Your Vision Summary Brand Development Guide

Please fill out and complete the form below and submit your answers when you are finished.

Omaha Content Marketing Company Two Brothers Creative
Think of the things you hate to do, the tasks you procrastinate completing, and imagine if you didn’t have to do that anymore and could instead focus only on your strengths.
Think of the number one thing you wish you never had to do again…
What would others say are your company’s top 3 core strengths? What areas does your company currently excel, far more than your competitors? What specific positive feedback have you heard customers tell you about your business time and time again?
Be open, honest, and vulnerable. Giving a realistic and transparent answer is critical because you must identify the real areas of weakness to work toward any type of solution to strengthen your company up.
In one sentence, describe what your purpose is. What is your ‘why’ for doing what you do? Your purpose is your core belief. Criteria: Higher purpose beyond profit and jobs Does not change but inspires change Engages team members emotionally Causes team to work around and through obstacles
What are 1-3 specific promises your personal or your company’s brand delivers on that your competitors do not? These promises will define your customer experience and their perception and opinion of your business, which is why you guarantee delivering on them.
Criteria: A small set of timeless principles Intrinsic value and importance Can be applied to any situation big or small Google examples of words used in core values to give you a list to start choosing from.
Dream big, think bigger, and don’t be afraid to make your goals lofty. Make your goals specific and measurable.
Dream big, think bigger, and don’t be afraid to make your goals lofty. Make your goals specific and measurable.