The Biggest Social Media Opportunity That You Aren’t Leveraging
This is a written Transcription for the Midwest Mindset episode: The Biggest Social Media Opportunity That You Aren’t Leveraging

Full Written Transcript of The Episode
The Biggest Social Media Opportunity That You Aren’t Leveraging
Matt: What is the biggest social media social media opportunity that you aren’t leveraging? What is the biggest social media opportunity that you aren’t leveraging? I’ll give you a hint. It rhymes with Schmidt. Schmidt. Mm hm. I bet it’s Twitter. Oh.
Here we go.
Matt: Hello and welcome back to Midwest Mindset, the podcast that makes marketing easy to understand and simple to do. I’m Matt Tompkins of Two Brothers Creative, where we believe every business deserves affordable and effective marketing. You give us 30 minutes, we give you 30 days of content.
Check us out at the content We have the the usual gang, the crew. Are we a gang? Are we? What are we? Squad.
Yeah, I don’t know. I feel like politics kind of hijacked that one and it lost its coolness, you know? Oh, yeah.
Austin: Squad the Swifty. Yeah, but you’re right. Then they did the politics. I feel like.
Matt: Taylor Swift is probably murdered somebody and gotten away with it.
I just feel like that has happened. Am I alone there, or is that, like, now that.
Austin: You say that she doesn’t have that song vigilante? Yes. That might be about her murder.
Matt: Yeah. And yeah, I think so, because she could I mean, she’s got the resources.
Yeah. I mean, they’re not going to spoil that, you know, that golden egg from laying chickens or whatever just comes.
Austin: Into some, like, secluded black site. Yeah. Slits a throat.
Matt: All right, Taylor, go ahead. We call this room Fifth Avenue and nobody’s going to stop you. So today we’re talking about the biggest social media opportunity that you aren’t leveraging.
And I want to start out by well, let’s lead up to this one we’re going to talk about today. It’s one in particular. So I want to put you guys on the spot.
And I would like you to sum up each social media platform in the form of a celebrity. All right. So let’s start with Pinterest. Pinterest, Pinterest. Yeah I.
Ben: Don’t know. Pinterest is Martha Stewart.
Matt: Goldie Hawn, I thought Goldie Hawn.
Ben: Goldie Hawn.
Matt: Yeah or yeah.
Austin: Was Christopher Walker. What’s crazy is I was actually going to say Martha Stewart. Okay.
Matt: All right. Yeah.
Austin: So I mean chipping Joanna Gaines. Yeah, I could see count as one.
Matt: Celebrity or two.
Austin: Rachael Ray they’re one flesh.
Matt: Rachael Ray I had the biggest crush on her when she did that $40 a day. Remember that show? It was like her first show. Yeah, man, that was a woman right there. $40. Is she a.
Austin: Big woman now?
Matt: She’s.
Austin: She’s a little.
Matt: But on a few. But is she a big woman now? Yeah, she’s all grown up, Austin. She’s all.
Austin: Grown up. No.
Matt: Not a little girl anymore. Hey. She’s beautiful. Yeah. Appearance. Does it matter? Oh, haven’t you heard the news?
Austin: The fatter you get, the better you cook. Mean the be a great culture.
Matt: Wars are over and peace is here on planet Earth. We’re all sexy mofos. Okay, next up, Twitter. Twitter.
Ben: Um, to I’m going to say Elon Musk because he’s ruined it.
Matt: Yeah, I feel like I feel like Elon Musk has body odor issues that could easily be addressed, but nobody in the room is willing to confront him about it.
Austin: I’m going to go, yeah, I’m going to say Charlie Sheen because it’s a train wreck.
Matt: Okay. Yeah. What’s Charlie Sheen doing now? Remember he went on his, like, whole cocaine tour? Yeah. He’s like cocaine.
Austin: And he’s like tiger. Blood Tiger ended up being Aids.
Matt: Which is good. I mean, that’s the thing though, people were making fun of him. Cocaine and tiger blood are a delicious combination.
Austin: I loved his spiral.
Matt: Thursday night potluck. Oh man, it was great. But yeah, Elon Musk he Twitter seems like of all the platforms it would be the one with. How does he have.
Austin: So much money when all he does is blow up rockets and destroy.
Ben: Change names to X.
Austin: Platforms?
Matt: You know, I think it’s just a lot of Adderall and no sleep. And he’s got like nine. Baby mamas. Is that the correct term? I think yeah, he’s like nine different women or something like that.
Austin: Spreading a seed.
Matt: So anyhow, next social media platform is a celebrity. Facebook.
Ben: Oh, Facebook. I’m gonna say Tom Hanks. Colin Hanks. I don’t know.
Matt: Why his kid Colin Hanks like just yeah.
Austin: I am going to say the. Who is the old woman that was like the cook that got in trouble for being racist?
Ben: Oh. Paula Dunn.
Austin: Yeah. What’s her.
Ben: Name? Paula. Paula pound.
Austin: Paula deen.
Matt: Paula deen. There we go.
Austin: Paula deen and I only say that because it’s like kind of just older people now are on Facebook. There’s just a lot of.
Matt: It was it was a sensitive time, like to have an old tape recording of you dropping the N-word at that time, I wonder what would happen today like is it does it carry?
I feel like we go through these phases where, like things like that, you can be canceled quicker. It just depends on like the climate. Right. You got to read the room.
Austin: I think it depends on the news cycle. Yeah, like slow news cycle. Let’s destroy Paula Deen.
Matt: If you like, not Tony Danza. What’s the what’s the other guy who had the blackface on? He was in cheers. What was the guy’s name? Ted danson. Ted danson? Yeah. So, like, he didn’t get canceled?
Ben: Yeah. No, he did blackface.
Matt: Yeah. Him in, like, Oprah or not. Oprah. Somebody who was actually African American for Halloween. And they dressed and he dressed up as Michael Jackson. It was like, yeah, it was like blackface. And Justin Trudeau.
Austin: Oh, yeah, he’s always an Indian. That guy’s in blackface last year.
Matt: And they’re like, nobody said anything.
Austin: And he’s done like Andy. He’s done all the indigenous people. They’re like.
Matt: Selective outrage. It’s just yeah, I mean, so I mean, maybe he just has a great appreciation. Maybe he’s just an idiot. I don’t know, dude.
Austin: He went to remember he went to India and dressed in their Hindu attire and acted like he was.
Matt: I just love how people, when they reflect back on like being caught on tape or on email saying horrible things, they’re like, oh, this isn’t me. And I’m like, I don’t know anybody who just drops the inward, freely and casual work emails or in conversation. So I don’t know if I buy that.
Austin: Don’t know one. But I say that if it’s, you know, 20 years or something in the past like that, I mean,
we got to give people the opportunity to change, you know, because we all change and evolve and realize that we’ve made horrible mistakes.
Matt: I was a horrible person and that was like two weeks ago. I mean, so yeah. Then you.
Austin: Quit sugar and.
Matt: Then quit sugar, and I’ve lost £50 in 20 days and I’m really not healthy. I’m actually I’m slowly dying inside. Reddit. Reddit, I think, would count as a social media platform. Reddit, I feel like, is like the Adderall cocaine fueled platform.
Austin: Dude, right? The famous person comes to mind for Reddit, Charles Manson.
Matt: Charles Manson there’s so.
Austin: Many things on Reddit that scare.
Matt: Me. I was going to say Johnny Depp, Johnny Depp.
Austin: All right. Yeah, we’ll go with that.
Matt: Almost there, but not quite what? Yeah, just.
Austin: Like like piratey. Like rotten teeth.
Ben: All right. Yeah, I’m gonna say Pete Davidson.
Matt: Instagram. Who’s Instagram.
Ben: Kim Kardashian.
Austin: Yeah.
Matt: Yeah. Guess that. Yeah. That’s just.
Austin: Vain, you know.
Matt: Tiktok.
Ben: Ooh!
Matt: Selena Gomez say, Olivia Rodriguez. I’ll say yeah, or Cardi B. Yeah.
Austin: I would say like a Taylor Swift or like someone.
Matt: Some ten year old kid who makes, like a 30 foot Nerf basketball shot and makes tens of millions of dollars more than we do. Yeah. That guy. Yeah.
Austin: We should rob that kid.
Matt: Yeah. And YouTube. Last one is YouTube.
Ben: Uh, Mr. Beast.
Matt: Mr. beast.
Ben: Yeah, he’s, like, the most popular YouTube star. Well, I.
Matt: Don’t mean, like, if it was a celebrity representing the channel.
Austin: I’m gonna go Walter Cronkite just because I feel like it’s, you know, the. You can do news, educational stuff, learning. You know, it’s a dumpster fire, but it’s also it’s it’s very I think it’s the most beneficial out of all the platforms. I’m going to take.
Matt: A turn and return back to cocaine and say, Wolf of Wall Street.
But today. So not 1980s today. Yeah, right. You know, like says maybe thinks they’re reformed, but we know they’re still doing Quaaludes and cocaine and enjoying themselves with those penny stocks. So the biggest social media.
Austin: Is true because I saw an ad earlier with this video that was trying to use and an ad came on and it was a guy like an old guy, and he was like, self-defence, you need it.
The first thing, you throw dirt in their face, in their eyes, and then you kick them in the balls. I’m like, this is what is happening here. It was very entertaining.
Matt: The kick to the groin is a good move. I’m always just hesitant, like I’m going to be focusing too much on their groin in advance of the move, and I don’t know if I’m going to like, forecast my intentions or if they’re just going to maybe get aroused. And the opposite could happen. We don’t end up fighting.
We end up making love, making love. So the biggest social media opportunity that you aren’t leveraging today we’re talking about is Linked In. Have you guys heard about LinkedIn? Have you been on this? Yeah. This thing, it’s the business.
Austin: I don’t know what to do on it, to be honest. I don’t know what to do.
Matt: It is a little confusing and overwhelming because it is not at all set up like any of the other social media platforms we know, right? Like you like the video content on there. It’s not. It’s not.
They haven’t kept up with the fact that we’re on phones that are vertical, you know, now upright. Yeah. You have to do these connections. You can pay for other services in different ways. You can get around that. But it’s expensive.
My God, you can spend a couple hundred bucks a month for like their sales. I forget the name of it, their sales thing. So you can have like unlimited connections.
Austin: And I have a secret fear, if I might share of clicking on people’s accounts, because if they have that service, they can see who’s viewed their page. And then I’m like,
I don’t want anyone to know, even though it’s not a big deal. I just think it’s weird. You can do that.
Matt: On either Instagram or TikTok to TikTok, because I had somebody so somebody that like locally here in, in Omaha in our market that I had replaced on the radio. And then I found out like for like six months, they were just stalking my I could see that they were visiting. They would show me who’d been visiting. I’m like, I don’t.
Austin: Know if we want that information.
Matt: I don’t want it.
Austin: Do you want that?
Matt: I almost texted him and I was like, hey, I see you’re snooping around my, my, my channel. I’m going to help you. So out of the 830 million users, though, on LinkedIn, that’s how many users. So it’s not that’s actually that surprises me. It’s not a small audience. Only 3 million of them share content.
So this is where like some of the opportunities we’re going to get through these tips here today. If you are a business to business or as they say, if you want to sound cool, B2B, B2B, B2B, B2B sounds like a 1998 three person boy band that Ben started.
Ben: With a bunch of. There was 150 year old men’s.
Matt: Yeah, and he was like you and like two retired old guys.
Ben: Only Ben’s allowed in my band.
Matt: Oh yeah. B2b Ben to Ben I get it now. Yeah, it makes sense. It’s not business to business. Now you have like, when people learn these acronyms, it’s always cute.
They like to just recite them fast and throw them in your face like, oh, B2C, B2B. Oh yeah. Gyn, you know, and it’s like, what? I don’t know, that last one is appropriate.
Austin: The real words.
Matt: Business to business just means you are a business. Who is your clients are other businesses now they’re also customers, which is business, B2C business to customer base or consumer base. So it’s kind of a LinkedIn is kind of a combination.
But if it’s business to business, if you’re serving other businesses, that’s your ideal customer base, your target market. It really is a social media platform that you want to be active on. And when you look at just how. Little how low the amount of actual content is shared on LinkedIn. Only 3 million users sharing content regularly out of 830 million. That is what we call in this business. An opportunity, Ben. An opportunity.
Austin: So I’m not alone. I think that people just don’t know how to use it. Maybe. So why do you think it’s so low?
Matt: Compare it to Instagram for example 1.2 billion users. So not mean you’re talking 4 million or 400 million more users. But it’s not a huge leap. But out of those 1.2 billion, 1.21 billion users, 87% are creating and posting content regularly. So there is a lot more competition.
You know, we look at this in like the area of like search engine optimization with keywords and you’re trying to find out, okay, what’s the highest search volume. All but also balanced with the amount of competition. Because if it’s a high search volume term with a lot of competition, you’re not going to be able to compete.
There’s just too many people competing. And that’s like Instagram here. It’s a it’s like a keyword for SEO.
That’s just there’s too many people posting content on Instagram and also for B2B on Instagram. I think it’s like a 1% engagement rate, like it’s really low. It’s just oversaturated with too much content.
So if we’re going to pick any platform, if you’re B2B, LinkedIn, which should be your primary because you’re going to get a lot more bang for your buck. Ooh, I just made that up. I wrote that before the show. Nice. Thank you.
Austin: I feel like that’s going to go in the lexicon.
Matt: I feel like it is I mean like Guinness Book of World words and names, records. What’s it. Yeah, exactly.
Austin: Important things.
Matt: That whole thing there. That was the name of my autobiography. Someday. Linkedin has a ton of users. It has far fewer engagement though, per user.
So like you have less engagement, but more of an opportunity with the content. If you’re posting video content especially, and we’ll get into some of the like content tips, you want to definitely be investing.
Austin: Your time in. Yeah, that would be good because I have a thought about that. I feel like everything that I’ve ever read on LinkedIn, I don’t feel that people post authentically.
I feel like they’re writing from a perspective of they’re trying to get a move up in a company or get a different position, or just like really using all the buzzwords and how they’re awesome.
Matt: Yeah. And you, there’s different platforms function and it moves in like cycles and phases, like TikTok right now is more like kind of behind the scene lifestyle, like, you know, more like documentary, guerrilla style filming bins in a gorilla costume, running around.
Gets lots of views. Yeah. You know, and he’s, you know, all kinds of weird things happen on TikTok. But you’re right, like, you want to have authentic content, but just posting content, let’s say forget about what type of content or how good it is.
You know, you’re going from 87% of users on Instagram, posting and creating regular content to 1% of LinkedIn users. 1%. That’s the cap. That’s the cap. So it is a huge opportunity. And then you have most of the other social media platforms. They all follow suit with Instagram. There is a high volume of content constantly being pushed out.
The engagement might be higher, but it’s so oversaturated it’s really hard to find your audience to reach your ideal customer. So here’s the one thing.
The next tip if that you won’t accomplish on, say, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook. Most of the social networks. When you create content on LinkedIn, you can actually get all of your followers to see your content. So this is something a lot of people may know or may not know.
But like Facebook is a great example, Facebook pages came out, businesses invested tons of resources, time and building these followings up. Right. And then Facebook just changed the rules. They said, now, today in 2023, you will reach about 15% of your own.
Austin: Following that is insane to me.
Matt: Unless you pay Facebook to reach them. That’s and it’s their business model, right?
Yeah. I mean, don’t blame them or fault them. Facebook groups are super popular right now, just like Facebook pages were. However, Facebook could change those rules at any time too.
And so we want to look at the the platforms where people are actually going to your followers or your connections or however you want to define it.
Right? Your friends, your fans, are they actually going to see the content you’re posting? And then if they see it, is there so much competition that’s just going to get drowned out in like the white noise of, you know, say, Instagram as an example?
Austin: I really do miss the days of Instagram where whoever you followed that was your feed.
Ben: Right? Right now you see a lot of people.
Austin: Suggested you go down and you’re like, I want to see these are the people I want to see. And now with Facebook and everything else, you’re getting like, don’t. What is this?
Matt: That’s why Mr. Rogers Instagram is all that. Ben shows up in Ben’s feed. Because he. That was the first mistake he made on that channel.
Ben: I followed Mr. Rogers.
Matt: And it’s inappropriate. It’s not the Mr. Rogers from PBS. It’s like something happened. Like if everything went wrong in Mr. Rogers life, that would be the representation on that channel.
So if you if you look at the the how the algorithms function. So they are going to put content in front of people, they’re just flooding people with content, trying to figure out, okay, is this working? Does this are people engaging with it. It’s all about engagement.
And so if your content doesn’t click right away, you’re talking like in the first few seconds or minutes, the algorithm is just going to kill it.
So with LinkedIn it doesn’t function the same way. So at LinkedIn you you they can be as they have the luxury of just being picky and selective with all the content that they place in front of different and new people.
So not only do you have an opportunity to have less competition, and not a lot of people are posting content you can reach actually reach your own audience that you’re connected with, but you can also have the platform itself place you in front of other people simply because you’re one of the few 1% of the users who’s actually posting consistent content.
Now, when we look at some of the other advantages for LinkedIn, um, one big question is like, how do you create good content? Or how do you how does content perform well on LinkedIn? Yeah, that’s.
Austin: A great question.
Ben: And I bet you I want to know I.
Matt: Would like to know the answer.
Ben: I bet you have the answer I do.
Austin: I’m like because I’ve like I’ve always thought that like, what do you put on if this is mainly professionals, businesses, like what kind of content should you be on?
Do you just put the content of the stuff like your work, what you do? Is that what you present? Do you give people advice like what do you do?
Matt: Well, here’s where it gets fun. And Ben, you’re going to like this one. I think. Austin you will too. The three of us. Little secret. We all love stories, right? And that is really the foundation.
That’s step one. So the first way that you can really gain traction with content on LinkedIn is to tell stories. It’s as simple as that. So write stories. Whether you’re giving tips or sharing an experience, put it in the form of a story.
So it’s a video. It’s a on LinkedIn, one of the cool features that they have.
And I think if you sign up, you have to pay for that like sales thing. It’s like 200 bucks a month, but you can send out a blast like a newsletter they call it. I think they call it a newsletter, actually, and they send it out, and every single person that you’re connected with is forced to see it.
They will see that along with all the other content, because then LinkedIn follows it up with, here’s other content from this, this person, this individual. And so you’re going to get people to see the content if you’re packaging it in the form of a story. I mean, I would recommend the story is the oldest form of just the human experience, right, that we know. So it works. You know, unless you’re doing like a
Star Wars prequel series and you could maybe drop the ball on a good story.
Ben: Don’t bring up the prequels.
Matt: Mean.
Ben: Prequels were awesome, but.
Austin: Is that is is is LinkedIn the sort of platform where when you’re telling these stories, does it have to? Be about work. Like about your career, about, you know, just you.
Matt: Want to have intent, right? You want to have an intention with everything that you do. I would also encourage you to repurpose. And we’ll get to that, like some of the things you can do there with content on LinkedIn specifically. But I think you want to be focused but don’t like lock yourself in to where, okay, this is about my business or my company. I’m never going to talk about anything personal.
I’m never going to be authentic or I’m going to be flawless. I’m going to read off a teleprompter and I’m never going to curse.
And, you know, it’s just you want to be real. I think you want to be authentic. If you just follow the basic principle of putting it in the form of a story instead of this, like polished Ted talk or even Ted, think about the good Ted talks.
Those are just good storytellers up on stage. Right? Um, the second tip is I want you to upload videos to LinkedIn. So videos you specifically you need to go do this. Go upload ten videos before dinner tonight or you can’t have any brownie sundae surprise. Oh dang it.
Matt: Only Ben knows what the surprise. Ben knows the surprise. It’s not a very good surprise. It’s a Lego. So go on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.
Every social media platform is a video platform now, and that’s just a fact, right? And video is the top performer of any type of content across the board, but it gets kind of forgotten on LinkedIn. And not a lot of people are posting video content.
And again, this is an opportunity because if nobody else is posting and you start posting consistent, you know, daily three times a week videos on LinkedIn, you are going to stand out.
The platform is going to favor you, put you in front of new people because you’re one of the select few that’s posting video content.
We have found this out though, that you should probably go with widescreen. So like 1080p, 1920 by 1080 versus horizontal like you would see on other like reels and TikTok and YouTube shorts.
The reason being, especially if you’re a woman, because it frames up a vertical format video so that all you can see is your your breast section on a woman.
Austin: What is going on with their video?
Matt: And I think LinkedIn did this intentionally. I’m pretty sure this is done intentionally, but it’s not a very flattering look when you have like, does it have.
Austin: The black sidebars to.
Matt: It? It’s like 50 videos and then just a picture of your, your chest in a, in a blouse and.
Austin: A bunch of guys smoking cigars going higher.
Matt: That one in the LinkedIn boardroom. Yeah, right, boys, we did it. Yeah. We finally figured out a way. Yeah, we got this.
Austin: The boob settings on.
Matt: The videos done.
Austin: Good.
Matt: But a lot of LinkedIn users, unlike the other social platforms, are desktop users. So you do have that opportunity to and demographically a little bit older too.
So you have people who are more accustomed to that widescreen like 1080p format, but post video content. And then you can also do what’s called posting like a carousel.
So this is like a collection of different photos that you can have. Linkedin. The basic premise here today is like LinkedIn has a lot of options that we don’t know exist.
And so a lot of people or most people don’t even think to take advantage of them. And then it’s even smaller number of people who actually take advantage of 1 or 2, let alone all of these different things. Um, I would suggest repurposing your content on LinkedIn within LinkedIn.
So make content specifically for LinkedIn only, right? It’s a specific campaign for just LinkedIn. Make a video, turn that video into a blog and then a newsletter blast like we were talking about and then posts.
And then just create all this different types of content that you can share on LinkedIn, but keep it all centralized to LinkedIn, where you literally say, hey, LinkedIn, how’s it going? Hey, LinkedIn friends, I mean, don’t have friends on LinkedIn.
Austin: So I guess I guess one misconception I’ve always had about LinkedIn is it was just a platform to find a job.
Matt: Yeah, to find a job.
Austin: But is that not true? Like is it.
Matt: It’s a networking platform.
Austin: Yeah. So like you were saying like business to business. So to sell. So it is more than just like I’m here to be hired. So, so I think that that’s probably the biggest misconception I’ve had.
Matt: Linkedin is like Facebook like 14 years ago, you know, I mean, Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, they originally were network based algorithms.
So they were based on the premise that you made connections with people, friends. Right. And then those people saw your content and they moved away from that. Now they’re all based on engagement and all the algorithms are based just on engagement, thanks to TikTok coming on the scene and China just ruining every Saturday afternoon for the last five years for me, because I have just not been able to focus. I get in those dance videos and man, it’s have you seen Martha Stewart’s dance videos? They’re amazing. Ah.
Austin: Dude. Fantastic. Stewart is hot.
Matt: Yeah, yeah. No, this is this age. This is Martha Stewart. She’s a adult film star. Different?
Austin: Yeah.
Matt: Martha. Martha Stewart, fourth tip here is to promote your own site. So create. Offers blog content. I mean LinkedIn with your company page. I highly encourage you to use your personal profile, which I’ll get into in a second, but promote your stuff, create offers, create specials. You know, make it unique. Really make it like an experience and you want to talk about things you’re selling. Because that’s one thing I think LinkedIn functions more like kind of like a website than like a social platform, like we know the others to be today. So you can get away with promoting your company page or promoting your, your, your site and your blog and your articles and all these things that are housed within LinkedIn. Um, that’s the next tip is use your personal LinkedIn profile, your business profile more than your company page. So this has been taught at like every LinkedIn seminar that I didn’t attend. But I have friends who went and.
Ben: That saw their content.
Matt: On I saw their content about it and I’m stealing it.
Austin: So they said, use your business page, not your personal.
Matt: So this is true on Facebook. It’s true on I would say like Instagram, but you have like a company page. People often see that as promotion. Right? It’s a commercial. You’re trying to get me to buy something.
Your individual profile is seen as you, it’s seen as a person. And so you’re going to have a much wider reach. It’s going to be more impactful. You’re going to connect with people across just in general, across social media. Linkedin is the same way, though much more effective for your individual profile on LinkedIn.
Facebook is cool because you can do like a professional version of your personal profile so you can get stats, you can do ads and things like that, but that’s something you want to do on LinkedIn. And the last thing is try LinkedIn ads. So LinkedIn advertisements are one that. Their interface is very. How do I put this? Shitty. It is not easy to figure out. It is like Facebook. It’s like super easy.
However, you know, we have like our friends at Refined Marketing that help with. We partner with them for this because they know this world. And if you do know what you’re doing and you are B2B, LinkedIn is that’s your jam, that’s your strawberry jam. And Facebook. Yeah, it’s easy to pinpoint and target, but most people don’t get results.
They don’t know how to actually do it. It’s easy to use. It’s not that effective for a lot of people, business owners. Linkedin is very effective if you know how to use it. So study up a little bit and you don’t have to have a huge budget.
You can have 500 bucks and it can go a long way on LinkedIn. So Ben would like you to take all of these tips that we’ve covered here today. Okay. And I would like you to go to the chalkboard in the other room and write them all down 100 times in cursive. And then. Go implement them for your business, which we’re announcing here today. Ben has a brand new business. It’s a new company. And Austin, you want to guess what it is?
Ben: What do you think it is, Austin?
Austin: I mean, I would say the human cat tray.
Ben: No, I’m done with that.
Matt: Yeah. That business failed.
Ben: It was one of that business.
Matt: 1%.
Ben: I sold that business.
Matt: Yeah. How much did you sell it for?
Ben: $20. It was a.
Austin: Guy in an alley.
Matt: A pack of Garbage Pail Kids trading cards. Yeah. All right, so tell everybody about your new business.
Ben: You tell it, Matt. You say it, you do it. Okay.
Matt: No. All right. Okay, so Ben has a new business. It is called rubber cats.
Now, it’s not actual rubber cats. There’s nothing to do with cats. Ben just wanted to put the word cats in there.
But it is where you wear rubber underwear that you can just rinse off in a moment’s notice so you know you have an accident or something happens, a little sweaty or a little stinky. You just hop into the bathroom while you know people are coming in and out. You’re at the sink. You rinse out your rubber underwear.
They don’t feel like rubber, though. People are coming in, you know, they don’t feel like rubber. They feel very soft. It’s kind of like a it’s like a silky. Pleather.
Ben: Just kind of. It’s really just a line of rubber clothing that you can just sleep in and shower in.
Austin: I imagine a lot of sweat.
Matt: There’s a lot of sweat. Yes. And that’s why you have to rinse them out constantly. I mean, like, probably ten, 15 times a day or you will be leaking through your pants.
Austin: It’s really kind of washing.
Matt: Yeah. And the smell is not pleasant, especially when that rubber gets a few days old because you can’t put them in a washing machine.
Austin: It just smells like old used tires behind a firestone that homeless people piss in. Yeah. Burning.
Ben: Exactly.
Matt: Yes, exactly. Or. Yeah. Burnt human hair is another. Good. That’s a good scent that comes from that often. Ben still workshopping like, remember.
Austin: When you were trying to make that candle? Yeah.
Matt: Oh, yeah. Yeah. The burnt hair.
Ben: I don’t know how to.
Austin: Make coming around the office asking for all our hair.
Ben: Yeah, I still have it.
Matt: All right. And we’re going to end the episode on the topic of burnt hair from LinkedIn to burnt hair. This has been Midwest mindset for Austin Anderson, Ben Thompkins, our producer Meredith McCue.
I’m Matt Thompkins. We’re all with two brothers creative. And we appreciate you. We love you. Nah. Well, that’s being a little bold. I’m not going to lie. I’m not going to sugarcoat it with you. We’re not there yet, but we’re getting close. All right.
Austin: You have the potential of love.
Matt: You have the potential of love.
Ben: I love you.
Matt: I have a new closing catchphrase I’d like to try.
Austin: Okay.
Matt: You are redundantly unique. What do you think? It’s pretty good. It doesn’t make any sense. Yeah.
Austin: I’m gonna go look up redundantly right when we get done with this. Yeah.
Matt: Do it like ten times.
Austin: Remember, write it on my chalkboard.
Matt: Check us out at the content You give us 30 minutes, we give you 30 days of content. And thanks for joining us. We’ll see you on the next episode.