts.

Midwest Mindset Finding Your Ideal Customer

The Power Of The Content Box

We know it sounds like a lot, but trust us, the Content Box system is designed to be manageable, even for the busiest entrepreneur. It’s all about taking a strategic, streamlined approach to content marketing that delivers real results.

Feeling inspired? Download our free PDF guide to create your company avatar. And if you’d like a little extra help, we’re always here to chat. 

Do you still have questions? Schedule a free strategy call with our team, and let’s explore how we can help you take your content marketing to the next level.

Ready to get started? Let’s chat!

The Content Box for Content Marketing

A Content Marketing System for Busy Entrepreneurs

Let’s face it. As an entrepreneur, you’re juggling a million and one thing, and content marketing is not one of them; how on earth are you supposed to have time to craft an effective strategy? 

Between the endless social media platforms, the constant demand for fresh content, and the cryptic world of SEO, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning. In this first episode of The Content Box podcast, we tell you how to master your marketing without wasting your valuable time and money. 

easy content marketing

The Marketing Problem

With new platforms popping up every day and the ever-changing rules of engagement, it’s tough to know where to focus your marketing efforts. 

You’re bombarded with advice about needing to do this and that, all while trying to figure out what those things even mean. But what if there was a simpler way? A way to create a content marketing system that actually works, even if you’re short on time and resources?

Why Does Content Marketing Matter?

Consumers are bombarded with advertisements and promotions everywhere they turn, which has made it increasingly difficult to stand out and capture their attention.

That’s where content marketing comes in. By creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry and attract potential customers. 

Content marketing also helps build trust with your audience by providing them with useful information instead of just trying to sell to them.

The Content Box Solution: Simplifying Your Marketing Needs

Enter The Content Box. This system is a streamlined approach designed to maximize your content’s reach and impact, all without breaking the bank, spending hours on it, or losing your sanity. 

The core idea? Leverage a single piece of content across multiple channels, getting the most bang for your buck.

We’ve seen this approach work wonders for our clients at Two Brothers Creative. One international company saw a 36% increase in sales while cutting its marketing budget in half. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

The 7-Step Content Box Blueprint

So, how can you put this system in your marketing strategy exactly? Here’s the breakdown of our Content Box system, step-by-step.

Step 1: Research

Before you create anything, it’s crucial to do your homework. Understand your business inside and out, get to know your ideal customer, and take a good look at what your competitors are doing right and wrong. Where do you fit in this market? 

Free tools like Answer The Public and Google Keyword Planner can be a goldmine of insights into what your audience is searching for.

Step 2: Development

Now that you’ve done your research, it’s time to get specific. Who are you talking to? What do they want to hear from you? And what do you want to get out of this? 

These questions will shape your content’s purpose and direction.

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Step 3: Topic Selection

Don’t overthink it. To keep things simple, focus on answering one key question per piece of content. 

Whether it’s a blog post, a podcast episode, or a social media video, make sure it delivers genuine value to your audience so that they can actually put your advice into practice.

Step 4: Production

It’s time to bring your ideas to life! We highly recommend you record both audio and video content to maximize repurposing opportunities. 

User-friendly tools like Openshot or Descript make video editing a breeze, even if you’re not a pro. 

And don’t forget the power of AI; this will help you save tons of time.

Step 5: SEO Optimization

Remember that “SEO” thing we mentioned earlier? It stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it’s all about making sure your content gets found by the right people. 

A little keyword research goes a long way in helping your content rank higher in search results, driving more organic traffic to your website. 

The Content Box system is built with SEO in mind, ensuring your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.

Step 6: Distribution

You’ve created amazing content; now it’s time to get it out there! Each social media platform has its own quirks and best practices. 

Take the time to learn them and schedule your content natively for each one to have the maximum impact.

Step 7: Leveraging

Your content’s journey doesn’t end once it’s published. You must regularly analyze its performance to see what’s resonating with your audience and then adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Use your content to nurture leads, build relationships, and ultimately drive sales. And don’t underestimate the power of podcast guest booking – it’s a fantastic way to expand your reach and connect with industry leaders.

The content box Marketing system

Why Does This Strategy Work?

The Content Box system is designed to be manageable, even for the busiest entrepreneur. Here’s why it works:

  • Efficiency: By focusing on creating one high-quality piece of content and repurposing it across multiple channels, you save time and effort compared to creating individual pieces for each platform.
  • Consistency: Regular content distribution keeps your audience engaged and builds brand awareness without requiring constant content creation.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Maximizing the use of each piece of content reduces the need for expensive content production or outsourcing.

This strategy is perfect for businesses wanting to take control of their marketing without neglecting their other duties. It provides a structured, efficient approach that delivers results while respecting your time constraints.

Why Having Control of Your Marketing Matters

Taking control of your marketing is not just about saving time and money; it’s about ensuring your brand message is authentic and aligned with your values. 

When you outsource your marketing to agencies that are not clear on their content strategy, you risk losing that personal touch and connection with your audience.

Unethical marketing practices can damage your brand reputation and erode customer trust. By taking the reins of your marketing, you can build a brand voice and messaging to remain consistent and true to your core values.

Protect your brand from shady tactics that could harm your reputation in the long run.

Create 30 Days of Content in 30 Minutes

Download the free PDF worksheet below and start crafting a quick and easy strategy that takes 30 minutes of your time to create 30 days’ worth of content.

The Content Box system empowers you to take ownership of your marketing, giving you the tools and knowledge to succeed without compromising your integrity.

The Power Of The Content Box

We know it sounds like a lot, but trust us, the Content Box system is designed to be manageable, even for the busiest entrepreneur. It’s all about taking a strategic, streamlined approach to content marketing that delivers real results.

Feeling inspired? Download our free PDF guide to walk you through the process step-by-step. And if you’d like a little extra help, we’re always here to chat. 

Do you still have questions? Schedule a free strategy call with our team, and let’s explore how we can help you take your content marketing to the next level.

Ready to get started? Let’s chat!

Influencer And Micro-Influencer Marketing

Building Succes With a Micro-Influencer Marketing Strategy

In today’s digital market, traditional methods are losing their luster, and influencer and micro-influencer marketing is gaining momentum. 

Billboards and newspaper ads might have worked in the past, but today’s consumers are turning to social media and online communities for information and recommendations. 

This shift has opened up a world of opportunity for entrepreneurs willing to embrace these strategies. This is how you can leverage influencer marketing to reach a new level of success. 

Midwest Mindset_ The Importance of micro influencer marketing


On this recent episode of the Midwest Mindset podcast, serial entrepreneur Tim Rexius, the brains behind Rexius Business Consulting, shared his secrets to success with this powerful marketing strategy.

Micro-influencer marketing leverages the influence of individuals with a smaller yet highly engaged audience on social media platforms. 

By partnering with micro-influencers who align with your brand’s values and resonate with your target audience, you can drive engagement, build trust, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals.

What is Micro-Influencer Marketing?

Micro-influencers are individuals who have a smaller but highly engaged following on social media platforms. Unlike mega-influencers with millions of followers, micro-influencers typically have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers.

The real power of micro-influencer marketing lies in their authenticity and strong connection with their audience. These influencers are seen as trusted friends and advisors, making their recommendations more influential than those of celebrities or macro-influencers.

In recent years, micro-influencer marketing has shifted from a pay-for-popularity model to a pay-for-performance model. 

This means that brands are now more focused on results and ROI, rather than simply the number of followers an influencer has.

Finding the Right Micro-Influencers for Your Brand

The first step to successful micro-influencer marketing is identifying the right influencers for your brand. Start by understanding your target audience.

This is because the influencer you choose should align with your audience’s interests, values, and demographics. This will help ensure that your influencer marketing campaign is effective and reaches the right people. 

  • Who are your ideal clients?
  • What are their interests and demographics?
  • Which social media platforms do they frequent?

Once you have a clear picture of your target audience, you can begin searching for micro-influencers who align with your brand values and appeal to your ideal clients. Look for influencers who create high-quality content, have a strong engagement rate, and share your passion for real estate.

Remember, the goal is to find influencers who genuinely believe in your brand and can authentically promote your services to their followers.

Building Relationships with Micro-Influencers

Building strong relationships with micro-influencers is crucial for long-term success. Here are a few tips for fostering mutually beneficial partnerships:

Be Authentic and Engaging 

Approach influencers with genuine interest and respect. Engage with their content, leave thoughtful comments, and show appreciation for their work. 

Building a genuine connection with influencers will make them more likely to collaborate with you and promote your brand.

Offer something of value in return, such as free access to your services or products, exclusive content, or discounts for their followers. 

Offer Fair Compensation

While some micro-influencers may be willing to work for free products or services, most expect to be compensated for their time and effort. Consider offering a combination of monetary payment and other incentives, such as exclusive access to events or early access to new listings.

Collaborate and Co-Create

Work together with micro-influencers to develop content that aligns with both your brand messaging and their unique voice. This will ensure that your message resonates with their audience and feels authentic.

influencer marketing

Marketing with Local Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers can be valuable for any company looking to connect with potential clients and build their brand. Especially when we are talking on a local level. 

Partner with local micro-influencers who have a deep understanding of your market and can share valuable insights about neighborhoods, schools, and amenities.

Micro-influencers often have a loyal and engaged following who trust their opinions and recommendations. This credibility allows them to serve as effective brand ambassadors, advocating for products or services in a genuine and authentic manner.


Influencer Marketing Services: A Helping Hand for Busy Professionals

Navigating the world of micro-influencer marketing can be a daunting task, especially for busy real estate professionals. That’s where influencer marketing services come in. These specialized agencies can help you streamline your efforts and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

What Do Influencer Marketing Services Offer?

Influencer marketing services can range from simple consultation to full-fledged campaign management. Common services include:

  • Influencer Identification: Agencies can help you find the right micro-influencers for your brand, based on your target audience, budget, and goals.
  • Campaign Strategy Development: Experts can develop a comprehensive influencer marketing strategy tailored to your specific needs.
  • Content Creation and Management: Agencies can create and manage engaging content for your micro-influencer campaigns, ensuring a cohesive brand message.
  • Performance Tracking and Analysis: Services often include tracking and analyzing campaign performance data to measure ROI and optimize future efforts.
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Benefits of Outsourcing Your Influencer Marketing

Partnering with an influencer marketing service can offer several advantages. Outsourcing frees up your valuable time to focus on your core business activities, such as building client relationships and closing deals.

Agencies have specialized knowledge and experience in influencer marketing, ensuring that your campaigns are effective and efficient.

Maximize ROI

By leveraging data-driven insights and proven strategies, agencies can help you achieve a higher return on your influencer marketing investment.

Choosing the Right Influencer Marketing Partner

When selecting an influencer marketing service, consider the following factors:

Experience in Your Industry: Look for agencies that have a proven track record of working with real estate brands or similar industries.

Transparent Pricing: Ensure that the agency’s pricing structure is clear and upfront, with no hidden fees.

Data-Driven Approach: Choose an agency that uses data and analytics to inform their strategies and measure results.

Strong Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration are essential for a successful partnership. Look for an agency that is responsive and open to feedback.

influencer marketing Two Brothers Creative

The Role of an Influencer Marketing Manager

For larger real estate firms or those with extensive marketing budgets, hiring an influencer marketing manager can be a valuable investment. This dedicated professional will oversee your influencer marketing strategy, manage relationships with influencers, and track campaign performance.

The ideal influencer marketing manager will possess:

  • Strong Communication and Negotiation Skills: They should be able to build rapport with influencers and negotiate mutually beneficial partnerships.
  • Data Analysis Skills: They should be able to track and analyze campaign performance data to optimize future efforts.
  • Creativity and Strategic Thinking: They should be able to develop innovative influencer marketing campaigns that align with your brand goals.

An influencer marketing manager can be a valuable asset, ensuring that your influencer marketing efforts are aligned with your overall marketing strategy and deliver measurable results.

Tim Rexius’s Micro-Influencers Strategy

Tim Rexius’s experience with both macro and micro-influencers highlights the importance of testing and experimentation. 

He found that while some macro-influencers with millions of followers may not deliver significant results, micro-influencers with smaller but highly engaged audiences can often drive more meaningful engagement and conversions.

This underscores the importance of testing different types of influencers and tracking the results to determine which partnerships are most effective for your brand.

The 20% Rule: Finding the Right Fit

Rexius also observed a “20% rule” in influencer marketing, where roughly 20% of influencers generate a profitable ROI. This means that finding the right influencers for your brand is crucial. 

It’s not just about the number of followers, but also about their audience demographics, engagement levels, and alignment with your brand values.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and try different approaches. By testing various influencers and tracking the results, you can identify the partnerships that deliver the best results for your real estate business.

Midwest Mindset influencer marketing

Platforms for Finding Micro-Influencers

There are several platforms that can help you connect with potential micro-influencers.

  • Join Brands: This platform allows you to post influencer campaigns and receive applications from interested influencers.
  • Collabstr: This platform simplifies the process of finding and collaborating with micro-influencers.

By utilizing these platforms and tools, you can streamline your search for the perfect micro-influencers to represent your brand and reach your target audience

Start Growing Your Digital Reach with Influencer Marketing

Boos a Free strategy call with Two Brothers Creative to learn more about our marketing services.

We’ll work with you to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your ideal clients and sets you apart from the competition.

Contact us today to learn how we can tailor a marketing strategy that speaks directly to your male audience.

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.

Real Estate Storytelling For Agents

The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing

The real estate market is a crowded place. With so many agents vying for attention, how do you make yourself stand out? The answer might surprise you: it’s not about flashy ads or aggressive sales tactics. It’s about the power of real estate storytelling.

On this recent episode of the Midwest Mindset podcast, serial entrepreneur and real estate expert Jay Miralles shared his insights on how storytelling can revolutionize your real estate marketing.  

The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing

Meet Jay Miralles: Passion for Real Estate and Helping Others

Our guest on this episode of Midwest Mindset is not your average real estate agent. Jay Miralles is a serial entrepreneur, a military veteran, and a community leader who’s passionate about helping others achieve their dreams.

With his hands in multiple businesses and organizations, including a non-profit dedicated to helping veterans, Jay understands the challenges and opportunities that come with building a successful brand and marketing it effectively.

Jay Expertise

As a real estate pro, Jay has a wealth of experience helping clients navigate the ever-changing real estate landscape. 

He understands the struggles that agents face in today’s market, from the pressure to stand out in a crowded field to the confusion of choosing the right marketing strategies.

Jay’s approach to real estate marketing is rooted in authenticity, expertise, and a genuine desire to help others. 

He believes that by sharing his knowledge and experience, he can empower real estate agents to build successful businesses and make a real difference in their communities.

The Challenge: Standing Out in a Crowded Market

The real estate industry is saturated with agents all competing for the same clients. Traditional marketing tactics, like billboards and direct mail, often get lost in the shuffle, leaving potential clients feeling overwhelmed and confused.

So, how do you cut through the noise and make a lasting impression? 

It’s quite simple: by being yourself and highlighting your unique strengths and expertise.

In a world of cookie-cutter marketing approaches, authenticity is what sets you apart. By embracing your personality and values, you can establish a personal connection with potential clients and stand out in their minds.

Two Brothers team on authenticity meeting. 


Miralles believes that authenticity is the secret ingredient to any effective marketing strategy.  As he puts it, “The key in any marketing strategy or messaging is conveying knowledge and expertise…with authenticity.”

In essence, being authentic means being genuine to yourself. It’s about sharing your unique experiences and perspectives in a way that resonates with your audience. 

When you’re real, people will feel it, and they’ll be more likely to trust you and want to work with you.

True Real Estate Marketing

Consumers are increasingly savvy and can spot a fake from a mile away. That’s why businesses need to be authentic in their marketing

When you’re real, people will feel it, and they’ll be more likely to trust you and want to work with you. When you’re real, you’ll be able to build stronger relationships with your customers and create a lasting connection.

The Importance Of Storytelling In Marketing

Storytelling is a time-tested method for building trust and rapport with potential clients. By sharing your personal experiences – your challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned – you become more than just a real estate agent. You become a human being with a story that others can relate to.

Miralles encourages agents to embrace their unique stories and use them to connect with clients. 

Whether it’s a tale of overcoming adversity, a passion for helping first-time homebuyers, or a humorous anecdote from your career, your story can help you differentiate yourself and create lasting connections

The Message: Helping Your Marketing for Real Estate

The Message: Helping Your Marketing for Real Estate

Miralles’ approach to real estate marketing is deeply rooted in the “Midwest Mindset” – a philosophy of helping others without expecting anything in return. 

This genuine desire to serve others creates an undeniable positive energy that attracts clients and fosters lasting success.

When you prioritize providing value and building relationships, the business will naturally follow. As Matt Tompkins, the host of the Midwest Mindset podcast, wisely states, 

“I think the key in any marketing strategy or messaging is conveying knowledge and expertise…with authenticity.”

Delivering the Message

The need for alignment between a business’s marketing message and its true identity and values.

Rejecting artificial or inauthentic marketing tactics in favor of genuine connection.

Emphasizing the power of personal stories and experiences in building trust and rapport with clients.

Avoiding Predatory Marketing Tactics

These are the things to avoid as a real estate agent who wants to do effective, true marketing that connects with people. 

  • Making false or misleading statements about properties.
  • Using deceptive advertising techniques, such as bait-and-switch tactics or failing to disclose important information about properties.
  • Exaggerating the potential value or benefits of a property.
  • Promising guaranteed returns on investment.
  • Engaging in unethical or illegal practices, such as bribery or collusion with other agents.
  • Failing to respect the privacy of clients or sharing their personal information without their consent.
  • Engaging in deceptive or misleading advertising practices, such as using fake reviews or testimonials.
  • Failing to disclose material facts about properties, such as known defects or environmental hazards.
  • Making promises that cannot be kept, such as guaranteeing a certain sale price or closing date.
The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing (2)

The Power of Simplicity and Consistency

In marketing, it’s often better to keep things simple and focus on a few key tactics rather than spreading resources too thin. 

By choosing a few channels and tactics that align with business goals and target audiences, real estate agents can achieve better results.

  • Consistency is key: Regularly creating and publishing high-quality content, engaging with customers on social media, and staying in touch with leads through email marketing is crucial for building brand awareness and trust.

The Value of Investing in Expertise

Encouraging real estate agents to seek guidance from marketing experts is paramount in the ever-changing world of the industry. 

In a time when information is readily available, it can be tempting to rely on outdated advice or generic strategies. However, partnering with marketing experts offers a multitude of benefits.

The Power of Mentorship and Community

Beyond formal mentorship programs and organizations, entrepreneurs need to cultivate a supportive network of peers, advisors, and industry experts. 

Building relationships with individuals who are knowledgeable in different areas of business can provide valuable perspectives, fresh ideas, and potential collaborations. 

This interconnected community serves as a source of inspiration, motivation, and accountability, enabling entrepreneurs to push boundaries and achieve their goals.

Continuous learning and growth are fundamental to personal and professional success. In the rapidly evolving business landscape, entrepreneurs must stay ahead of industry trends, embrace new technologies, and adapt to changing market conditions. 

Real estate marketing is about more than just listing properties and posting on social media. It’s about telling a story – your story – and connecting with clients on a deeper level. 

Midwest Mindset_ The Importance of Real Estate Storytelling and Marketing

So, What’s Your Story?

Ready to harness the power of storytelling in your real estate marketing? Our team at Two Brothers Creative can help. 

We’ll work with you to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your ideal clients and sets you apart from the competition.

Contact us today to learn how we can tailor a marketing strategy that speaks directly to your male audience.

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.

Marketing to Men: Strategy For a Male Audience

Marketing to Men: What Really Works For a Male Audience

Ever feel like your marketing messages are falling flat with the guys? You’re not alone! Many businesses today struggle with marketing to man, and for good reason.

We explored the unique challenges and untapped opportunities that come with reaching this often misunderstood audience, especially in the healthcare industry.

 Male Audience in Healthcare Marketing

Is Marketing a Male-Dominated Field?

On the latest episode of the Midwest Mindset podcast, our guest, Jess Goldoni, Marketing director of Limitless Male, dove headfirst into the fascinating world of marketing to men. 

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t marketing a male-dominated field?” Think Don Draper, slicked-back hair, and three-martini lunches. Well, it’s time to shatter that myth. While the “Mad Men” era may have painted a picture of a testosterone-fueled industry, today’s marketing landscape is far more diverse.

But even with this shift, understanding the male perspective remains crucial for any business looking to connect with modern guys. So, let’s ditch the stereotypes and dive into what really works when it comes to marketing to men.

Marketing to Men: It’s Not Just About Beer and Sports 

Forget the clichés. Marketing to men isn’t just about slapping a football player on a billboard or cracking a beer joke. 

Men are not a monolithic group with a single set of interests and motivations. We’re talking about a diverse bunch with varying ages, backgrounds, and preferences.

Some guys are fitness fanatics, while others are passionate about cooking or gaming. Some are family men, while others are focused on their careers. The key is to understand these different segments and tailor your messages accordingly.

Think about it: would you use the same marketing approach to reach a 25-year-old gamer as you would a 50-year-old father of three? Probably not. 

Myth vs. Reality: Dispelling the stereotype of the “Mad Men” era.

Today, women hold leadership positions in major marketing firms and agencies, and they’re creating innovative campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences. The industry is becoming more inclusive, with professionals from all backgrounds bringing their unique perspectives to the table.

But here’s the thing: regardless of who’s creating the marketing messages, understanding the male perspective is still essential. 

Men and women often have different communication styles, preferences, and motivations. To truly connect with men, marketers need to speak their language and address their specific needs

It's Not Just About Beer and Sports

Meeting Men Where They Hang Out Online

Reaching men means meeting them where they hang out online. And no, it’s not just about sports forums and Reddit threads.

Men are active on a variety of platforms, from Facebook and Instagram to YouTube and LinkedIn. They’re consuming content, engaging with brands, and even making purchasing decisions online. The key is to create content that speaks to their interests and values.

In a world where technology has transformed the way we interact and form connections, the internet has become a vast digital landscape for men seeking companionship and like-minded individuals. 

So, where are men hanging out, and what are their online habits?

Social Media

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are prime spots to engage men. While Facebook and Instagram are great for visual content and personal connection, LinkedIn caters to professional interests. 

Tailor your content and approach to the specific platform and audience.

Marketing to Men and male audiences

Online Forums and Communities

Reddit, niche forums (think gaming, tech, or hobbies), and even Facebook groups can be goldmines for reaching men with shared interests. Participate in discussions, offer valuable insights, and build relationships with the community to establish your brand.

Video Platforms

YouTube and Twitch are popular among men for entertainment and education. Consider creating video content that aligns with your brand and resonates with male viewers.

Crafting Digital Content That Clicks with Guys

Once you know where to find your male audience, it’s time to create content that grabs their attention.

  • Visuals are essential: Men are often drawn to strong visuals. Use high-quality images, infographics, and videos to convey your message quickly and effectively.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet: Attention spans can be fleeting. Craft concise messages that get to the point without unnecessary fluff.
  • Humor is Your Friend: A touch of humor can make your brand more approachable and memorable. Just be sure it aligns with your overall tone and doesn’t alienate any potential customers.
  • Speak Their Language: Use relatable language and avoid excessive jargon. Talk to men like you would a friend, not a textbook.

Remember, the key to connecting with men online is understanding their interests, preferences, and communication styles

authentic content marketing Nebraska

Male Audience in Healthcare Marketing

When it comes to healthcare, marketing to men presents its own unique set of challenges. Let’s face it, guys aren’t exactly known for their eagerness to visit the doctor.

We tend to be reluctant to seek help, even when we know something’s wrong. Plus, we’re often skeptical of traditional advertising, especially when it comes to health issues.

So, how do you overcome these challenges and connect with men on a deeper level? Here are a few strategies that have proven to be effective

Prevention and wellness

Focus on the benefits of staying healthy rather than just treating illness. By focusing on maintaining good health, we can reduce the likelihood of developing illnesses in the first place. 

Social Proof

Leverage testimonials from other men to build trust and credibility. Hearing from real people who have had positive experiences can help overcome skepticism and encourage men to take action.

Male audience target

Why Women Play a Key Role in Men’s Health Decisions

While men are the end-users of many healthcare services, their partners often play a pivotal role in their decision-making process

Women are frequently the ones researching options, scheduling appointments, and encouraging their partners to prioritize their well-being.

This dynamic presents a unique opportunity for healthcare marketers. By recognizing and addressing the influence of women in men’s health decisions, you can significantly increase your reach and impact.

Women and Men’s Health

  • Information Gatekeepers: Women often act as the primary information gatherers for their families. They research healthcare providers, treatments, and preventative measures, filtering options before presenting them to their partners.
  • Health Advocates: Women are more likely to encourage their partners to seek medical attention, schedule checkups, and follow through with treatment plans.
  • Shared Decision-Makers: Couples often make healthcare decisions together. Women’s opinions and concerns carry significant weight in these discussions.
Men's Audience Challenges in Healthcare Marketing

To effectively market to both men and women, consider craft marketing campaigns that address both men’s specific concerns and women’s desire to see their partners healthy and well.

Develop content that resonates with women’s role as caregivers and health advocates. This could include blog posts, social media campaigns, or targeted ads.

By understanding the dynamics of men’s health decision-making, you can create marketing campaigns that speak to both men and the women who care about them, ultimately driving better health outcomes for everyone.

Men’s Audience Challenges in Healthcare Marketing

It is important to understand the specific challenges men face when it comes to seeking healthcare.

Men are less likely to seek preventive care, often neglecting their health until issues become severe. This can lead to delayed diagnoses and poorer health outcomes. Healthcare marketers need to address these challenges to effectively target male audiences.

Cultural and Societal Factors:

Gender norms and stereotypes discourage men from seeking help for health concerns, as it may be perceived as a sign of weakness.

Traditional masculine ideals emphasize stoicism and independence, leading men to prioritize work and family over their health.

There is also a lack of awareness about health risks and services tailored to men.To effectively address these challenges, healthcare marketers can implement strategies such as:

  • Developing targeted marketing campaigns that address men’s specific health concerns and needs.
  • Creating gender-sensitive healthcare content and resources that use accessible language and visuals.
  • Partnering with male influencers or healthcare professionals to deliver credible and relatable health information.
  • Advocating for more male-friendly healthcare policies and initiatives.
  • Providing flexible appointment times and convenient locations to accommodate men’s busy schedules.
  • Offering financial assistance or insurance coverage options to reduce cost barriers.

By understanding and addressing the unique challenges men face in seeking healthcare, healthcare marketers can create more effective and inclusive marketing strategies that lead to improved health outcomes for men.

A Marketing to Men Approach

A Marketing to Men Approach

Marketing to men isn’t rocket science, but it does require a thoughtful and strategic approach. By understanding their unique needs, preferences, and motivations, you can create campaigns that truly resonate and drive results. 

Take Your Market to The Next Level

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? The experts at Two Brothers Creative are here to help. 

Contact us today to learn how we can tailor a marketing strategy that speaks directly to your male audience.

On a budget? Don’t Worry! With the Easy Box, you give us only 30 minutes of your time, and we give you 30 days’ worth of content. 

Forget all about long hours and marketing failure; this is marketing made easy.

Why Do You Need Video SEO Services for Your Business?

Video SEO services: Why Are They Important

What is the benefit of hiring video SEO services in 2024? 

We all know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  is still a must for businesses looking for online visibility and reputation. 

However, with the rise in popularity of video-based platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, online marketing needs and SEO strategies are changing. 

We are entering a peak of video content, where most of the media we consume is predominantly in video format. 

So, now, more than ever, these video platforms are one more search tool for users as much as Google is.

Why Do You Need Video SEO Services for Your Business (2)

The New Video Era

Think about the last time you looked up something on the internet; it was probably on Google, right? How many of those times did those queries show a video as a result? Yup… almost all of them do. 

Now, consider how the younger generations conduct their online searches. For many, Google isn’t their go-to page. 

Depending on what they’re looking for, platforms like Instagram or TikTok may be their first port of call. When did all of this happen?

The landscape of 2023 surely brought its challenges and shifts in marketing strategies, with the surge of video content emerging as a game-changer.

HubSpot research reveals that 66% of consumers prefer watching videos to learn about a brand or product over reading about them. 

Additionally, last year, “how-to” search queries on YouTube increased by 70%, making this platform a popular search engine.

This trajectory suggests that platforms dedicated to video will only gain momentum in 2024 as more people turn to these mediums for information.

In this video-centric world, the question is: How can we adapt and maintain a competitive edge in our SEO efforts?

seo for business

What Is SEO

Before fully jumping into Video SEO, we might first need to go over what SEO truly means for your business and what the benefits are. 

We won’t fully go into details about it, but Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of tailoring both the on-page and off-page elements of a website to improve its ranking in search engine results. 

This practice is essential for enhancing online visibility because it makes it easier for potential customers to find a business when they conduct online searches related to that business’s products or services. 

Good SEO involves optimizing content with relevant keywords, improving site loading speeds, ensuring mobile friendliness, and acquiring quality backlinks, among other tactics and funny words.  

If you are new to the SEO game, we really encourage you to take a beginner’s course and learn more about the ins and outs of this practice. 

But the bottom line is that by appearing higher in search engine rankings, businesses can attract more website traffic, increase brand awareness, and gain credibility with targeted audiences.

What is Video SEO 

So, while traditional SEO efforts are fully directed at Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERP), Video SEO is focused on video-based platforms and uses video content to be noticed by the Google algorithm. 

Video SEO focuses on fine-tuning various elements such as video titles, descriptions, tags, transcripts, and file names to improve rankings on SERPs. 

This can look like embedded videos on websites, video tutorials on your product or service, specific hashtags, shorts, reels, TikToks, and video sitemaps.

Need Video SEO Services for Your Business content Omaha

Why Video SEO Is Essential for Businesses in 2024

Video content boasts higher engagement rates compared to text because it strikes an immediate connection with viewers through storytelling and visual appeal. 

This makes video a powerful tool for brand messaging and customer retention.

Search engines like Google prioritize video content by often placing it above standard text-based pages in search results. This can significantly increase your content’s visibility.

Mobile Usage Surge

With the frequent use of mobile devices, consumers are more likely to engage with video content on the go. Optimizing videos for mobile accessibility and fast load times is crucial.

Social Media Integration

Video content seamlessly integrates into social media, where platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube influence purchasing decisions. 

A strong video SEO strategy ensures that your content surfaces where your audience spends their time.

Competitive Advantage

As more businesses invest in video marketing, the competition for viewer attention intensifies. Video SEO helps you to stand out, ensuring that your content is not just made, but seen and appreciated.

Authenticity in Marketing SEO Services for Your Business

Crafting a Video SEO strategy

So, where do you even start to create a compelling Video SEO strategy? There are a few aspects you will need to know first. 

Let’s delve into how you can create a truly compelling Video SEO blueprint.

Know Your Audience

Sure, knowing your audience is what everybody talks about, and with good reason, but truly understanding their online behavior is essential. 

For Video SEO, you will need to dive deep into the intricacies of your audience’s online behavior to grasp their preferences thoroughly. 

Investigate the platforms they frequent—are they scrolling through TikTok, or are they binge-watching longer YouTube tutorials?  This could range from short-form, snappy videos ideal for social media stories to in-depth, educational content.

Monitor the viewing patterns and engagement levels to identify what type of video content resonates most effectively with them. 

what is video seo

Get your Hashtags Right

Undertaking thorough SEO keyword research is instrumental in aligning your content with the queries and interests of your target audience. 

Utilize these keywords judiciously within your video titles, meta descriptions, and video descriptions to enhance discoverability. 

Furthermore, integrate hashtags strategically to boost your content’s reach on social platforms. These hashtags should not only be popular but also relevant and specific to the content you’re producing, thereby ensuring that your videos surface in the right search results and social feeds.

Plan Your Content Ahead

While embracing emerging trends and viral content can show results, a sustainable Video SEO strategy requires a structure. 

Establish a media calendar that outlines when and what you will post. Differentiate between informational, educational, and entertaining content, as each serves a distinct purpose and will be optimized differently. Always consider its core objective:

  • Informational Content

Focus on providing value through tutorials, how-to guides, and explainer videos. Optimize for keywords related to questions and learning opportunities within your industry.

  • Promotional Content

Highlight your products or services with persuasive narratives and appealing visuals, ensuring each piece has a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA).

  • Educational Content 

A prime opportunity to demonstrate expertise within your field. Make sure to provide actual helpful content that your audience enjoys. 

Remember, each piece of content should have a well-defined goal—whether to educate, entertain, or convert.

Nebraska podcast studio

Repurposing your Content 

Once you get a clear strategy, do proper research, and are ready to start creating video content, make sure to get its full potential. 

Unleashing the full potential of your content involves creative repurposing to ensure it resonates across various formats and platforms.

A lengthy, informative YouTube video can be an excellent piece of media, but there’s a whole spectrum of content that you can derive from, like YouTube shorts, TikToks, blogs, Instagram pictures, and more. 

The Power of Podcast

That’s why we at Two Brothers Creative believe in the power of podcasting to create an all-in-one strategy that puts video content as the main marketing focus. 

By creating a podcast that focuses on helping the user, you can also drive results on the rest of your social media and improve your Video SEO efforts. 

Why Do You Need Video SEO Services for Your Business_ two brothers creative

Video Podcast

Nowadays, people are used to watching their favorite podcasts instead of just listening to them, so this will be our primary media content, the most lengthy one. 

This can be broadcast on YouTube and other social media that permit longer-form videos. 

Traditional Podcast

From the podcast video, we extract and utilize the pure audio format, appealing to the ever-growing podcast audience who favor audio consumption on the go.

Youtube Shorts, Reels, and TikToks

We produce shorter pieces of content suitable for sharing quick insights and attracting viewers with shorter attention spans. This will pique their interest and cause them to go looking for more. 

We do this by taking interesting parts of the podcast and leveraging them into shorter-form content. 

Make sure to take understandable, interesting, or valuable bits of your podcast, use viral audio or effect to give it more visibility.

Why Do You Need Video SEO Services for Your Business

SEO Blog Posts

Blog posts optimized for SEO will help you improve your website site and create content for that part of your audience that prefers to read content. 


Transcribing your podcast content does more than make your material accessible; it boosts traditional SEO efforts by providing search engines with additional text to index. 

Think of it as extra copy that you can use to get keywords and make it available for those who would rather read than listen to a podcast. 

This results in a richer source of keywords and topics that improve your website’s search relevancy.


Quotable moments from your content can become powerful social media assets. 

They can be creatively repurposed into visually appealing graphics suitable for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Strategically sharing this variety of content ensures that each piece complements the others, creating a symphony of media that caters to different preferences and platforms.

SEO For businesses in nebraska podcasts

Video Elements: How to Do Video SEO

So, before you go and post all your videos and star-making blogs and quotes, make sure you are posting them the right way to optimize your content. 

Craft Compelling Titles

The title of your video is the first impression viewers have, so make it count and make it SEO effective.

  • Use Keywords Wisely: Incorporate your main keywords towards the beginning of your title for better SEO impact while maintaining a natural flow.
  • Be Clear and Concise: Aim for titles that are straightforward and give viewers a clear idea of what to expect—usually under 60 characters to ensure it displays well on most platforms.

Evoke Curiosity

Create intrigue without resorting to clickbait. Titles that pose a question or hint at a story tend to perform well.

Implement Strategic Hashtags

Hashtags can increase the visibility of your video content; they are also good for categorizing your content. 

Research Trending Hashtags

Use tools to find popular and trending hashtags relevant to your video’s topic.

Relevance is Key

However, just use those hashtags that work for your content and accurately reflect the subject matter of your video to reach the right audience.

Don’t Overdo It

While platforms differ in the optimal number of hashtags, Instagram, for example, recommends using between 3 to 5 relevant hashtags per post for maximum engagement.

Easy box_ Midwest Mindset Omaha video podcast production

Write Engaging Copy

The copy that accompanies your video be it the description on YouTube or the caption on social media, should:

  • Include a Call to Action (CTA): Encourage viewers to like, subscribe, comment, or follow a link. Make it clear what you want them to do next.
  • Optimize with Keywords: Just like your title, incorporate relevant keywords to improve searchability.
  • Provide Context: Give an overview of the video’s content, which can be a teaser or a summary, to entice viewers to watch.

Craft Effective Subtitles

Subtitles can significantly boost engagement and accessibility; they help viewers understand the content better, especially if they speak different languages or have hearing difficulties.

As part of the video metadata, subtitles can be crawled by search engines, improving discoverability.

Tools like Rev or VEED can generate accurate subtitles, saving you time and ensuring quality.

Optimize Thumbnail Images

A thumbnail is a visual representation of your content’s value proposition, so make sure to always use high-resolution images to create a professional look.

Add a brief, bold text overlay on the thumbnail to provide context or highlight the core message.

Make something that people really want to click on. 

End Screens and Annotations

End screens and annotations can direct viewers to other content:

  • Promote Related Videos: Suggest additional content at the end of your video to keep viewers engaged with your channel.
  • Incorporate Subscribe Buttons: Remind viewers to subscribe to your channel with a visual cue during the end screen.

Quality Matters For Video SEO

It’s pivotal to remember that at the core of any successful video SEO strategy lies a non-negotiable element: quality.

While SEO efforts play a significant role in video marketing, The ultimate goal of SEO is to drive traffic, but once the viewers have arrived, it’s the quality of content that determines the level of engagement, sharing, and the value they derive from it. 

High-quality, valuable content is what compels viewers to stay, interact, and convert into loyal followers or customers.

Users are seeking more than just entertainment; they are looking for substance. Videos that provide educational insights, real-world applications, and genuine storytelling resonate far deeper with audiences than those made purely for SEO purposes.

Furthermore, the quality of your video, audio, and edition also plays a big part; make sure to invest in the right equipment, software, and team; here is our free guide to starting to make quality content. 

Hire Professional Video SEO Services

With all this being said we know that running a business is time-consuming; Entrepreneurs and business owners often find themselves stretched thin, managing multiple aspects of their operations, and getting into the nitty gritty of an SEO strategy can seem impossible.  

With the complexity and ever-changing nature of SEO strategies, it becomes necessary to stay on top of the latest trends and algorithm updates. 

This is where professional Video SEO services come into play, offering expertise and time-saving benefits.

But what should you look for when hiring these services?

podcast and video marketing Omaha content marketing
  • Expertise: These services bring on board specialized knowledge and experience in optimizing video content. 

This includes understanding the technical aspects like metadata, keywords, and search algorithms, as well as the creative elements that increase engagement and viewer retention.

  • Time Efficiency: Delegating the intricate work of Video SEO to professionals should free up valuable time for business owners, not taking more time out of your day.  Make sure that you hire an expert who can take all the responsibility. 
  • Understanding of Your Niche: The agency should have a good grasp of your industry and target audience. 

Tailored strategies that resonate with your market segment are more likely to yield successful results.

  • Transparency and Reporting: Effective communication is key. Ensure that the service you choose offers transparent reporting on their activities and the subsequent results. 

Regular reports and analysis will help you understand the ROI of your investment.

  • Cost: While budget considerations are important, be wary of services priced well below market rates. 

Remember, effective SEO is an investment, and you often get what you pay for.

Opting for professional Video SEO services isn’t just about achieving better search rankings; it’s about creating a sustainable and scalable content strategy that drives true value and growth for your business.

Contact Two Brothers Today

Ready to start making quality content and increasing your online visibility? Ready to elevate your marketing game? 

At Two Brothers Creative, we’re not just passionate about what we do; we like to share our knowledge with others and help their business grow. 

Unlock the full potential of marketing for your business growth.

Turning Failure into Success

Grow Your Business with AI: The Do’s and Don’ts

Grow Your Business with AI in the Right Way

Navigating the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business can be a bit of a balancing act. You’re excited to explore the benefits of AI for content creation, yet cautious about the risks, particularly in protecting your business’s sensitive information.

In this Midwest Mindset podcast episode, we are joined by Shawn Quintero, chief AI officer at Elite Real Estate Systems to discuss how to use AI the right way to propel your business forward. 

His insights are particularly helpful for those new to AI. The focus is on harnessing AI’s potential while ensuring the safety of your business’s data and maintaining high-quality content output.

Shawn’s approachable yet professional guidance makes AI less intimidating and more accessible, providing you with actionable tips to incorporate AI into your business practices confidently. Whether you’re just starting with AI or looking to refine your current strategy, his advice is a great resource.

Grow Your Business with AI

AI to Grow Your Business: Learning from the Past

The journey of AI in business is a story of evolution, innovation, and learning. From its inception in the 1950s to the creation of the first chatbots in the 1960s, AI has been shaping the way we do business.

The 1990s brought us advanced AI robots, like Kismet, capable of emotional expression.

Then came the game-changing moment in 2009, when Facebook revolutionized content curation with AI-driven algorithms, shifting from recent posts to engagement-based feeds.

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This history teaches us how AI evolved from a novel concept to a crucial tool in business growth, underlining the importance of adapting and innovating.

Each era in AI’s history offers lessons on leveraging technology to enhance business strategies, emphasizing the need to evolve with technology to stay ahead.

How Facebook Changed it All

Facebook’s 2009 shift to an AI-driven algorithm marked a turning point in digital interaction. Moving from displaying recent posts to prioritizing content based on user engagement, Facebook transformed how content reaches audiences.

This pivotal change not only kept users more engaged on the platform but also revolutionized online marketing and content distribution.

Businesses now had to rethink their strategies to harness the power of AI for visibility and engagement.

Facebook’s move underscored the growing influence of AI in shaping user experiences and set a new standard for content curation, making it a critical tool for businesses in the digital era.

The AI Algorithm Based Powerhouse

The advent of Facebook’s algorithm-driven approach marked the dawn of the algorithm-based era, fundamentally changing user engagement.

This shift was rapidly embraced by Netflix, tailoring recommendations to individual tastes, and soon became a norm among industry giants. This era necessitated the evolution of AI, leading to the development of smarter, self-learning technologies.

It wasn’t just about new technology; it was about personalization at scale.

While AI itself wasn’t new, this surge in algorithmic innovation made it more accessible and relevant, opening doors for entrepreneurs and small businesses to leverage AI for personalized customer experiences and efficient business operations.

Grow Your Business with AI with Shawn Quintero and Two Brothers Creative

The Rise of Chat GPT and Open AI

The emergence of algorithm-based technology sparked a surge in AI development, with platforms like Chat GPT, Jasper, and Bard stepping into the spotlight.

These companies recognized a significant market opportunity and worked to make AI technology widely accessible. Their growth hinged on enhancing AI’s capabilities, requiring an expansion in the use and sharing of user-provided data globally.

This sharing of information is a cornerstone of open AI, enabling these systems to learn from extensive data pools and continually refine their performance.

This evolution marks a pivotal moment in AI, democratizing its use and bringing advanced technology into the hands of many.

The Implications of Business Growth with AI

AI holds the potential to significantly boost business growth, offering a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced market.

However, it’s crucial to tread carefully and understand the nuances of using Open AI.

When incorporating AI into daily operations, businesses must consider several key implications. This includes understanding how AI processes and utilizes user data, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations, and recognizing the limitations of AI in decision-making.

It’s about balancing the benefits of AI-driven efficiency and innovation with ethical considerations and data security. Thoughtful integration of AI can be transformative, but it requires a strategic and informed approach.

Data Privacy Concerns

Data privacy is a critical concern of AI, especially as it often involves handling sensitive business and customer information.

AI systems require access to vast amounts of data, including potentially personal details about customers, their purchasing habits, preferences, and demographics.

While this data is incredibly useful for tailoring customer experiences and boosting sales, it also brings forth significant privacy issues.

Businesses employing AI must prioritize responsible usage, adhere to data protection laws, and rigorously protect their customers’ information.

Balancing the advantages of AI with ethical data management is essential for maintaining trust and integrity in the digital age.

Authenticity in Marketing being creative

Inauthentic Interactions: Don’t Sound Like a Robot

AI might be great at mimicking human conversations, but let’s face it, it’s still a robot.

It’s continuously learning, but it’s not uncommon for AI interactions to lack authenticity, which can turn off customers. This inauthentic vibe can erode trust and weaken the connection with your brand.

It’s vital to find the right mix of AI automation and human touch. Ensuring your customers feel a real, human connection in their interactions with your business is key.

It’s about using AI smartly to enhance the customer experience, not replace the personal, genuine engagement that customers value.

Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution

AI comes with a host of advantages, but it’s not the magic solution for every business challenge.

It’s important to remember that AI is a tool.

It excels at streamlining processes, offering insights, and generating content, but it’s not a substitute for strategic human decision-making or creative thinking.

Some businesses might think AI can replace certain roles, but it’s important to recognize its limits.

Relying solely on AI for every facet of your business can be a misstep. Understanding where AI fits and where human expertise is irreplaceable is key to leveraging it effectively in your business strategy.

How to Grow Your Business with AI

So, keeping this in mind, how can you use AI the right way, ensure you sound real and credible, and connect with your audience while keeping their privacy safe?

These are Shawn’s pro tips to leverage AI in a smart, functional way. 

Maximizing Results with Quality Input

The effectiveness of your AI-generated content directly depends on the quality of the information you feed into it.

If you provide AI with unclear or inaccurate details, the output will likely miss the mark.

To get the best results, give clear, detailed instructions to ensure the AI understands your specific needs.

Crafting the Right Business Tone

In business communications, authenticity is key.

Your tone should mirror your brand’s values and personality.

Strive for sincerity in your messages and avoid relying too much on AI-generated content that may come across as robotic.

Genuine communication is noticeable and helps build trust with your audience.

Understand Your Audience

Getting your tone right starts with knowing your audience.

Different groups have varied expectations and preferences, so tailoring your tone to suit your audience is essential for effective communication.

AI Dos and Dont's

Get Your Facts Right

Credibility in communication hinges on accuracy.

Whether it’s a blog, social media post, or business proposal, make sure your information is correct and current.

Always double-check facts and be skeptical of any data or statistics provided by AI.

Becoming AI-Savvy

To effectively use AI, familiarize yourself with the type of AI you’re using, including its terms, conditions, and capabilities.

You don’t need to be a tech expert, as many resources are available to help you understand these concepts in simple terms.

Stay Informed and Up-to-Date

AI is a rapidly changing field. Keeping up with the latest trends and advancements is crucial to maintaining relevance.

This might mean attending industry events, joining online forums, or subscribing to newsletters and publications in the field.

Practice Ethical AI Use

When employing AI, especially Open AI, respect privacy laws, ensure data security, and be mindful of biases.

Ethical AI use not only safeguards you legally but also supports responsible technology use.

Leveraging AI as a Time-Saving Tool

Remember, AI is a tool designed to streamline your work and free up time for other business-enhancing activities.

It’s about working smarter, not harder, and making the most of the efficiencies AI offers.

Grow Your Business with AI: Where to Start?

So, where do you even start? One of the most critical steps in using AI for your business is defining your needs and objectives.

 What do you hope to achieve with AI? Are you looking to improve customer service, carry out market research, or boost efficiency? 

Having clear goals will guide your AI strategy and ensure that the technology is aligned with your business objectives.

Choosing the Right AI Solution

There are numerous AI solutions available in the market today, and there will be more soon, each with its strengths and weaknesses. 

Choose a solution that fits your business needs and objectives. 

For beginners, free platforms like Chat GPT bots can be a great starting point. They’re user-friendly and can enhance customer interactions by providing quick, personalized responses.

Developing a Strategy

AI systems rely on data to function effectively. Therefore, to streamline operations and have positive outcomes, having a robust data strategy is helpful.

This involves collecting high-quality data, ensuring data security, and using the data responsibly.

Training Your AI Model

Once you’ve chosen your AI solution and assembled your team, the next step is to train your AI model. 

This involves feeding the model data and refining it until it can make accurate predictions or decisions.

Shawn recommends Magi AI for businesses looking for a comprehensive and holistic use of AI across all the branches of a company.  However, there are some other platforms that could be helpful.

Omaha Business Success

Magi AI

Magi AI stands at the forefront of AI innovation. Its suite of solutions is designed to transform how businesses operate and interact with customers.

Focusing on internal business aspects, Magi AI helps streamline processes, ensuring a more organized approach to deliver superior service.

Chat GPT

Chat GPT excels in various applications such as drafting emails, coding, content creation, and tutoring.

Its real strength lies in understanding context, enabling it to generate responses that are relevant and engaging, perfect for dynamic conversations.


Jasper is built for creativity. Whether it’s social media updates, blog posts, or even short stories, Jasper’s got it covered.

With its ability to search the internet for fresh data and insights, it stands out as a versatile tool for diverse content needs.


Bard is your go-to for content writing that demands a creative touch.

Using advanced language models, it effortlessly creates captivating narratives from any given prompt.

Ideal for crafting stories, novel excerpts, or screenplays, Bard turns your ideas into engaging written pieces.

Jupyter AI

Jupyter AI is a boon for those working with data. This powerful tool is excellent for coding and data analysis, integrating seamlessly with various data visualization libraries.

It offers a platform to document and reproduce data analysis processes efficiently, making it invaluable for data-driven projects.

Each of these AI tools offers unique capabilities, catering to different aspects of business and creativity, ensuring there’s something for every need in the dynamic world of AI.


Grow Your Business with AI: Use it as a Tool

AI is an incredible tool, no doubt. It’s great at automating those tedious tasks, writing with a tone that sounds like you, and crunching numbers. But, let’s not forget, it’s not a replacement for human skills and insight.

Think of AI as a time-saver. It takes care of the routine stuff, freeing up your team to dive into the more challenging, value-added tasks. This shift can really amp up your company’s decision-making and spark innovation.

But here’s the catch: AI isn’t perfect. There are things it just can’t do as well as a human. Tasks needing a dash of creativity, a touch of empathy, or a hefty dose of critical thinking? That’s where we humans shine.

Take a report, for example. AI can draft one using data, but it can’t mimic the human knack for out-of-the-box thinking or adding a unique twist.

So, remember, AI is a fantastic assistant – a tool to make life easier and save time, but it’s not there to replace the human effort in your business.

Grow Your Business with AI and Two Brothers Creative

Are you eager to see your business flourish but unsure about the first steps? We’ve got your back at Two Brothers Creative!

Our ethos is all about making effective, affordable marketing accessible to everyone, and we’re big fans of how AI can streamline your business operations.

Our skilled team is excited to steer you towards success. We’re here to demystify AI for you, showing you how it can be a game-changer in your business strategy.

Got questions about what AI can do for you? Reach out to Shawn Quintero today. He’s our go-to expert, ready to clear up any doubts and help you unlock the full potential of AI in your business.

Let’s make your business growth journey an exciting and successful one with AI!

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