The Secret to Success in Business Being Delusional
This is a written Transcription for the Midwest Mindset episode: Local Ads: Why Are They So Bad?

Full Written Transcript of The Episode
MATT: The true secret to success in business is not the business plan. It’s not reconciling your books. It’s none of that. No, it’s being delusional in this episode of Midwest Mindset.
We are going to talk about the true secret to success in business having a delusional mindset. Hello and welcome back to Midwest Mindset, the podcast that makes marketing simple and easy to do. My name is Matt Tompkins of Two Brothers Creative, where you can make your marketing easy. With the easy box, you give us 30 minutes.
We give you 30 days of content. I am joined by our producer in the studio, the control room, where he doesn’t do anything all day long. He just pretends to work. Martin McHugh. He’s Irish, we think.
We’re not really sure. We can’t understand him with the accent. He’s a little bit of everything. He’s a little bit of everything. He’s kind of a mutt, I believe is the term.
AUSTIN: I can’t decide if his last name is more of an 80s action hero or villain. Mchugh.
MATT: So, McHugh.
AUSTIN: Yeah, it’s probably like a detective. Yeah, he’s.
MATT: A man who’s also had, like, ten different nicknames. None of them have stuck and people just continue to mispronounce his first name. Nobody can say his first name. Mired it, and you’ll say it to him and say his name is Martin. Oh. Hey, Martin.
AUSTIN: I know every time I practice in the mirror in the morning.
MATT: Austin Anderson is here on the couch, too, along with Ben Tompkins. Austin’s the new, the newbie, the noob, the rookie, the rookie card. You need to get yourself the Austin Anderson rookie card. You worth the money someday. It’s worth the money someday. And that day is not today.
Ben is a self-proclaimed inventor of the human cat tree. He loves to make cat trees or human beings, and cats can intimately spend time together. You can learn more at human cat reorg like you have.
BEN: Never looked at a cat tree and thought, how? How comfortable would that be to crawl that little box?
AUSTIN: It’s all I just connected the dots. It’s all making sense. Now you’re Omaha live sketch where you’re a kitty. Oh, yeah. Yes.
BEN: I don’t remember that.
AUSTIN: That was.
MATT: You blacked out, I think, for that sketch.
AUSTIN: That was, you know, that was the foreshadowing of.
BEN: Human Cat.
MATT: Yeah, exactly. I was trying to explain foreshadowing to my wife the other night.
AUSTIN: Didn’t go over well.
MATT: No, it’s because she gets mad at me whenever we’re watching TV shows or movies. Or I’ll say out loud, oh, she’s going to die. Oh, it was. She did it. And she did.
AUSTIN: The same thing.
MATT: Dude, how did you know? And I’ll go. It’s called foreshadowing.
And then I had to mansplain what foreshadowing was, which, as we both know, by the way, mansplaining is when you explain something to someone else in a condescending tone your mansplaining.
Mansplaining, man, am I mansplaining? Mansplaining? So mansplaining, by the way, is every man knows goes over it very well with women. Women love to have things mansplain to them. You know, if you want.
AUSTIN: To go to bed at night in silence, yes, it’s the best. Do some.
BEN: Mansplaining.
MATT: Do some mansplaining. Yes. That’s. Yeah. She will no.
AUSTIN: Longer talk to you for the night.
MATT: Yeah. It’ll be a week and you’ll hear back. But no, I was trying to explain that to her. I was like, well, that’s where this little this little nugget was brought here, you know, it’s like, oh, the girl had a sliver in her finger.
And in a world or world. And she said, it’ll just push its way out. And that’s how you know how the movie’s going to end, right there in that little moment.
AUSTIN: Right. And I just watched Ghostbusters with my son, and I saw some foreshadowing I never caught before. Bill Murray goes to Sigourney Weaver’s penthouse for the first time, and on her counter is a carton of eggs and a package of Stay Puft Marshmallow. Yes, I.
MATT: Remember that little. That little drop. Yes. Foreshadowing, by the way, nothing to do with foreskin. Totally different topic. We’re not getting into that one.
No, which is another one. Next episode. I’ve been watching this show. It’s like Naked dating, where they have a game show where they all start off naked and you just see their naked bodies slowly. It starts at the waist down and then the waist and then up.
And then, like you eliminate people purely based on looks, purely based on looks. It is the most fantastic reality show I’ve ever seen. It’s some in the UK it was. It’s on HBO Max.
AUSTIN: Is it French?
MATT: It sounds. Oh my God, it’s just like the variety of penises that you’re exposed to. It’s it’s educational really. But I didn’t realize that foreskin was as popular as it is throughout the planet. Oh, yeah. I think we’re kind.
BEN: Of minority there.
MATT: Yeah, we’re hanging in the minority there. I’d be like, you know, but, you know, anyhow, let’s get to marketing and business because we can’t talk about foreskins all day long. Yeah.
BEN: We we we’re sounding like we’re sounding pretty delusional. Don’t be the.
AUSTIN: Foreskin of.
MATT: Your business, Ben. Yeah. Good segway. Yes. Okay, so here is the true secret to to success in business. Because everybody’s searching for this.
And there’s all how many clickbait articles are there out there? They’re like, this is the secret. There’s a Michael J. Fox. Fox got in on this madness with the secret to my success.
Remember that movie in the 80s, a terrible movie? It was a terrible movie. He slept with his aunt. The secret to success in business is. Well, there are a lot of things that factor into like being successful in business.
Most of it is like the boring shit. It’s all the things you don’t want to do that business owners put off. Like, you know, taxes and paying bills and, you know, not racking up credit card debt. There’s all these things you’re reconciling your books and having processes and procedures.
A lot of things we’ve talked about in this podcast, all those things, yes, they’re very important. You need to do those things. But if I had to pick one thing that is the true like secret defining difference that I have seen and noticed between successful entrepreneurs and business owners and those who who don’t make it all the way, would be having a delusional mindset. And what does that mean?
Okay, so all right, 51% of all businesses go out of business in the first 3 to 5 years. All right. By the way, we just celebrated our three year anniversary here at Two Brothers Creative. So we are almost out of the window there. Only a couple more years of this to go, boys, and we’ll be in the top 49%.
BEN: Then we can go out of business our sixth year and set a.
MATT: Whole new oh, we’re going to be in a category of one. Only 6% of all businesses in the United States ever reach $1 million.
AUSTIN: That’s wild to me, by the way. That’s crazy. Yeah. When you first told me that, I was like, that is nuts and so low.
MATT: I don’t know the percentage, but it’s a crazy percentage. It’s like 60, 70 or 80% of all businesses are solopreneur, where it’s just one person in the United States, like, you know, it’s kind of wild to look at those statistics.
But you look at these numbers, like as a business owner, you kind of have to be a little bit delusional to get into business in the first place because, you know, we don’t know those statistics when we get into it. Right?
But we start to feel it right away. We start to feel the pinch. We’re like, oh my God. Like, this is tough. You know, like anybody who’s like gotten into real estate. That’s a perfect, perfect example. So real estate they get their real estate license or realtor. Now I’m going to go out, make $1 million a year. This is going to be easy. It’s going to sell some homes can use my charm, my wit, my good looks and my good smells.
Yes. And what we don’t realize, though, is the average age, the average age for the the age for the average real estate agent in the United States. 60 years old, six zero. The average income under $17,000 a year, that is the average income. So when we get into any business, even if it’s like a solopreneur venture, we’re slapped in the face.
BEN: And it’s like, you.
AUSTIN: Don’t want to know.
MATT: Like those. Did you like that? Slap those? Yeah. It’s not very good one. You’re all for the people listening on audio only. They’ll have the shot. But yeah, like the. We find out really quick how hard it is to run a business that’s in business, let alone profitable, let alone successful, let alone $1 million in revenue. Successful.
So you have to be delusional to a degree. But what I’m talking about is in that path, in that journey, there are things that will happen that are these like gut blows, these just massive blows that any average person, if they’re dealt one of these blows, they would be curled up in the corner of the shoe department at Kohl’s, crying and crying, and would not leave for at least a couple of days.
And they would say, forget this, I’m out, man, this is dumb. I’m going to go back to my job at Kohl’s.
AUSTIN: Live at Kohl’s.
MATT: Department. Yes, I used to work at the shoe department at Kohl’s too. Did you overnights. Yeah, baby. But you have to be able to absorb these blows. Keep calm and carry on as they say. Right.
And then focus on what you know you need to get done. Now when I say delusional, like sometimes we’re delusional, we don’t ignore all the things, okay? We ignore too many things. We’re like, okay, well, maybe you should pay attention to the taxes or the different things you aren’t doing.
AUSTIN: Anything that can result in prison time. Yes.
MATT: Don’t do anything illegal, at least not yet. But you have to have this kind of a the ability to compartmentalize things is what I’m talking about. You have to be able to compartmentalize.
Like I had a week recently where it was like, okay, this was a sequence of real things that happened, got found out. I was told, you’re going to have you owe $90,000 in taxes by the end of the year, which was not expecting it. Turns out it was like a clerical error thing learned. We’re going to have to pay instead of $17,000.
AUSTIN: Wait, how many days did you have to go before you knew it was an error? I just.
MATT: Found out like it was like over a month, 5 or 6 weeks.
AUSTIN: Now. So you had to you that was your shoulders for it till you found out. Oh yeah.
MATT: That out how you’re going to pay $90,000 in taxes you didn’t expect. The $17,000 payment is actually $67,000. You’re going to have to pay us for this other thing, you know, and then you have swings. Like most business owners, we’re going to have that natural churn with clients where it’s just nothing you can control. It just happens.
And so you might have a month where you have like a 10 or $12,000 swing in a matter of a few days. It’s like all of a sudden poof. And so you get dealt with these blows. Like literally by the end of the week, I was like talking about it. And people would look at me like, are you okay?
Because that really sounds like a rough week. And I’m like, I’m good. Like, I mean, at some point you just kind of kind of laugh at it because it’s ridiculous. You know, it’s these numbers are so ridiculous.
BEN: Yeah, there’s a level of delusion, but then also a level of ignorance that’s mixed in that. Yeah, that’s.
AUSTIN: What I was thinking like about.
MATT: Willful delusion, not ignorance.
AUSTIN: Well, to get started, like being ignorant of those numbers, like 6% only make it. Yeah. You know, like like not knowing that stuff before you jump into business. I think not knowing. Good. Because then you’d be like, why would I even try? Why even.
BEN: Bother? And I think in our history, when the other, you know, ventures that we’ve gone through with, like playing in a band and you doing stand up, I mean, you have a big sense of ignorance. Not that you’re choosing to ignore, but you just are entering this field and you don’t know anything about it and you’re just going ignorance blindly. Ignorance is bliss until you figure it out.
But if you had known everything that you know now, maybe not because the company’s gotten to be pretty successful, but all of the turmoil that you’ve gone through when you first started the company, that would probably push a lot of people away. Yeah, right off the bat.
So you have to have this sense of ignorance to a degree starting out, which I would I would classify underneath that umbrella of delusion.
MATT: Like, yeah, I’m talking about like it’s like it’s like an optimism, optimism versus pessimism.
Like you have to be like a real realistic optimist or whatever the the term is like you have to have you can’t ignore reality, you know, and like we just two brothers created the first time around when we were doing the TV show Omaha Live. Like, I didn’t even know what an entrepreneur was, let alone that I was one.
BEN: I still don’t know how to spell it.
MATT: It’s a hard word. Entrepreneurialship why is that even a word? We have entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial ism, entrepreneurial ship.
AUSTIN: They just keep adding things. They just.
MATT: Keep adding.
BEN: More vowels.
MATT: It’s dumb. You know, entrepreneurs are struggling with just entrepreneur, let alone all these other extra words but or letters. But entrepreneur being an entrepreneur, I didn’t know what it was. I remember the first year I didn’t pay any taxes or I didn’t take I didn’t keep track of anything on my books and I had to pay like seven.
We had to take out a loan, like a line of credit on the house to pay this like $27,000 tax bill, because I just didn’t have a clue. I didn’t even know that was a thing. You know, I’m like getting.
And so you learn a lot of these lessons really quick. And like the first time around, that was probably two and a half, three years of doing that wasn’t like we went out of business because we were really just doing a we had a few clients, and then we were doing video production for, and then the television show was the main driver. We were doing television show did not pay Dick. I mean, it paid $500 per episode. Gross, dude. And not taxes for a weekly 30 minute television show.
AUSTIN: Out of work so much you put into that.
MATT: Yeah. So much work is but mine.
You’re right. Like the first time around. Like so much learning experience. Looking back now, I mean, a we learned how to produce a high quality show on a freaking shoestring, non-existent budget. Yeah. Which we now translate to how we help clients because, you know, we’re going to charge them a much more fair rate than what you’re going to see at any other marketing agency, production, content creation.
So that was a huge learning curve, learning how to lead and motivate teams because we had to by the end of the seventh season, we had 24 total people volunteering their time every week, the equivalent to each of them having a 15 to 20 hour part time job.
Yeah, and they were not getting paid.
And it was just so you had to learn ways like, how do we get people invested in this idea so that it’s a team effort, you know, how do you reward, how do you incentivize when you don’t have money and you learn that money isn’t even the big incentivize either?
AUSTIN: What do you do in that in that case? Because I think that’s a good example.
MATT: So a I started by always proving I’m willing to do everything I’m asking you to do. So I’m going to show up every time we shoot. I’m going to help tear down sets, break down lights.
I’m never going to be like when we played in a band. I’m probably the only lead singer of any band that ever existed that actually did most of the.
I would go pick up the trailer, then go pick up the sound equipment, then pick up our bass player. You didn’t have a car to drive.
AUSTIN: Your own.
MATT: Roadie? Yeah. Then I would drive home.
We would load up all the gear. I would be the one leading the setup of all the equipment. Then we’d do a four hour gig, and then we’d have a four hour take down and tear down of all the equipment. Then we drive back just so I would be like, all right, I’m going to do this.
AUSTIN: And that’s why it’s important. When you started a band to be delusional. Yes. Because you did not know, know that you were going to be doing that after playing a show and then have to do all that work. You know, that’s that’s you’re up all night.
MATT: Oh, it’s relentless. Like, and you’re young, you’re drinking like, I don’t know how we did it because I mean, I have like a beer and I’m hungover for two days now. I don’t know how we did that back in the day. I mean, Ben had so many women coming after him as the drummer. So many.
BEN: They’re still coming.
MATT: They’re still coming after him. There’s a lady in Grand Island. She knows she’s the leopard lady. Remember her? Yeah. Oh, wow. The leopard lady.
He used to go around interviewing 80s tribute bands. And this is in like the early 2000, late 2000. And she was on to first our bass player, then Ben. And she was she was relentless, like, you’re going to sleep with me. And she’s like 30 years older than us. I mean, like, not remotely.
BEN: Wore leopard.
MATT: Pants. She wore leopard pants everywhere she went. She was a leopard lady.
AUSTIN: That was her. You know, that’s an example of her modifying her business strategy. It was probably main bands. And then she just. I’m just going to target band bands.
MATT: From now on, I’m going to target bass players of tribute bands. She found her niche. And then and then you went after the bass player. She’s like, nope. She had to make the pivot, made a pivot. All right, I’m going after bass players and and tribute bands. Yeah. Looking at the.
AUSTIN: Statistics, who gets asked less to get laid?
MATT: Oh, it’s the bass player. It’s not working. So you have to have this like it’s your eyes on this dream. Like you’re a dreamer. If you’re an entrepreneur, if you’re a business owner, you’re a dreamer. I think everybody’s a dreamer, I think everybody I mean, nobody out there, I think a true delusional like sociopath and like the scary way is a non dreamer. Like, I mean, everybody has a dream, right?
Everybody has a good idea. And I think really it’s just it’s can you can you compartmentalize all these different things and then can you go through really challenging horrible experiences? Let’s be honest. Like the TV show is like I mean, nearly ruined my marriage. Like by the end of the show, the last episode, I mean, it was like at this, like, okay, we’re at a crossing point, like, this is.
AUSTIN: Like, how many hours do you think you put on in a week? A week on average?
MATT: Well, I mean, we edited the TV show at night, so 30 minute show. So you had a I mean, I would have 42 hour straight editing marathons at least once a week where I would just edit. I mean, I was doing a lot of drugs at the time, so that’s why that’s why that’s not quite as impressive as it sounds.
I mean, it was bad, but no, that’s how I would like maintain that. And then so yeah, I was going through a severe opiate addiction at the time of doing that, which was taxing. I don’t even know how I survived that, because I did that whole show at maybe like 30 or 40% capacity, that entire most of that show.
Because just because when drugs like you’re going through the withdrawals and you’re on and you’re off and it’s just like, so it’s so taxing on your body. Like I was nowhere close to 100% as a person. So yeah, it was, I would say probably 80 to 90 hours a week because, I mean, we would film like all day Saturday, all day Sunday, sometimes during the week. And then there was like the last season of the show, like, and then you.
AUSTIN: Had writer’s groups. Yeah. You had that.
MATT: For, well, for half for three of the. Yeah, two and a half of those years. I was also hosting radio shows for three hours during the day,
Monday through Friday. Yeah, I did a news talk show, and then I was doing mornings on suite 98 five. So for the last season. So I don’t know how I did it, you know, I mean, having that team I think is crucial. It was you know, it started off as just literally me and Ben and our cousin Adam with just like some one camera for lights.
And that was all we had basement of our dad’s church. And then you build out from there, you grow from there. And so I think you have to be able to. Learn. You have to be delusional in a in a constructive way.
You have to keep your eye on the dream and be like, yeah, I know this looks impossible. I know people are going to tell me I’m crazy, but I’m just going to keep pushing forward, which is what people told us. They were like, you can’t do a show for 500 bucks a week.
MATT: You’re not going to be getting any ratings. And, you know, being number one rated show in its time slot and ended up everybody thought the television station produced it, and they had nothing to do with the production. We did it literally out of our basement. So I think you have to have that.
But you also you have to learn through those failures and setbacks and then apply them to the to the next leg, the next venture, which is what we did here with the, the, the, the version of our company here today is applying all these things and lessons that we’ve learned over the years to today. But I think no matter what stage of success or where your business is at, you’re always going to have these setbacks, these blows that seem devastating.
And some people can take them on and compartmentalize them in a healthy way and be like, okay, I can’t do anything about a $90,000 tax bill today. I don’t think I ever could do anything about $90,000 tax bill just.
AUSTIN: Run like Wesley Snipes did.
MATT: And then you have two options. Like I could compartmentalize it and I can just pretend like it doesn’t exist forever. And it turns into a big problem that turns you into that statistic of 51% that go out of business.
That’s not the answer. Or you can compartmentalize it in a healthy way. And that’s what we’re talking about here today. And I think that’s the key takeaway here is compartmentalize things in a healthy way, where it’s like, I’m not going to let this derail me from my focus of where I need to be paying attention, because if you look at it and you play this game of a having a scarcity mindset where it’s just, oh God, how am I going to do this?
How am I have $90,000 taxable? I don’t know how to taxable. Well, then you think, well, I need to hire this new person to expand. I can’t hire a new person if I’ve got $90,000 tax bill. And then then you can’t expand and then you lose this business opportunity and then it’s going to have this compounding effect. And so if you you have to be able to compartmentalize it not forever to deal with it later accordingly.
Because you can’t control these events. They’re going to happen. They’re going to get. And that’s why that week I just laughed. I’m like, this is ridiculous.
BEN: Quite maniacally, I just heard this very scary laughter coming out of Matt’s office was a number of minutes. That’s what that was crying. Is he laughing? I’ll come back later. It’s a.
AUSTIN: Combination. It’s a.
MATT: Combination. Combination. The laughter.
AUSTIN: You know, when you were talking earlier about dreams. You know, these people that have everyone dreams. And then one component is taking action on that dream. So what would you say to someone that you know has all these dreams? They talk about their dreams. We’ve all know these people, but they’ve never, ever took that first step, that first, just putting it into action. This is a.
MATT: Great this is great. And I told this to my dog the other night and when I was talking to them. You’re going to notice the thing I talk to my dogs like there’s there are people that say, this is $1 billion company. This is $1 billion idea. This is $1 million company. This is the idea.
There’s no such thing until you have $1 billion offer. Until you have $1 million offer, it is not worth anything. If you have a great idea, that’s awesome. But guess what? Everybody on this planet has a great idea. Literally everybody on this planet has a great idea. Ben and I came up with Celebrity Farts in a bag 15 years ago. Yeah, and it became a thing. Everybody laughed at us at the time.
AUSTIN: That’s amazing. Yes.
MATT: What is Brad Pitt’s fart smell like? Oh, it’s like potpourri, but no, but celebrity farts in a bag aside.
AUSTIN: I think, like, wood chips and musk.
MATT: Yeah, that’s exactly what Brad Pitt’s farts smell like. Thank you. Yes. So everybody has a great idea. The difference is, are you willing to actually fucking do it?
Are you willing to actually step up on that stage in front of that crowd? Are you willing to take out that loan for your business?
Are you willing to actually share your idea with somebody else in the first place? A lot of people have these great ideas. We leave them up here and we don’t even we don’t even verbalize them. We just we’re terrified of the result or.
AUSTIN: Even what people will say to you about it. Yes. You know. Yep. So, I mean, what would you say to someone that is just so worried about what people think? They don’t want to do their idea because they don’t want anyone to say something bad about them.
MATT: Then I would say for them, don’t start a business because you’re not ready. You know, I think, I think there are these key fundamental qualities like that. Compartmentalizing is one we’re talking about today, but I think, you know, having the ability to have this I don’t know this.
Like I don’t give a shit attitude where like, you care more than anything, but you kind of have to not care about anything. Yeah, you know, that’s true. And you have to, like, step up and be like, I’m willing to, like, put myself out there.
And I think that’s part of, like, us growing up, you know, Ben and I grew up with in theater musicals, and we had a lot of performance growing up. And so being on the radio, when I got to the radio, I remember showing up and I was like. I never saw it as being on a big stage in front of tens of thousands of people.
I was like, I was meeting these two people in a room. I just trying to make each other laugh. Okay, that’s easy. Let’s do this. You know? And so I think you have to have that kind of delusional mindset. Sometimes it comes easier than for some people, than others, but you have to embrace it. And you have to know which which choice you’re going to make. Because the stakes are you compartmentalize it.
You know, if you don’t compartmentalize it and you just let it overwhelm you, it’s going to destroy you in real time. If you compartmentalize it and you don’t deal with it in a constructive, healthy way, it’s going to slow you, destroy you over time. But the other option is you make the choice to compartmentalize it, apply it to what you’re doing, face it head on, and that’s where you win, you know?
But it is a skill set. Just being able to take the blows and not let them for real, turn you into a freaking wet blanket on the on the ground.
AUSTIN: I think it comes with age and time to being able to like, you know, taking because when you first take blows, you’re like, you do want to sleep in a cold. You know what?
MATT: You know what it is like what you’re talking about. So I have this theory. Everybody has a crucible in their life they go through. And a crucible is like a crucible is like an extreme test. I think in the definition is like an extreme test of, like, fire and steel. Like they get graphic with this description of this test.
AUSTIN: The dark night of the soul. Yes. What I’ve heard.
MATT: And so.
AUSTIN: Like in a movie I talk about.
MATT: That. But when I went through my addiction and hit the lowest lows, you can get like literally praying to die, just be killed because it was just torture.
Yeah, I look back at that now as, as a blessing, you know, it’s like that is the that was the best thing that could have happened to me, because that was my crucible. And coming out the other side of it, it gave me all this like perspective and wisdom and things I didn’t really have before.
Like I didn’t have an understanding of of grace for other people or myself I didn’t have I wasn’t able to empathize with people in situations and think, okay, well, I’ve been through something, not the same thing, but maybe I should be open to understanding this.
You know, understanding and appreciating what you have and what you’re working towards, and that the risks are or the rewards are worth the risks, you know, so I would not have been able to host radio shows, a talk show for three hours a day. If not, you know, because that was right when I decided to get sober and clean in 2016.
Oh yeah, and start a news talk show of all years to try and stay sober in news talk radio. Yeah, dude. Oh yeah, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. That was a that was.
But I made it through and it’s like but I look back at that as like that’s a blessing. You know I, I’m saying it’s like all shits and giggles now. But when you go tough it’s just it’s always a challenge.
But. Right. You’re right. It’s not even an age thing. It’s just the wisdom of going through these crucibles and these challenges that define you like that is truly where you discover who you are. And if you’re if you’re cut from the cloth to do this because you.
AUSTIN: Can look back on that and go, I got through this insane addiction. Like I can get through anything, basically, because that’s extreme. So if you can make it through that, then you know other things that come your way in business or life in general. You’re like, all right, you can look back at those past wins, you know, whether small or big, and be like, I can I can do this.
MATT: I mean, if I can go from mainlining cocaine in the bathroom of a Casey’s General store to where we are today, I think anything is possible.
BEN: Where now you’re at a Kwik Trip moving on up these days.
MATT: I’m at a quick trip because this is Casey.
AUSTIN: You’ve only hit rock bottom if you go to Mega mart.
MATT: What has happened to Casey? That’s a topic for another episode. Oh, God. Oh my God, I don’t know, but the original Casey’s are doing. They’re still solid, but all the new ones. What the fuck?
AUSTIN: I actually before they built a new cases in Wahoo because I lived in Wahoo for a while. They had an older one and I actually got them a new roof because no one they wouldn’t fix it. Every time it rained, it poured inside. They had buckets everywhere and I just. And I like the ladies, like the people that work there. I’m like, I’m going to get you a new roof. So I would call corporate and I’d be like, I can’t believe you treat your employees like this. You don’t even fix the roof. I’d send pictures. And then it took about two weeks. They came out and new roof on. Yeah. There you go.
MATT: Good job. Austin. Thanks. We’re ending this episode on a high note.
AUSTIN: Guess what? I’d go in there. They give me free pizza. Really? Yeah. Ladies.
MATT: And their pizza is not bad. Yeah, yeah, it’s not bad.
Not too shabby. Thanks for joining us here today on Midwest Mindset. If you want to make your marketing easy, there is no easier solution than the easy box. It’s as simple as this.
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BEN: Body part.
MATT: Any other body part.
AUSTIN: And once you get that Elon Musk brain chip, you just think about it. Yes, if you don’t die from.
MATT: It pretty soon, well, let’s hope that doesn’t happen.