Qualities of a Good Digital Marketing Agency

Qualities of a Good Digital Marketing Agency: Avoid Getting Scammed 

Businesses lose thousands of dollars each year to shady marketing agencies. In this Content Box Podcast blog, we tell you about the true qualities of a good marketing agency so you don’t fall victim to these scams. 

How to not get ripped off by your marketing agency

Content Marketing Today

Many companies spend up to 10 to 14% just on digital marketing; however, the marketing industry, unfortunately, has its fair share of scams and underperforming agencies. 

With an exorbitant number of competitors and a pretty wild digital environment, a lot of marketing companies implement fraudulent practices that do not align with the client’s best interests. 

You’re left feeling frustrated, distrustful, and wondering if you’ll ever find a marketing partner you can truly rely on. We’re going to arm you with the insights you need to spot the red flags, identify the qualities of a trustworthy agency, and protect your business from marketing scams.

The Prevalence of Marketing Scams

The numbers are staggering. Billions – yes, with a “B” – of dollars are lost each year to fraudulent marketing practices.  

From fly-by-night operations that disappear with your money to sophisticated schemes that promise the moon and deliver nothing, the risks are real.

But it’s not just about outright scams. Many businesses fall victim to the “invisible” scam: agencies that don’t deliver results, even if they aren’t technically breaking any laws. 

You end up paying for services that don’t move the needle, leaving you feeling frustrated and disillusioned.

The emotional toll of being taken advantage of can be significant. It erodes trust, creates anxiety, and can even lead to businesses giving up on marketing altogether. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

How to not get ripped off by your marketing agency Two Brothers Creative

Red Flags: Warning Signs of a Shady Marketing Agency

So, how can you protect yourself? Here are some red flags to watch out for when evaluating a potential marketing agency:

  • No Clear Contract or Scope of Work: the best marketing agencies will have a detailed contract outlining the services they’ll provide, the deliverables you can expect, and the terms of the agreement. If they’re hesitant to put things in writing, it’s a major red flag.
  • Lack of Transparency and Accountability: You should have regular access to reports and insights into your campaigns. If an agency is cagey about sharing data or explaining their strategies, it’s a sign they might have something to hide.
  • Vague Metrics:  Likes and followers are nice, but they don’t pay the bills. Beware of agencies that prioritize these vanity metrics over tangible results like leads, conversions, and sales.
  • Overuse of Jargon and Buzzwords: The marketing world is full of buzzwords and acronyms. A good agency will explain complex concepts in simple terms you can understand. If they’re constantly bombarding you with jargon, it might be a tactic to confuse and impress you.
  • High-Pressure Sales Tactics: If an agency is rushing you to sign a contract or making you feel guilty for not committing immediately, walk away. A trustworthy agency will give you the time and space you need to make an informed decision.
  • Saying “Yes” to Everything: A good marketing agency will challenge your ideas and push back if they think something isn’t in your best interest. If they’re always saying “yes,” even when it doesn’t make sense, it’s a sign they’re more interested in your money than your success.
  • Unwillingness to Provide Value Upfront:  Reputable agencies are confident in their abilities and are often willing to offer free consultations or audits to demonstrate their expertise. If an agency is unwilling to provide any value upfront, it’s a red flag.

Green Lights: Qualities Of A Good Digital Marketing Agency

Now that you know what to avoid, let’s talk about what to look for in a trustworthy marketing partner:

  • Clear Communication and Transparency: They explain their strategies and processes in a way you can understand, and they’re always open to answering your questions.
  • Focus on Measurable Goals and ROI: They set clear objectives for your campaigns and track progress towards achieving them. They understand that marketing is an investment, and they’re committed to delivering a return on that investment.
  • Collaborative Partnership:  They view you as a valued partner in the process, not just a client. They involve you in the decision-making process and welcome your input.
  • Proven Track Record and Client Testimonials: They can showcase successful campaigns and have a roster of satisfied clients who are willing to sing their praises.
  • No Long-Term Contracts or Hidden Fees:  They offer flexible terms and transparent pricing, so you’re never surprised by unexpected costs.
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“Is My Marketing Agency Ripping Me Off?” a Checklist 

To help you further evaluate your current or potential marketing agency, we’ve created a free downloadable checklist. This handy resource will guide you through a series of questions to assess whether your agency is truly working in your best interest.

Choosing The Right Marketing Agency in Omaha and the US

Choosing the right marketing agency is a critical decision for any business. By being aware of the red flags and prioritizing the qualities of a good agency, you can protect yourself from scams and find a partner who will help you achieve your marketing goals.

Remember, you have the power to make informed decisions and choose an agency that truly cares about your success. 

Trust your gut, do your research, and prioritize value and relationships. If you’re ready to find a marketing partner who will treat you like a neighbor, not a number, we’re here to help. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a free consultation today.

Marketing And Selling Without Selling in 2024

The Art Of Marketing And Selling Without Selling

Is there anything more cringy than pushy sales tactics?

Today’s customers are resistant to anything that feels forced or manipulative. So, what’s the secret to successful marketing and sales strategies?

It might sound counterintuitive, but the answer lies in not selling at all. In this Content Box blog, we’ll explore the content-driven approach to selling that fosters trust and loyalty, turning prospects into raving fans.

The Art Of Marketing And Selling Without Selling

The Old School Sales Funnel

The old-school sales funnel was all about capturing leads, pushing your product or service, and closing the deal as quickly as possible. 

Businesses bombarded potential customers with sales pitches, hoping something would stick. And to be honest, this strategy worked for a really long time before the age of the algorithm. 

Why It Doesn’t Work

Today’s consumers are a different breed; they consume media in a different way, and marketing and selling without selling is the key. 

They have access to a wealth of information at their fingertips and are increasingly skeptical of traditional advertising. 

The hard sell often creates distrust and resistance, pushing potential customers further away instead of drawing them in.

The New Funnel and Content Marketing

The modern customer journey is more like a winding path than a straight funnel. It starts with discovery –  a potential customer becomes aware of your brand. 

Then comes research, where they actively seek out information about your products or services. Finally, there’s validation, where they look for social proof and reassurance before making a purchase. 

Content plays a crucial role in every stage of this journey, providing value, building trust, and ultimately guiding customers toward a decision.

content box podcast The Art Of Marketing And Selling Without Selling

The Power of Relationship Building

At its core, selling is about building relationships. Think about it: Would you marry someone you just met? Probably not. 

The same principle applies to business. People want to do business with people they know, like, and trust.

What Are The Stages Of The Buyer’s Journey?

Just like any relationship, the connection between a business and a customer goes through three stages:

  • Discovery: This is where you first catch someone’s eye. Think of it as that initial spark of interest.
  • Enlightenment: This is where the relationship deepens. You get to know each other, build trust, and demonstrate your value.
  • Commitment: This is where the customer decides to take the plunge and make a purchase. They’re not just buying a product or service; they’re investing in a relationship with your brand.

The Importance of Patience

Building strong relationships takes time and effort. It’s about nurturing the connection, providing consistent value, and showing genuine care for your customers.

Don’t rush the process or expect instant results. Remember, the most valuable customers are the ones who stick around for the long haul.

The Art Of Marketing And Selling Without Selling Two Brothers Creative

Key Strategies For Content Marketing And Selling Without Selling

So, how do you sell without selling? Here are five key strategies to help you master the art of authentic persuasion

Ask Good Questions

Show genuine curiosity about the customer’s needs, challenges, and goals. 

This not only helps you understand their situation but also demonstrates that you’re invested in finding the right solution for them.

Listen Actively

Pay close attention to what the customer is saying, both verbally and non-verbally.  Reflect on what you hear to show that you understand their perspective. 

This builds trust and rapport, laying the foundation for a strong relationship.

Provide Value

Offer helpful information, insights, or resources without expecting anything in return. This embodies the “Midwest Mindset” – a philosophy of helping others simply because it’s the right thing to do. Ironically, this selfless approach often leads to the greatest rewards.

Educate and Empower

Share your expertise and guide the customer toward a solution. Position yourself as a trusted advisor, not a pushy salesperson.  Empower them to make informed decisions based on their needs and your recommendations.

Focus on the Relationship, Not the Transaction

Shift your mindset from closing deals to building long-term relationships. Nurture the connection, provide ongoing value, and watch your customers become loyal advocates for your brand.

Relationships in marketing

The “No Pitch Pitch” Template

Ready to put these strategies into action? We’ve got you covered. Download our free “No Pitch Pitch Sales” template – a guide to crafting a sales pitch that doesn’t feel like a sales pitch at all.

In today’s market, the most effective sales approach is one that prioritizes relationships, value, and authenticity.  

So, are you ready to ditch the pushy sales tactics and embrace a more human approach? Download our free “No Pitch Pitch sales” template today and start building relationships that last.

The Power Of The Content Box

The Content Box system is designed to be manageable, even for the busiest entrepreneur. It’s all about taking a strategic, streamlined approach to content marketing that delivers real results.

Do you still have questions? Schedule a free strategy call with our team, and let’s explore how we can help you take your content marketing to the next level.

Ready to get started? Let’s chat!

How to Create a Social Media Campaign

How to Create a Social Media Campaign That Actually Works

Today, 17% of their total marketing budgets are destined for social media, and most of them deliver 0 results. That’s why many businesses are still wondering how to create a social media campaign that actually works. 

In this Content Box episode, we tell you how to ditch the “be everywhere at once” approach and discover a strategy that actually delivers.

content box podcast Create a Social Media Campaign

The Myth of “Multi-Channel Mastery”

The pressure to be on every social media platform is real, but it’s also a myth. It’s simply not sustainable, especially for small businesses and entrepreneurs with limited time and resources. 

Trying to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms and content demands of multiple platforms can quickly become a full-time job in itself.

The Real Cost of Scattered Efforts

Spreading yourself too thin across multiple social media channels comes with a hefty price tag:

  • Wasted time and money: Creating content for multiple platforms without a clear strategy is like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. It’s inefficient and rarely leads to meaningful results.
  • Inconsistent branding: Maintaining a cohesive brand voice and aesthetic across multiple channels is challenging. You risk confusing your audience and diluting your brand identity.
  • Missed opportunities for engagement: It’s impossible to truly connect with your audience on every platform. When you’re spread too thin, you miss out on valuable opportunities to build relationships and foster loyalty.

The Focus Shift

Instead of trying to be everywhere at once, it’s time to shift your focus from quantity of channels to quality of engagement on the right channel. 

By concentrating your efforts on one primary social media platform, you can create a more impactful and sustainable social media campaign that delivers real results.

Create a Social Media Campaign Two Brothers Creative

Content Marketing for Your One True Social Media Channel

First, you must understand that your audience isn’t on every social media channel. Just like you, they have a favorite app they trust and use

Choosing the right platform is crucial. It’s not just about where most people are; it’s about where your ideal customers are.

  • Understand Your Ideal Customer: Remember that Ideal Customer Profile we talked about? It’s time to put it to work. What platforms do they frequent? What kind of content do they engage with?
  • Where Do They Hang Out? Do your research. Look at industry trends competitor analysis, and even ask your current customers where they spend their time online.
  • Align with Your Strengths: Don’t force yourself to be on a platform you hate just because it’s “trendy.” Choose a channel where you feel comfortable creating content and engaging with your audience.

How To Create A Social Media Strategy

Once you’ve identified your primary channel, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting a social media campaign that actually works:

Optimize Your Chosen Channel

Make sure your profile is complete, accurate, and visually appealing. Utilize all available features, such as links, buttons, and calls to action. 

Think of it as your digital storefront – you want it to make a good first impression!

Set Goals

Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for your campaign. What do you want to achieve? More website traffic? Increased brand awareness? More leads? Get clear on your objectives from the start.

Two brothers creative content marketing

Create Engaging Content

Tailor your content to the specific platform and its audience’s preferences. Focus on providing value, entertainment, or both. 

Experiment with different formats, such as videos, images, and live streams, to see what resonates best with your audience.

Engage with Your Audience

Respond promptly to comments and messages, participate in relevant groups and conversations, and build genuine relationships with your followers.

Analyze and Adapt

Track your results regularly using platform analytics. Pay attention to what’s working and what’s not, and make data-driven decisions to improve your strategy over time.

How Much Does a Social Media Campaign Cost?

There’s no right or wrong price to pay when it comes to social media. The cost of a social media campaign can vary widely depending on several factors, including whether you choose to manage it in-house, invest in training, or hire a marketing company. 

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Work Your Own Social Media Marketing Channels

  • Time investment cost: Managing a social media campaign yourself requires a significant time commitment. You’ll need to create content, schedule posts, engage with your audience, and analyze results.
  • Tools and software: While many social media platforms are free to use, you may need to invest in scheduling tools, graphic design software, or analytics platforms to optimize your efforts.
  • Courses and workshops: There are numerous online courses and workshops available that can teach you the fundamentals of social media marketing. Costs can range from affordable to quite expensive, depending on the depth of the training.
  • Certifications: Obtaining certifications in social media marketing can demonstrate your expertise and potentially increase your earning potential. However, certification programs often require a financial investment.

Hiring a Marketing Company

  • Agency fees: Marketing agencies typically charge a monthly retainer or project-based fees for their services. 

Costs can vary significantly depending on the agency’s size, reputation, the scope of your campaign, and even your geographical location. 

  • Additional expenses: Some agencies may charge extra for advertising spend, content creation, or specialized services like influencer marketing.

Ultimately, the cost of your social media campaign will depend on your specific needs, time, and goals.

If you need expert guidance and support, investing in training or hiring a marketing company may be wise.

Remember, it’s not about being on every platform; it’s about being on the right platform and making the most of it.

Contact Two Brothers Creative. 

Ready to take the next step? We are here to help if you guide your marketing efforts to success. 

Schedule a free consultation with our team and let’s explore how we can help you achieve your social media goals.

Download this week’s FREE One Channel Marketing Sprint Planer and focus your efforts where it truly matters.

Finding your ideal customer profiles

Finding Your Ideal Customer: The Key to Business Survival and Success

If your answer to “What are your ideal customer profiles?” is “all of them,” then we have some bad news – you might be reaching none of them at all.

It’s a common trap, but one that can lead to scattered marketing, wasted resources, and, ultimately, lackluster results. In this Content Box Podcast, we tell you how to find the ideal customer persona. 

The content box_ Finding Your Ideal Customer

Not Everyone Is Your Customer

It’s natural to want your product or service to appeal to the masses; at the end of the day, your business is like your child.

However, aiming your message to a too large audience only dilutes it and makes it hard to connect with anyone on a deeper level. 

Imagine trying to have a meaningful conversation with a crowd of thousands – it’s just not possible.

The Whiskey Experts

Take the example of a luxury whiskey brand we worked with. They were pouring their marketing efforts into social media but weren’t seeing the sales they expected. Why? Their followers were mostly friends and family, not the high-end clientele their product was aimed at. 

Their marketing was misaligned with their ideal customer, leading to frustration and missed opportunities.

What is the Ideal Customer Profile?

So, what’s the solution? It all starts with defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). This is a detailed representation of your perfect customer. It’s about understanding their demographics, pain points, aspirations, and even their favorite TV shows and snacks. 

A well-crafted ICP focuses your marketing efforts on the people most likely to become loyal customers. It’s about creating the “1 in a million” connection, where your message resonates so deeply that it feels like it your communication made just for them.

Finding Your Ideal Customer

Benefits of a Well-Defined Customer Profile

When you know who you’re talking to, you can stop wasting money on ineffective campaigns and channels and grow your Return Over Investment.

  • Better understanding of customer needs: An ICP helps you get inside your customers’ head, so you can tailor your products and services to their exact needs.
  • Improved messaging and communication: Speak directly to your ideal customer’s pain points and desires, thenwatch your conversions soar.
  • Stronger customer relationships: When your customers feel understood, they’re more likely to stick around for the long haul.

Finding Your Ideal Customer: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to pinpoint your perfect match? Let’s dive into the process of creating your Ideal Customer Profile.

Step 1: Identify the Problem You Solve

Every successful business addresses a specific need or pain point. What problem does your product or service solve? This is where your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) starts.

Knowing the problem helps you narrow down your target audience and identify potential customers who are actively seeking a solution like yours.

Finding Your Ideal Customer with Two Brothers Creative

Step 2: Ask “Who Needs This Solution?” 

Get specific about the type of person or business that would benefit most from what you offer. Consider their demographics, industry, and challenges.

Step 3: Get Specific with Your Ideal Customer Persona

It’s time to create a detailed avatar of your ideal customer. Give them a name, a backstory, and even a favorite hobby. 

The more details you include, the more clearly you’ll see them in your mind’s eye.

Two brothers creative content marketing

Tips to Craft a Compelling Persona

Describe Your Ideal Customer as You Would Yourself: Don’t just list generic demographics. Paint a vivid picture of this person, their lifestyle, and their motivations.

Don’t Fear Alienating Others: Remember, niching down doesn’t mean turning away business. It means attracting the right kind of business – the kind that values what you offer and is most likely to become a loyal customer.

Look at Your Current Customers: What do your most successful clients have in common? Use their characteristics to inform your ideal customer profile.

Focus on Your Most Profitable Products/Services: Consider who is buying those and why. This can provide valuable clues about your ideal customer.

Finding Your Ideal Customer Persona: it’s Only the First Step

Defining your ideal customer isn’t just a marketing exercise; it’s a foundational step in building a successful business. 

When you know who you’re talking to, your marketing becomes more effective, your messaging more compelling, and your customer relationships more meaningful.

Take the first step today and download our free worksheet. You’ll be amazed at the clarity and focus it brings to your marketing efforts.

Midwest Mindset Finding Your Ideal Customer

The Power Of The Content Box

We know it sounds like a lot, but trust us, the Content Box system is designed to be manageable, even for the busiest entrepreneur. It’s all about taking a strategic, streamlined approach to content marketing that delivers real results.

Feeling inspired? Download our free PDF guide to create your company avatar. And if you’d like a little extra help, we’re always here to chat. 

Do you still have questions? Schedule a free strategy call with our team, and let’s explore how we can help you take your content marketing to the next level.

Ready to get started? Let’s chat!